on the bridge

on the bridge

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

La Fille Sur Le Pont (1999)

La Chance... pas de chance... par chance... porter chance, chances, chances de succès, coup de chance, bonne chance... pas de chance... deuxième chance...

Marianne Faithfull - "Who Will Take My Dreams Away"

"I can't give you all my dreams
Nor the life I live
You and I know what friendship means
That's all we got to give

Who will take your dreams away
Takes your soul another day
What can never be lost is gone
It's stolen in a way

Please, don't stand too close to me
Can you hear my heart?
Take my warmth and lean on me
When we're not apart

Now our mission is complete
And our friends die here
Evil things brought down by the light
Life goes on until the end..."

Brenda Lee - "I'm Sorry"

"I'm sorry,
So sorry
That I was such a fool
I didn't know
Love could be so cruel
Oh, oh, oh, oh, uh, oh, oh, yes

You tell me
Are part of being young
But that don't right
The wrong that's been done

(I'm sorry) I'm sorry
(So sorry) So sorry
Please accept
Love is blind
I was too blind
To see
Oh, oh, oh, oh, uh, oh, oh, yes

You tell me
Are part of being young
But that don't right
The wrong that's been done
Oh, oh, oh, oh, uh, oh, oh, yes

I'm sorry
So sorry
Please accept
My apology
But love was blind
And I was too blind
To see

Benny Goodman - "Sing, Sing, Sing"


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