'Kryptonite' discovered in Serbia!


'Kryptonite' discovered in Serbia!

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BBC news : Tuesday, 24 April 2007, 02:46 GMT 03:46 UK

'Kryptonite' discovered in Serbia

Kryptonite is no longer just the stuff of fiction feared by caped superheroes.

A new mineral matching its unique chemistry - as described in the film Superman Returns - has been identified in a mine in Serbia.

According to movie and comic-book storylines, kryptonite is supposed to sap Superman's powers whenever he is exposed to its large green crystals.

The real mineral is white and harmless, says Dr Chris Stanley, a mineralogist at London's Natural History Museum.

"I'm afraid it's not green and it doesn't glow either - although it will react to ultraviolet light by fluorescing a pinkish-orange," he told BBC News.

Rock heist

Researchers from mining group Rio Tinto discovered the unusual mineral and enlisted the help of Dr Stanley when they could not match it with anything known previously to science.

Once the London expert had unravelled the mineral's chemical make-up, he was shocked to discover this formula was already referenced in literature - albeit fictional literature.

"Towards the end of my research I searched the web using the mineral's chemical formula - sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide - and was amazed to discover that same scientific name, written on a case of rock containing kryptonite stolen by Lex Luther from a museum in the film Superman Returns.

"The new mineral does not contain fluorine (which it does in the film) and is white rather than green but, in all other respects, the chemistry matches that for the rock containing kryptonite."

The mineral is relatively hard but is very small grained. Each individual crystal is less than five microns (millionths of a metre) across.

Elementary clash

Identifying its atomic structure required sophisticated analytical facilities at Canada's National Research Council and the assistance and expertise of its researchers, Dr Pamela Whitfield and Dr Yvon Le Page.

"'Knowing a material's crystal structure means scientists can calculate other physical properties of the material, such as its elasticity or thermochemical properties," explained Dr Le Page.

"Being able to analyse all the properties of a mineral, both chemical and physical, brings us closer to confirming that it is indeed unique."

Finding out that the chemical composition of a material was an exact match to an invented formula for the fictitious kryptonite "was the coincidence of a lifetime," he added.

The mineral cannot be called kryptonite under international nomenclature rules because it has nothing to do with krypton - a real element in the Periodic Table that takes the form of a gas.

Power possibilities

Instead, it will be formally named Jadarite when it is described in the European Journal of Mineralogy later this year.

Jadar is the name of the place where the Serbian mine is located.

Dr Stanley said that if deposits occurred in sufficient quantity it could have some commercial value.

It contains boron and lithium - two valuable elements with many applications, he explained.

"Borosilicate glasses are used to encapsulate processed radioactive waste, and lithium is used in batteries and in the pharmaceutical industries."


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Hahaha odusevio sam se kad sam vido, evo link na originalnu vest:

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  • Pridružio: 13 Apr 2007
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Evo ta ista vest na srpskom,ko nezna engleski
Kriptonit" pronadjen u Srbiji!
Utorak, 24. april 2007. 15:33

"Kriptonit", izmišljeni mineral koji je lišio Supermena njegovih natprirodnih moći, zaista postoji, a otkriven je - u Srbiji.

Uzorak koji su u Srbiji iskopali geolozi multinacionalne rudarske kompanije "Rio Tinto" i koji se sada nalazi u Prirodnjačkom muzeju u Londonu, ima isti hemijski sastav kao izmišljeni kriptonit, javio je Rojters.

Medjutim, za razliku od zelenog kristala iz svemira, koji je glavni negativac u filmu "Povratak Supermena" Leks Lutor upotrebio da uništi superheroja, novootkriveni mineral izgleda kao beli prah i ne emituje radijaciju.

Dr Kris Stenli, stručnjak za mineralogiju londonskog muzeja, koji je identifikovao tajanstveni novi mineral, otkrio je na internetu da ima isti hemijski sastav kao kriptonit.

"Pred kraj istraživanja, potražio sam na internetu hemijsku formulu minerala - natrijum litijum bor silikat hidroksid - i iznenadio se kad sam otkrio da je isti naučni naziv ispisan na kutiji u kojoj se nalazi kriptonit koji je Leks Lutor ukrao iz muzeja u filmu 'Povratak Supermena'."

