Frictional Games već neko vreme otkriva po malo o svojoj novoj igri.
Ukoliko ne znate ko su, dovoljno će biti : Amnesia serijal.
Citat:DESCRIPTION: The machine has the appearance of a heavily modified monitor fixed to a massive nest of cables and controls. Machinist Peter Strasky found the contraption during a salvage mission CORRUPT DATA the screen rolled and flickered, but it shut down as it was pulled out from the container.
None of the crew stepped forward to take credit, but the construction suggests CORRUPT DATA since Thabo is unavailable for questioning, the machine's origin remains a mystery.
Considering the lack of information and the general unease it has started to cause, the machine will be disassembled.
CORRUPT DATA screen lit up and showed distorted schematics. After trying different switches and keys, the oblique levers were found to be torsion attenuation controls which could stabilize the pict CORRUPT DATA revealing a complex set of instructions. The machine is now under quarantine.
AM Engineer Imogen Reed has asked for an exception CORRUPT DATA Special permission granted.
APPENDIX A: Engineer Reed -Video Documentation
video #2656
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Očekuje se sledeće godine.
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Frictional Games je izjavio da je rad na SOMA projektu, koji traje od 2010. godine, dosta težak i da se ispostavilo da je pokušaj da se pobegne od "run & hide" gejmpleja iz Amnezije težak zadatak.
"Dosta nam je trebalo da napravimo novi endžin, godinu dana nam je trebalo samo da počnemo sa developmentom. Drugi razlog jeste odluka dizajna i priče. Vrlo teško nam je bilo da uklopimo to i mnogo različitih situacija smo probali, te pisali n ove."
Thomas Grip je takođe izjavio da "primarni cilj gejmpleja jeste da vam ispriča priču, ne preko audio logova i tekstova, već samim gejmplejom, bez mnogo tekstova i informacija."
To znači da je pregled iz 2013. godine : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] verovatno drastično izmenjen do sada a igra se očekuje kasnije ove godine.
Citat:"Sorry all for the silence! We're closing in on Beta and everyone's working hard to get there," says Frictional. "Once that's done, we'll reveal more!"
Bah, izjavili su da počinje beta test za 4 nedelje a imaju već svoje testere i neće biti mesta za nas smrtnike.
Pa čemu onda objavljivanje informacije uopšte ?
Citat:Soma’s shaping up to be a pretty special horror game. It’s not a massive leap from Amnesia, but the production values are much higher and the new sci-fi setting is wonderfully realised. But it’s the story that’s really grabbed me, especially these robots who think they’re human. The idea of your mind being trapped in a machine is really quite chilling, and a great basis for a dark sci-fi horror story. I made it to that computer terminal in the end, quietly slipping past the emu, but I don’t think it’s the last I’ll be seeing of my disturbing metal friend.