

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

Celine: "I believe if there's any kind of God it wouldn't be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between.
If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something.
I know, it's almost impossible to succeed... but who cares really?
The answer must be in the attempt."

...rrrinng-rrrhinngg or "each other's demons/angels", unofficially...

truth or... truth...

"..that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences...
but rather, it's a tapestry of events that..."

b4 sunrise

"Daydream delusion
Limousine eyelash
Oh, baby, with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wineglass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to me
Sweet-cakes and milkshakes
I'm delusion angel
I'm fantasy parade
I want you to know what I think
Don't want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where I came from
We have no idea where we're going
Latched in life
Like branches in a river
Flowing downstream
Caught in the current
I'll carry you
You'll carry me
That's how it could be
Don't you know me?
Don't you know me by now?"

".. But all the clocks in the city
Began to whirr and chime:
'O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time.

('In the burrows of the Nightmare
Where Justice naked is,
Time watches from the shadow
And coughs when you would kiss.)

'In headaches and in worry
Vaguely life leaks away,
And Time will have his fancy
To-morrow or to-day. .."

what it's all about

inner peace

"...medju nama dani i godine stoje
nikada te vishe pronashao ne bi'
da se jucher nismo vidjeli nas dvoje..."

the past, the love, and an angry manic-depressive activist (:

"...sanjao sam
e kako ulazish u moju pjesmu..."

b4 sunset

"Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere,
out of my thoughts
Let me sing you a waltz
About this one night stand
You were, for me, that night
Everything I always dreamt of in life
But now you're gone
You are far gone
All the way to your island of rain
It was for you just a one night thing
But you were much more to me, just so you know
I don't care what they say
I know what you meant for me that day
I just want another try,
I just want another night
Even if it doesn't seem quite right
You meant for me much more than anyone I've met before
One single night with you, little Jesse,
is worth a thousand with anybody
I have no bitterness, my sweet
I'll never forget this one night thing
Even tomorrow in other arms,
my heart will stay yours until I die
Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my blues
Let me sing you a waltz
About this lovely one night stand"

hm... ovaaaj... šta/ko je ulysses?

ZoNi, chuo za Dzhojsa? ("Uliks") smešak e pa, prvi ovaj susret/film se deshava 16. juna, kad i radnja tog romana, a ima tu i jos po neshto, i svashta neshto, i taaako.... Cool


yeah, well, smt like that Mr. Green though i'd put the accent on crossing paths, rambling, waiting, you know, some special "little bits" and moments, philosophy of life, you know, stuff like that, but it's fine, actually quite fine, especially 'cause filming (the poetry/bullsh*t of) everyday life was that jesse's idea on the train... Mr. Green
- - -
just me being a lil bit nostalgic and somewhat content at the same time, cause i was in this town, u know, and i met someone i hadn't seen, like, for ages... we practically ran into each other... so we just walked, no, wandered, and talked, and didn't talk, and it was kinda unworldly, and that's it, we're not even friends or anything, but there's smt we share, so we shared smt, and that's all, and that means so much sometimes, just what i needed at the moment, so now i kinda radiate... and, well, that's all i'm gonna say 'bout it, which is more than enough; hope you enjoy the movies smešak

* * *

Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke as Celine and Jesse, once again (from "Waking Life")

* * *

Shawn Colvin - "When You Know" (from "Serendipity")

biti dovoljno odisej,da bi na kirkinom otoku boravila nekažnjeno
(osmeh se podrazumeva)
biti dovoljno kirka,da bi ..........

".. Oh, then suddenly you know
You're never going home
You're never, you're never, you're never, you're never, you're never, you're never,
You're never going home
Not Ulysses,
Baby, no .."

Franz Ferdinand - Ulysses


".. I'll dial Alexandria
If you dial into Ithaca
South fisher, German bite
I skate on the world tonight

Oh, so, why don't you come along?

There is no nation of you
There is no nation of me
Our only nation lives in Lucid Dreams .."

(Franz Ferdinand - Lucid Dreams)

* * *

"Ensemble, c'est tout" (2007)

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