Testiranje uzorka izvršili su naučnici iz londonskog prirodnjačkog muzeja i kanadskog Nacionalnog istraživačkog saveta, koji su potvrdili da takav mineral dosad nije registrovan.

"Moramo da budemo oprezni - ne želimo da Zemlja ostane bez svog najčuvenijeg heroja", izjavio je dr Stenli.

Mineral, koji će biti nazvan Džadari, biće izložen u londonskom Prirodnjačkom muzeju 25. aprila i 13.maja, naveo je Rojters.

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  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
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Bar po necemu da se cujemo u Svetu ee hvalim te Boze... Smile


To samo Mladja zna Very Happy

Dopuna: 24 Apr 2007 18:17

Citat:Power possibilities

Instead, it will be formally named Jadarite when it is described in the European Journal of Mineralogy later this year.

Jadar is the name of the place where the Serbian mine is located.

Dr Stanley said that if deposits occurred in sufficient quantity it could have some commercial value.

It contains boron and lithium - two valuable elements with many applications, he explained.

"Borosilicate glasses are used to encapsulate processed radioactive waste, and lithium is used in batteries and in the pharmaceutical industries."

  • Pridružio: 13 Apr 2007
  • Poruke: 28

Ja mislim da bi mineral trebalo nazvati po mestu gde je nadjen ili po zemlji porekla ,a ne kriptonit ili po pronalazacu treba zastititi ovaj nalazak,to mogu nasi iz vlasti ili naucnici da urade

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
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Znaci, Superman postoji?!?!?! Shocked

Mozda zato mi ni nemamo moci Mr. Green.

Dopuna: 24 Apr 2007 19:29

@ tohuvabohu

Pa nazvan je po mestu gde je rudnik - Jadarit.

  • Pridružio: 13 Apr 2007
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ok onda za to

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
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srpska verzija
Novi mineral sa identičnom hemijskom strukturom kakvu ima kriptonit u filmu „Povratak Supermena“, pronađen je u rudniku u Srbiji.

Iako u filmu kriptonit ima fluorescentnu zelenu boju i oduzima supermoći, pravi kristal je prilično običan, izjavio je doktor Kris Stenli iz Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Londonu.

„Plašim se da novootkriveni mineral nije zelene boje i ne svetli, ali primetlili smo da pored ultraljubičastog svetla odaje narandžast odsjaj“, izjavio je Stenli za BBC.

Istraživači rudarske kompanije Rio Tinto otkrili su neobičan mineral i, nakon neuspele identifikacije, pozvali su doktora Stenlija kako bi im pomogao da odrede poreklo i sastav nauci potpuno nepoznatog minerala.

Nakon što je ekspert iz Londona otkrio hemijsku strukturu minerala, shvatio je da je njegova formula već pominjana u literaturi, i to u delima naučne fantastike.

„Kako sam se bližio istraživanju, dosta vremena provodio sam na Internetu tražeći podatke vezane za sastav minerala – i bio sam šokiran kada sam otkrio da se isto naučno ime natrijum-litijum-bor-silikat-hidroksid pominje u tekstu o krađi kriptonita iz muzeja koja se dešava u filmu „Povratak Supermena“. Novi mineral ne sadrži fluorin i bele je boje, ali u svim drugim aspektima je identičan sa kriptonitom“, dodao je Kris Stenli.

Ime novog minerala će biti Jadarit, po mestu u Srbiji gde je pronađen, kada bude predstavljen 2008. u magazinu European Journal of Mineralogy.

Mineral sadrži bor-silikat i litijum koji su veoma dragoceni pošto se bor-silikat koristi pri odlaganju radioaktivnog otpada, dok se litijum koristi u izradi baterija i u farmaceutskoj industriji.

  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2004
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Да додам да смо били на држанвој телевизији Холандије у 20.00 часова Smile

Once again:

ГО Србија ГО...

  • Pridružio: 26 Jul 2005
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Evo i na MSN Smile

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