...to the Palace of Winds...

...to the Palace of Winds...

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

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Denys: You've ruined it for me, you know.
Karen Blixen: Ruined what?
Denys: Being alone.

Karen Blixen: He even took the gramophone on safari. Three rifles, supplies for a month, and Mozart.

Kit Moresby: Tunner, we're not tourists. We're travelers.
Tunner: Oh. What's the difference?
Port Moresby: A tourist is someone who thinks about going home the moment they arrive, Tunner.
Kit Moresby: Whereas a traveler might not come back at all.
Tunner: You mean I'm a tourist.
Kit Moresby: Yes, Tunner. And I'm half and half.


Almásy: I once traveled with a guide who was taking me to Faya. He didn't speak for nine hours. At the end of it he pointed to the horizon and said, "Faya!" That was a good day.

Almásy: What do you hate most?
Katharine Clifton: A lie. What do you hate most?
Almásy: Ownership. Being owned. When you leave here, you should forget me.

Almásy: When were you most happy?
Katharine Clifton: Now.
Almásy: When were you least happy?
Katharine Clifton: Now.

Almásy: You're wearing the thimble.
Katharine Clifton: Of course, you idiot. I always wear it; I've always worn it; I've always loved you.

Hana: I'm not in love with him. I'm in love with ghosts... And so is he, he's in love with ghosts.

Seth: What's that like? What does it taste like? Describe it like Hemingway.
Maggie Rice: Well, it tastes like a pear. You don't know what a pear tastes like?
Seth: I don't know what a pear tastes like to you.
Maggie Rice: Sweet, juicy, soft on your tongue, grainy like a sugary sand that dissolves in your mouth. How's that?
Seth: It's perfect.

"One cup of it took the place of the evening papers, of all the old evenings in cafés, of all chestnut trees that would be in bloom now in this month, of the great slow horses of the outer boulevards, of book shops, of kiosques, and of galleries, of the Parc Montsouris, of the Stade Buffalo, and of the Butte Chaumont, of the Guaranty Trust Company and the Ile de la Cité, of Foyot's old hotel, and of being able to read and relax in the evening; of all things he had enjoyed and forgotten and that came back to him when he tasted that opaque, bitter, tongue-numbing, brain-warming, stomach-warming, idea-changing liquid alchemy."

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it."
"As I came up the mountain, out of the misty valley into the sun. The fire on the cattle range, the potatoes in the ashes, the boathouse floating in the lake. The Southern Cross. The Far East. The Great North. The Wild West. The Great Bear Lake. Tristan da Cunha. The Mississippi Delta. Stromboli. The old houses of Charlottenburg. Albert Camus. The morning light. The child's eyes. The swim in the waterfall. The spots of the first drops of rain. The sun. The bread and wine. Hopping. Easter. The veins of leaves. The blowing grass. The color of stones. The pebbles on the stream's bed. The white tablecloth outdoors. The dream of the house in the house. The dear one asleep in the next room. The peaceful Sundays. The horizon. The light from the room in the garden. The night flight. Riding a bicycle with no hands. The beautiful stranger. My father. My mother. My wife. My child."

Kitaro with Pages - Caravan

"Once a long, long time ago
Setting out to find our dreams
Lost in memories of olden days

Sometimes rising in the spring
Glowing, shining came the sun
Golden daybeams come through to me now

Those who know the firebird
Try to find forever the dreams
Try to find forever the way, my way

Caravan, the journey in the sky
As the sun comes out from the day
Caravan, we know who we are
We discover where or when

Oh, caravan, now we find a love
Love shimmering and soon our love
is gone

Come with me and take my hand
Memories of the past unfold
And with you I live them once again

From my beating heart, my hand
Feel my warmth and love within
And I wonder when the spring will come

Do we ever really know for sure
Will we travel on and on
Someday we'll be standing up
Up to live

Caravan, the journey in the sky
As the sun comes out from the day
Caravan, we know who we are
We discover where or when

Caravan, now we find a love
Love shimmering and soon our love is gone

Caravan, the journey in the sky ..."


* * *

"(...) Zašto bi neko rizikovao besane, ledene noći i dva-tri dana grčenja po minijaturnim sedištima ako već postoji nešto brže i udobnije? Odgovor zavisi od vrste putnika i shvatanja putovanja, možda i shvatanja života. Brže i udobnije ne mora nužno značiti i lepše. Ponekad treba ispitati svoje granice, telo zaboravlja napor, ali ima nekih trenutaka koji ostaju pohranjeni u sećanju i čine kičmu života, osnovu na koju se naslanjamo kada dođu dani loše karme. Jedan od tih trenutaka može biti i onaj kada se vozilo iznenada zaustavi usred potpuno praznog, naizgled beskrajnog prostora. U tišini kakva je morala vladati svetom pre nego što su se začuli prvi koraci, putnici čuče na ivici puta i ćuteći puše, gledajući ivicu horizonta obrubljenu monumentalnim, ledenim vrhovima koji hvataju poslednje zrake umirućeg sunca. Iz neba koje je tu, nadohvat ruke, na visoravan se spušta meka, prozračna tama pomešana sa neopisivim osećajem mira i sreće, retkim i dragocenim, koji se ne da izmeriti utrošenim vremenom."

(Momir Turudić, Zemlja ljudi – Tibet: Magija sporih putovanja, Vreme 812, 27. jul 2006)

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