Pitanje u vezi igre

Pitanje u vezi igre

  • Pridružio: 17 Jun 2015
  • Poruke: 17

Dali se prvo treba napisati radnja igrice,a zatim se ubacuje (C++) modelu
int main
Dali je to dobar pocetak!?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Milan
  • Pridružio: 17 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 14824
  • Gde živiš: Niš

Šta je pisac hteo da kaže? Obrazloži detaljnije svoje pitanje.

  • Pridružio: 17 Jun 2015
  • Poruke: 17

Dali bi ovo radilo na internetu:
Ja osobno nemam blagog pojma,a ako radi na koji se nacin stavlja na internet ili na DVD za PC!?


Are this one start successful begining od progamming game on PC more precise is very hard to tell a world the this is new platform for beginer.
There are example:
#include (Single/multiplayers)
#include(Coordinates x,y,z)
<(edit>preferences>units and increments)
Int main (assembly elements for based tablet and programming graphics based tablet)
W;<accept;<“w programme“;“w x,y,z coordinates“;“w colorset (0-9/A-G)“;“w extirior/interior“;“w given pixel“;“w increase or decrease 3D table (change over)“;“w plus or minus on keyboard (external table);“w duration/height/width“;“w steering wheel“;“w step on gas“;<edit and run
Retun 0
Set path tool/add or edit paths
Add=preamble or interduction
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=world sea
Add=many small and large islands
Add=military air base with concrete path or road into form letter „H“
Add=buliding of military base
Add=around building there are many fileds of trees and grass or green surface
Add=inner aero hangar there are plane mechanic (figure2)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon is a single-seater or there are place into pilot cabine for one pilot (figure 1)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=besides the military building there are path or concrete road to take off and path to fly down
Add=on world sea there are many military ships and submarines
Add=specific territory (scout mission)
Add=in one of angle of screen there are pictures of radar what is a showed enemy effects
Add=surface on pixel,objects,figure
Add=magnifire settings tools
Zoom in or zoom out (50%,75%,100 %,125%,150%,200%)
Add=initgrap (size1-9)
pixel (from 768 x 768 pixel to 1024 x 768 pixel)
Add=magnifire settings tools
Size (100x100,150x150,200x200,300x300,400x400,500x500,550x550,600x600,full)
Add=playing level from 1 to up 10 ranking
Game is using diffrent colorset from number 0-9 up to A-G.
There are example:
0=black=false or 0
1=blue=false or 0
2=green=false or 0
3=aqua=false or 0
4=red=false or 0
5=purple=false or 0
6=yellow=false or 0
7=white=false or 0
8=gray=false or 0
9=light blue=false or 0
A=light green=false or 0
B=light aqua=false or 0
C=light red=false or 0
D=light purple=false or 0
E=light yellow=false or 0
F=brite white=false or 0
G=magenta =false or 0
Retun 0
#include (string/insert)
Add= import graphic from own dvd or internet becuse drawing in 3 D has specific 3 line going in 3 diffrent direction x,y,z (trigonometry) with out service pack
Add=this game platform has some subsystem:
Rotation=rotation by any degree-ALT+R
Add=possible connection with PC with network (PAN,LAN,WLAN,ETHERNET) in case network merging.
Host=local host or local server
User=local root or administator
Password=false or 0
Database=false or 0
Sonud=false or 0
Animation=false or 0
Graphic=false or 0
Multimedia=false or 0
Add=Game has some security word like:
Enter=false or 0
Leave=false or 0
Pause=false or 0
Level=false or 0
Playfiled=false or 0
Single player=false or 0
Multiplayers=false or 0
Add=Set color on object:
Flying birds=false or 0
EF2000Typhoon=false or 0
Military base=false or 0
Military hangar=false or 0
Coin (resource)=false or 0
Flying birds (resource)=false or 0
Anti ship missile=false or 0
Military ships=false or 0
Russian navy=false or 0
Submarines=false or 0
Anti submarine=false or 0
Railway=false or 0
AAM=false or 0
SA6=false or 0
SA7=false or 0
SA11=false or 0
SA17=false or 0
S300=false or 0
S400=false or 0
S500=false or 0
Ground ground missile=false or 0
A4=false or 0
F4=false or 0
F5=false or 0
F14=false or 0
F15=false or 0
F16=false or 0
F18=false or 0
F22=false or 0
F35=false or 0
P8 Poseidon=false or 0
Mig 21=false or 0
Mig 23=false or 0
Mig 27=false or 0
Mig 29=false or 0
Mig 31=false or 0
Su17=false or 0
Su22=false or 0
Su30=false or 0
Su35=false or 0
Su 37=false or 0
T50=false or 0
J11=false or 0
J15=false or 0
External under wing tank fuel=false or 0
Taurus=false or 0
Storm shadow=false or 0
BVR Meteor=false or 0
Aim7/9/120=false or 0
Iris t=false or 0
Paveway=false or 0
Hammer=false or 0
Air dron UAV=false or 0
Concrete path or road to take off od fly down into form letter „H“=false or 0
Small and large islands=false or 0
World sea=false or 0
Specific territory=false or 0
Enemy anti aircraft defence=false or 0
Russia=false or 0
Retun 0
Add=graphic card (AMD or nVidia) must have a level a playground some match to PC platform like XP and Windows Vista 7
Add=application of game on deskop (icon)
Add=sf video mode/get deskop mode
Add=game my game=new game*(type.FPS quality.blizzard,flags,multiplayer)
