


  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"

To ja pricam nekima, ali avaj, teret im je preveliki, ili nisu u mogucnosti da se uzdignu iznad svega, ili jednostavno ne zele da 'ustanu' Sad

'de si sestro? Mr. Green Smile


"A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master in Kyoto, in search of knowledge. While the monk served tea, the professor commented exercises, analyzed writings, interpreted stories and traditions, and deliberated on the ancient processes of meditation. He did everything to impress his host, in the hopes that he might be accepted as a disciple.
As he spoke, the monk continued to fill his cup, until it overflowed, and tea began to flow across the whole table.
- What are you doing? Can't you see the cup is full, and that nothing more will fit in it?
- Your mind is like this cup - replied the master. - How can I teach you the true art of Zen Buddhism, if it is already filled with theories?"


"All that wants
to be absorbing and receptive
needs to be empty in the first place."

(Master Eckhard)


"Upoznaces neki predmet
kad postanesh jedno s njim,
kad u taj predmet dovoljno duboko uronish,
da bi video neshto poput skrivenog svetlucanja."

(Matsuo Basho)


"When the archer
does not think
about the target,
he may unfold
the art of archery."



"Do not seek perfection
in a changing world.
Instead perfect your love."

(Master Sengstan)


"Before enlightenment:
chopping wood
and carrying water.
After enlightenment:
chopping wood
and carrying water."
(-> zen)


"Zen is like a telegram. It belives in the very essentials. It has no nonsense aroud it, no rituals, no chanting, no mantras, no scriptures - just small anecdotes. If you have the right awareness, they will hit you directly in the heart. It is a very condensed and crystalized teaching, but it needs the person to be prepared for it."

~ ~ ~

"The master is there not only to teach you certain doctrines;
he is there to release you from the prison that you yourself have made."

~ ~ ~

"And when you take the jump, the first experience is that you are disappearing.
The last experiance is that you have become the whole."

all Osho

~ ~ ~

"Inside my heart, there's this little Buddha very serene, who always reminds me that it's all just zen. Life is all just zen. And the world falls away....everything matters and nothing matters. It is what it is, in this moment, and that is all. That is how you learn to move between the worlds.”

Tish G.

~ ~ ~

A student asked Zen Master Seung Sahn, “How can I understand the Absolute?”

Zen Master Seung Sahn replied, “You must understand yourself.”

“How can I understand myself?”

The Zen Master held up the Zen stick and said, “Do you see this?” He then quickly hit the table with the stick and said, “Do you hear this?”

Through this moment, we find that all things, just as they are, are complete.

Zen story

"... Oslobodivsi se pogresnog shvacanja Sebe, sljedece sto moramo uciniti je probuditi nasu
unutrasnju mudorst, cistu i bozansku, koju zen ucitelji nazivaju Buddhin um, bodhi ili prajna.
Ona je bozansko svijetlo, unutarnji raj, kljuc sveg moralnog bogatstva, pravde, suosjecanja,
nepristrane ljubavi, humanosti i milosti, mjerilo svih stvari. Kad je ova unutarnja mudrost
potpuno probudjena, tad mozemo shvatiti da je svatko od nas u duhu, u sustini, po prirodi
istovjetan sa univerzalnim zivotom ili Buddhom, da svatko zauvijek zivi licem u lice
s Buddhom, da svakog okruzuje obilje milosti od Blagoslovljenog, da On potice njegovu moralnu
prirodu, da On otvara njegove duhovne oci, da On razvija njegove sposobnosti, da On odredjuje njegov
zadatak i da zivot nije ocean rodjenja, bolesti, starosti i smrti niti dolina suza, vec sveti Biddhin hram, Cista Zemlja
gdje se uziva blazenstvo nirvane. Tad nasi umovi dozivljavaju citavu revoluciju. Vise nas ne muce bijes i mrznja,
ne grizu nas zavist i ambicija, ne bodu nas zalost i zlovolja, ne savladavaju nas melankolija i ocaj ... "

iz knjige "Uvod u Zen" (predgovor by C.G. Jung) - D.T. Suzuki - vise o njemu -> [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Jedino mi zao sto se Zen vezuje za budizam...
Ja to 'iskustvo' ne bih veza ni za jednu religiju...
Ja sada ispadam izdajnik svoje religije, ako se slozim sa mislima koje Zen pripoveda.
Ne volim ni sto 'to' ima ime [Zen]... imena su nepotrebna smešak [mada ok, morali su da izaberu ime u ovom materijalnom svetu Smile]

We do not learn by experience, but by our capacity for experience
- Buddha

The world is ruled by letting things take their course.
- Lao-Tzu

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