nacrtaj mi.....mandalu


nacrtaj mi.....mandalu

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
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nacrtaj mi....svemir...

Mandala je primjer kompleksnog simbola. Riječ "mandala" znači krug ili "ono što okružuje", a njeno značenje sadrži i osnovne karakteristike oblika: niz različitih simboličkih likova i prikaza koji su smješteni u oblik kruga ili četverokuta, oko središta.

Mandale su postojale oduvijek u gotovo svim kulturama kao simboli nastojanja čovjeka da svoj život uredi po prirodnim, božanskim zakonima harmonije i sklada. U tibetanskom budizmu mandala se koristila kao yantra - obredni instrument koji pomaže meditaciji i koncentraciji. Ali, mandala nije tibetanska svojina. Različite varijante ovog simbola nalazimo u Indiji, Kini, Južnoj i Srednjoj Americi, Europi...

Mnoge građevine i gradovi bili su sagrađeni u obliku mandale.

Mandala je našla svoje mjesto i u suvremenoj psihoterapiji. C. G. Jung smatrao je mandalu sredstvom za postizanje nutarnjeg reda. Proučavajući mandale u crtežima i snovima svojih pacijenata, zaključio je da one izražavaju stanje u kojem se nalazi psiha te da su sredstvo komunikacije između svjesnog i nesvjesnog u čovjeku.

The pattern of creation
The word "mandala" is from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit. Loosely translated to mean "circle," a mandala is far more than a simple shape. It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself--a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds.

Describing both material and non-material realities, the mandala appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and community.

"The integrated view of the world represented by the mandala, while long embraced by some Eastern religions, has now begun to emerge in Western religious and secular cultures. Awareness of the mandala may have the potential of changing how we see ourselves, our planet, and perhaps even our own life purpose."
(From Mandala: Journey to the Center, by Bailey Cunningham)

Mandala kao, lotos jastva nije samo budistički simbol već i simbol koji se koristi u psihoanalizi..recimo kod Junga je da tako kažem grafička konfiguracija naše ličnosti ili lavirinta... slojevitosti u nama...
nacrtaj mi ču ti reći ko si....

Da "zamandalimo" još malo:

Ja volim krugove. Volim i kocke. smešak
Mene ovo podsjeca na kaleidoskop. Malo djeluje hipnoticki.

natrix ::
nacrtaj mi ču ti reći ko si....

Divna ideja! Ko ce prvi? smešak

The Wheel of Life

Here is an explanation of the Wheel of Life Mandala created by Losang Samten August, 2006 in Tahoe City, California. This page displays illustrated explanations of each of the wheel's elements. Click the links on the Wheel of Life to get started.

Images courtesy of Keoki Flagg.

The Tibetan art form of sand painting is an ancient and sacred practice intended to uplift and benefit not only every person who sees it, but also to bless the environment. It is referred to as "mandala of colored powders". The Sanskrit term "mandala" is the name for this circular representation of spiritual truths. The Tibetan name is "kyil-khor" meaning "essence of the circle". This essence ultimately brings one to the realization of the true self, which is one reason why this art is sometimes referred to as Enlightenment Art.

The Wheel of Life is 2,500 years old and was a gift from Buddha. When Losang Samten brought this gift to the United States he was the first to create this mandala in sand. No two mandalas look the same, yet each is exactly the same in concept. The same symbols, characters and designs are used, yet not in a rigid duplication. The mandala reflects back to us much information about the nature of the human mind, which has a strong tendency toward the illusion of permanence. The medium of sand, however, reminds the viewer of the ultimate impermanence of this existence as well as of all things.

Tibetan Buddhism views life as a cycle of birth, death and rebirth called samsara. Our samsara is our daily creation formed by the choices we make. The Wheel of Life is a visual aid helping us to understand this cyclical existence, while offering clear teachings as to why certain choices will simply continue to perpetuate suffering.

Sand painting is not a flippant art and there are many unseen challenges overlooked even by those watching the process. Years of training to create the symbols and images are subsequently followed by training to create them upside down. The size, layout and construction, working from the inside out, necessitate this ability.

This fragile, multi-dimensional, impermanent painting in sand is layered with outer, inner and secret teachings cultivated to benefit all sentient beings.

This mandala is called The Wheel of Life or The Wheel of Deluded Existence.

Ella ::

Divna ideja! Ko ce prvi? smešak

rado cu....samo da odvojim malo vremena i prostora, ali vrlo uskoro, bas i mene samu zanima sta cu napraviti Smajli

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