Add=my game start ()
Add=application extension-@%systemroot%/system32/wuaueng.dill-105 or 106
Add=extra edition
Add=folder r
Retun 0
Set path tool/add or edit paths
Add=first level or part 1
Add=there are 3 figure and 1 is a pilot of aircraft
Add=figure 1 is pilot;(role figure 1 is driving a plane true specific territory where are enemy anti aircraft defence shooting enemy anti aircraft missile (AAM) and collect coin and flying birds)
Add=figure 2 is plane machanic;(role figure 2 is to check is a plane all right)
Add=figure 3 is a people on the ground;(role figure 3 is enemy soldier which is a part anti aircraft defence)
Add=aircraft is flying very low to save flying fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=for more speed aircraft used high height (aviod blast of AAM)
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=avoid enemy anti aircraft missile (AAM)
Add=into the aircraft there are a air camera what take a pictures of a enemy anti aircraft position
Add=aircraft used countermeasures (infrared decoy and jamming device) for guides anti aircraft misile
Add=enemy ships and submarines also shoot anti aircraft missile (aviod water floating vessels)
Add=in first level EF 2000 Typhoon not carries any weapon (using avoid technic)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Add=collect specific number cion and flying birds is end of first level game
Retun 0
Add=second level (Africa) or part 2
Add=main air force headquarters (HQ) is decided to destroy ground missile
Add= replacemen spare part
Add=scout mission became little to width (ground military units marks harder target-like rocket launcher earth-earth)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=first aircraft EF 2000 Typhoon must fly to air tanker (AirBus A330) to refuel storage fuel to maximum beacuse aircraft is take off only with half of fuel reserve
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=mission is to fly to side country somewhere in Africa (middle of desert) beacuse is a possible to launch ground missile to not defended country
Add=in the flying path there will enemy plane (A4 or F4/F5 /F14 or MIG 21/23/27/29 or Sukhoi Su 17/22 or J 11/15 ) and they will attempt to show down EF 2000 Typhoon with air to air misile short and middle range
Add=enemy is using railway to move military and their technics and train has some hard anti aicraft weapon like rotation gun (6 pipes) which can obstruct flying order to launch ground ground missile
Add=anti aircraft missile (AAM) will be also near a ground gound to guard sky above missle truck and radar station like (SA 6/11/17)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon in flying path will be joint by flying dron more precise UAV (there will a eye for pilot of Typhoon) which will demand anti aircraft missile (AAM) and when flying dron find a AAM position thereupon send information to Typhoon radar which is finds into nose
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer BVR Meteor,AIM 7/9/120,IRIS T,etc.
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer aero bomb Paveway 2,Hammer,etc.
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer cruise missile Shadow Storm,Taurus
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
Add=third level (Russia mission) is scout and attacking mission or part 3
Add=in far east Siberian chemical factory there are production of chem chloride
Add=Russia (defendable sky) thinks there are inner problem to destroy or capture desertion factory and there will be a problem aviod russia aircraft plane like T 50,Mig 31,Su 30/35/37 (marginal range of Sukhoi family) and heavy ground air defence like as S300/400/500 and russian navy
Add=they will be send a very large number a decoy (synchronously) in diffrent part of Russia
Add=decoy for Russia air defence beacuse Russia is a biggest country on the a world
Add=there will be to include large number od diffrent aircraft like as JAS 39 Gripen,Dassault Rafale,F 15/16/18/22/35 and large aircraft like a AWACS,air tanker EC 135 (Pacific region) and AirBus A330 (Europe region)
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=large aircraft like P8 Poseidon carry anti submarine missile and anti ship missile
Add=military air base are in Japan
Add= replacemen spare part
Add=first aircraft EF 2000 Typhoon must fly to air tanker (EC 135) to refuel storage fuel to maximum beacuse aircraft is take off only with half of fuel reserve (north part od Pacific)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon in flying path will be joint by flying dron more precise UAV (there will a eye for pilot of Typhoon) which will demand anti aircraft missile (AAM) and when flying dron find a AAM position thereupon send information to Typhoon radar which is finds into nose
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer BVR Meteor,AIM 7/9/120,IRIS T,etc.
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer aero bomb Paveway 2,Hammer,etc.
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer cruise missile Shadow Storm,Taurus
