


  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
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define: sensual
= animal(a): marked by the appetites and passions of the body; "animal instincts"; "carnal knowledge"; "fleshly desire"; "a sensual delight in ...
sexually exciting or gratifying; "sensual excesses"; "a sultry look"; "a sultry dance"
definisi: senzualan
= senzualan (nlat. sensualis)
čulni, puteni, telesni; sklon čulnim uživanjima, sladostrastan; senzualan

sta je za vas uopste - senzualno? da li je senzualno manje otvoreno i manje direktno od eroticnog, a opet je 'natopljenije' culima od cednosti? ili je nesto drugo, trece...? da li ste senzualni, i ako jeste - na koji nacin?

lijepe fotke. njezne i senzualne. ne previse 'ostre'. (tesku si nam zadacu dala). Poljubac

sve ono sto je sposobno da probudi 'uzitak' (ne paznju jer paznja moze da bude izazvana 'negativnim' pristupom npr. bol) bilo kojeg cula je culno, odnosno senzulano (Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin sensualis, from Latin sensus sense - culo). da li je u pitanju slika (painting), muzicko djelo, ugodan miris parfema, jela ili osobe, breskva, cokolada ( Mr. Green ), mekana tkanina ili cvrsto tijelo ( Mr. Green ), dodir ljetne kapi kise na golom ramenu ili licu ... mozem ja ovako do sjutra. smešak
e sad, posto je nivo 'razbudjenosti' cula kod svakoga podeseno drugacije, otuda i ta ljepota raznolikosti.

moj prilog:

p.s. mada smatram da se senzualnost danas vise doziljava kroz fizicke atribute radije nego spiritualnim putem. otuda i prva asocijacija na erotiku.

otvaram vec drugi put post Mr. Green i svaki put kad prochitam rech "senzualan", ne znam zashto, pomislim na intuiciju. i na to da mogu da "onjushim" ko je senzualan na isti "nachin" kao ja.
i na rech "osetljiv" pomislim, shto bi bio prevod od "senzitivan",hm, da,znam.no...to su mi onako prve asocijacije.... osetljivost i intuicija....

Ella ::lijepe fotke. njezne i senzualne. ne previse 'ostre'. (tesku si nam zadacu dala). Poljubac

p.s. mada smatram da se senzualnost danas vise doziljava kroz fizicke atribute radije nego spiritualnim putem. otuda i prva asocijacija na erotiku.

@Ella Poljubac

da, nazalost danas se vise dozivljava kroz fizicke atribute, a toliko je bitnija i sustastvenija ona spiritualna...nema nista od fenomenalnog izgleda, osim prvog kratkotrajnog utiska, ako je pogled prazan....sve je to toliko odmaklo da nas smatraju cak i za smesne ako i kada naglasavamo i podsecamo na to da je spoljasnjost samo ljustura...neceg mnoooogo lepseg...

Sensuality Test: http://discoveryhealth.queendom.com/sensuality_abridged_access.html

Citat:About Sensuality
Sensuality is an acute awareness of what the senses perceive. This preoccupation or devotion to that which is smelled, felt, touched, heard, tasted, and seen has some bearing on how one experiences life. Studies have shown that people who are exceptionally sensual live for the moment and are not hung up on the future or the past. What is presently going on is enough to captures the sensual individual's full attention. This is an excellent recipe for happiness. Sensual people enjoy experience itself, basking in actual acts rather than rushing through them to get at some possible or imaginary end. In sum, sensual persons take advantage of what life has to offer, living everyday as if it were their last.

moj rezultat:
Citat:Your score = 81

What does your score mean?
You are one sensual human being! Yours is a hedonistic attitude, and you deeply enjoy the sensual pleasures that life has to offer. Your senses are also inextricably linked to your emotions and certain sensual stimuli can evoke strong feelings. Therefore you tend to be emotionally passionate. Because you get so much pleasure from your senses, you are eager to experiment in life. This is positive since you can make great discoveries and experience a lot of pleasure. It is important, however, to keep yourself in check since people who delight is sensual pleasures are at a slightly increased risk for addictions (substance, sex, love, etc.). All in all, you have the innate ability to use your senses to enjoy what this life has to offer!

razocarana sam svojim rezultatom. Mr. Green
mozda sto sam na poslu/ne bas sensualnom okruzenju. Neutral

p.s. sreca pa nismo svi isti. Zagrljaj

78 Confused
I objašnjenje isto kao Elli - "You are one sensual human being! Yours is a hedonistic attitude..." smešak

nuto, nuto ...
evo, sad sad uradila da dobijem 100 i opis je potpuno isti kao i onaj za 78/81. ali sam takodje uradila onaj za 8 i gle cuda, opis je drugaciji. Mr. Green

Your score = 8

What does your score mean?
According to this test, you are not a very sensual person. In fact, your approach to life seems to be Spartan and utilitarian. You might be perceived by others as ascetic and joyless. It is quite likely that you enjoy more intellectual or practical pastimes. You appear to be goal-oriented. Your tenacity and persistence is good for professional success. While there is nothing wrong with this, you might want to pay attention to what your body experiences and get out of your head from time to time. Work on discovering your sensual side by using your eyes, ears, nose, and fingertips to explore all of the stimuli that whirl around you at any given time. Try to become aware of how things smell, feel, sound, and look right now. Using your senses to experience the present is excellent for your happiness, peace of mind, enjoyment, creativity, and learning. Remember what John Lennon said: "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans": Don't deny yourself the use of your five senses.

ne znam ako ima sta u sredini, izmedju (do sada) otkrivenih sensualnih levela.

Ella ::ne znam ako ima sta u sredini, izmedju (do sada) otkrivenih sensualnih levela.
Ima, ja. Mr. Green

Score = 53

Citat:You seem to have found a balance between absolute asceticism and utter hedonism. You are able to appreciate and even lose yourself in the sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and feel of life. Nonetheless, you aren't totally pleasure-driven and you are able to keep your emotions balanced. You are able to stay focused and to persevere, even though you might be trudging through a particularly dull or insipid period of life. If you would like, you can intensify your sensual side by using your eyes, ears, nose, and fingertips to explore all of the stimuli that whirl around you at any given time. Walk through the park smelling the mown grass, absorbing the vast blueness of the sky, hearing the laughter of children, and the sound of your breath. You only have one life so just make sure that you are not missing out on some sensual pleasures of the moment.

Idem da vežbam, da slušam sebe kako dišem. Mr. Green

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