*BSD Vesti: ZFS v28 u FreeBSD -CURRENT, FreeNAS RC2, jos ZFS

*BSD Vesti: ZFS v28 u FreeBSD -CURRENT, FreeNAS RC2, jos ZFS

  • soxxx 
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 1482
  • Gde živiš: Gracanica, Kosovo

Dostupan je FreeNAS 8.0 RC2

Citat:This version contains fixes for issues that were encountered in RC1. It does not contain the list of new functionality that was scheduled for RC2, but it contains enough fixes that it was a significant improvement over RC1.

FreeNAS 8 should be installed to a USB stick or Compact Flash device. It requires a device of at least 1 GB in size. In a departure from FreeNAS 0.7 releases, the OS drive can not be used as a component for a volume, nor can it be partitioned for sharing.


Objava vesti: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?threa.....s-announce
Release notes: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/freenas/ReleaseNotes-8.0-RC2.txt
Preuzimanje: http://sourceforge.net/projects/freenas/files/FreeNAS-8/

FreeBSD 8.2 prosiruje podrsku za ZFS (bez Oracla)

Citat:FreeBSD has expanded support for ZFS in FreeBSD 8.2 and supports ZFS version 15.

Matt Olander (CTO at iXsystems) and Josh Paetzel (IT director at iXsystems) were interviewed by datamation.com.

"FreeBSD 8 is autotuning in a lot of areas, and the autotuning for ZFS has been improved. People who are using ZFS heavily generally were already running 8-STABLE because it was superior to 8.1. 8.2 rolls up those changes into a release."

said Josh Paetzel.

Since being acquired by Oracle, OpenSolaris is now longer alive, but that isn’t going to stop FreeBSD from furthering ZFS development.



ZFS v28 ubacen u FreeBSD

Pawel Jakub Dawidek je ubacio zadnju open-source verziju ZFS fajl sistema (2Cool u FreeBSD Current granu:

Citat:Few new things available now are:

Data deduplication
Triple parity RAIDZ (RAIDZ3).
zfs diff
zpool split
Snapshot holds
zpool import -F. Allows to rewind corrupted pool to earlier transaction group
Possibility to import pool in read-only mode


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