*BSD Vesti: PC-BSD, iSCSI, Kina i FreeBSD, FreeBSD i PS3...

*BSD Vesti: PC-BSD, iSCSI, Kina i FreeBSD, FreeBSD i PS3...

  • soxxx 
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 1482
  • Gde živiš: Gracanica, Kosovo

Evo ukratko nekoliko skorasnjih desavanja vezano za neke *BSD projekte i desavanja:

Projekti zasnovani na FreeBSD u 2011 godini

Dzerard, koji stoji iza sajta FreeBSD News, je zapoceo seriju clanaka o daljem toku razvoja nekoliko BSD projekata koji se zasnivaju na FreeBSD operativnom sistemu. Kratki clanci ce sadrzati informacije o planiranom razvoju sledecih projekta u 2011 godini: PC-BSD, pfSense, m0n0wall, HeX, MaheshaBSD, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD itd. Evo nekoliko dostupnih (za sada):

pfSense Development

Citat:As most of you will be aware, pfSense is a free, open source customised version of FreeBSD tailored for use as a firewall and router. In addition to being a powerful, flexible firewalling and routing platform, it includes a long list of related features and a package system allowing further expandability without adding bloat and potential security vulnerabilities to the base distribution.



PC-BSD development

Citat:As you all know, PC-BSD is a free, open-source operating system based on rock-solid FreeBSD, focusing on ease-of-use and and double-click package installation (PBI). The PC-BSD project is now part of iXsystems, a company that builds storage solutions, pre-configured servers, and customised servers utilizing open source hardware and software.



PC-BSD 8.2-RC1 dostupan za testiranje

PC-BSD tim je objavio da je prvi release candidate za 8.2 izasao i dostupan za preuzimanje i testiranje:

Citat:Version 8.2-RC1 contains a number of enhancements, improvements, and bug fixes in response to previous 8.2 testing snapshots. Some of the notable changes are:

* Updated to FreeBSD 8.2-RC1
* Fixed issue detecting the proper video card driver
* Fixed some crashes when adding new users / groups
* Added /sbin/nologin as a shell choice in the user manager
* Let created users have a homedir of /nonexistant via the GUI
* Fix customizing desktop languages when using a () in the description


Download: http://www.pcbsd.org/content/view/187/11/
Changelog: http://www.pcbsd.org/content/view/188/11/
Release notes: http://www.pcbsd.org/content/view/189/11/


FreeBSD sada radi i na PS3

FreeBSD je dobio podrsku za Playstation 3:

Citat:Nathan Whitehorn writes: 'Yesterday, I imported support for the Sony Playstation 3 into our 64-bit PowerPC port, expanding our game console support into the current generation. There are still a few rough edges due to missing hardware support, but the machine boots and runs FreeBSD stably. These rough edges should be smoothed out in time for the 9.0 release.'"



NetBSD dobija iSCSI od Wasabi Systems

Wasabi systems prodaje komercijalne Wasabi sertifikovane BSD proizvode bazirane na NetBSD operativnomsistemu sa proprietary enterprise funkcijama i prosirenjima koje se fokusiraju na embedded, server i storage aplikacije.

Wasabi systems je 2008-me donirao svoj WAPBL journaling fajl sistem NetBSD-u, a sada jos jednom donira projektu svoj iSCSI initiator.
Vise o tome na sledecem linku:


Poboljsanja brzine upisa za DragonFly BSD HAMMER fajl sistem

Citat:Yeah, so those Phoronix benchmarks are crap, but Matthew Dillon went and implemented some things that would speed up Hammer write performance in any case. Read his summary for details.

Novi i stari operativni sistemi koji se razvijaju u Kini, zasnovani na FreeBSD

Navodno Kina vec koristi operativni sistem baziran na FreeBSD-u za potrebe svoje vlade (i vojske?), KylinOS, a sada razvija jos jedan, za desktop, ali isto tako baziran na FreeBSD-u.
Vise informacija o novom, i starijem, operativnom sistemu na sledecim linkovima:

Kylin, a Chinese FreeBSD based, secure O/S: http://www.freebsdnews.net/2011/01/07/kylin-os-details-download-links/

NeoKylin. China’s new domestic FreeBSD based desktop O/S: http://www.freebsdnews.net/2011/01/04/neokylin-chi.....d-desktop/

Za kraj jedan tutorijal, kako instalirati Firebird bazu iz portova, PHP plugin za bazu i admin GUI na FreeBSD 8.1:


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