Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni mane
Khamouma li neka thi sama souf ak thi guinaw
Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw
mo ne si man, li ne si mane moye dilene diapale
°Neneh Cherry taking over here;
Roughneck and rudeness,
We should be using, on the ones who practice wicked charms
For the sword and the stone
Bad to the bone
Battle is not over
Even when it's won
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting X3
°Youssou N'Dour again, singing in french(translated in english by "The SenSeï");
-j'assume les raisons qui nous poussent de changer tout,
I assume the reasons that lead us to change everything,
-J'aimerais qu'on oublie leur couleur pour qu'ils esperent
I wish we could forget their color so they can hope
-Beaucoup de sentiments de races qui font qu'ils desesperent
lots of feelings for races which make them lose hope (despair)
-Je veux les deux mains ouvertes,
I want the two hands opened,
-Des amis pour parler de leur peine, de leur joie
(and) friends to talk about their life penalty, about their joy
-Pour qu'ils leur filent des infos qui ne divisent pas
so they can give'em infos that do not divide(scatter)
°Neneh Cherry as lead vocals henceforth;
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting X3
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in
And there's a million voices
And there's a million voices
To tell you what she should be thinking
So you better sober up for just a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
shta je (sve) autoru tachno bilo na umu, ne znam
a mozhe biti ...
"Every 7 seconds a child dies of hunger or causes related to malnutrition."
"One person is infected with HIV every 7 seconds."
(ni) 7 sekundi do predrasude
7 metaforichnih sekundi do promene
(ni) 7 sekundi cu/necu chekati ..
na 7 sekundi od tebe ..
zbog chega najvishe, shta mislish? lyrics, melodija, ili kako je otpevano? meni je draga, mada ima nekih elemenata koji mi "smetaju" - od svega mozhda najvishe to shto nema onu "snagu" koju bi trebalo... pa ipak... hmm... izmedju ostalog, i zato me zanima
Uh, pa ne znam. Tekst mi deluje malo banalno. Aj, ne banalno, ali direktno.
Mislim ima Morisej i Smitsi onu The Hand That Rocks the Cradle gde povežu imperijalizam sa pedovilijom i to tako što "zloupotrebe" jednu viktorijansku pesmicu, pa se naježiš i od poruke i od kombinacije...
Ovde mi nekako nisu legle emocije. Kao da je pesma naručena. Mislim daleko od toga da je loša pesma, jedino mi nekako nije to, to što se htelo.
meni se chini da takva jednostavnost texta nije, ili bar ne mora da bude, najveci problem - nekad znaju da zalepe one najjednostavnije rechi ako su iskrene, nose snazhnu poruku i umeju da pogode gde treba...
nego ovde upravo sve komplet nekako nije to to, jer je pesm(ic)a radjena vishe u "pop" fazonu, pa jos "kinda earworm"... tako da je vishe za laganica pevushenje, nego da te zvekne ...