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=dropping aero bomb on chemical factory in far east (Siberian)
Add=entrance in air (dog) fight with russian air force and air defence
Add=russia air defence are defence many citys and main industrial central beacuse county is too big to defence
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
Add=fourth level (South America) is scout and attacking mission od part 4
Add=drug problem with South America how is smuggle drug into the Europe
Add=South American has narco maffia more precise large warehouse and large plantation of tree cocaine
Add=(UAV) unmanned aerial vehicle has uncover large plantation of tree cocaine and marijuana
Add=main air force headquarters (HQ) is decided to destroy plantation
Add= replacemen spare part
Add=problem is the narco maffia has more easy anti aircraft weapon (hand launcher by sholuder) SA7 which is a hard to uncover on ground.One of countermeasures is infra red decoy
Add=first aircraft EF 2000 Typhoon must fly to air tanker (AirBus A330) to refuel storage fuel to maximum beacuse aircraft is take off only with half of fuel reserve (south part of Antlantic)
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer aero bomb Paveway 2,Hammer and short range missile Iris T.
Add=narcomaffia has some ground vehicle (jeep with machine gun on top of vehicle)
Add=there are military base in British Columbia more precise is path to take off to air tanker
Add=military air base with concrete path or road into form letter „H“
Add=buliding of military base
Add=around building there are many fileds of trees and grass or green surface
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
Add=five mission is (Syria and Iraq) attacking mission or part 5
Add=in Syria and Iraq there are war situation and coalition forces need a help with destroying same buildings
Add=main air force headquarters (HQ) is decided to destroy same buildings
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=first aircraft EF 2000 Typhoon must fly to air tanker (AirBus A330) to refuel storage fuel to maximum beacuse aircraft is take off only with half of fuel reserve (somewhere in Mediterranean sea)
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer aero bomb Paveway 2,Hammer and short range missile Iris T and middle range AIM 120.
Add=Greece has military base which se take off for EF 2000 Typhoon to Middle East
Add=ISIL has some ground vehicle (jeep with machine gun on top of vehicle)
Add=problem with a sand storm is obstructing visibility from the air (pilot cockpit) and devices on aircraft
Add=ground unit must mark with laser target
Add=there are some information is ISIL using MIG 21 (ex Syria air force)
Add=fight with Mig 21 on middle distance
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon using AIM 120 to showdown Mig 21
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
Add=sixth mission (Afghanistan) is attacking mission and flying into Turkey or part 6
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=drug problem with Afghanistan how is smuggle drug into the Europe
Add=Asia has narco maffia more precise large warehouse and large plantation of tree cocaine and field of poppy terminate into European market
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer aero bomb Paveway 2,Hammer and short range missile Iris T.
Add=main air force headquarters (HQ) is decided to destroy same warehouse
Add= replacemen spare part
Add=(UAV) unmanned aerial vehicle has uncover large plantation of tree cocaine,field of poppy and marijuana
Add=narcomaffia has some ground vehicle (jeep with machine gun on top of vehicle)
Add=first aircraft EF 2000 Typhoon must fly to air tanker (AirBus A330) to refuel storage fuel to maximum beacuse aircraft is take off only with half of fuel reserve (somewhere over Turkey)
Add=Greece has military base which se take off for EF 2000 Typhoon to Middle East
Add=extra problem is resulting in the Black sea where Russia concentrated 12 to 15 war aircraft to line a 1000 kilometres
Add=upon a return from Afganistan the pilot is given by command to land of u Turkey
Add=there was crisis in Ukarine between russian and ukraine army conflict
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
Add=seven mission (Black sea) is scouting mission or part 7
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer anti ship missile Harpoon and short range missile Iris and aim 120 (performance for ships).
Add=main air force headquarters (HQ) is decided to take a pictrues of a russia (Black sea unit) navy (what is ship weapon more precise ship has ship to ship missile and pin ponit where are the ship from the seashore) aviod water floating vessels how blast off (AAM) anti aircraft missile (using infra red decoy and jamming device)
Add= replacemen spare part
Add=in that situation navy will call air force to whip away from that part a sea (they will close aspect)
Add=E3A will be your eye to the sky
Add=(UAV) unmanned aerial vehicle has (knocked down) beacuse anti aircraft defence over the Black sea
Add=into the aircraft there are a air camera what take a pictures of a russian navy in this area
Add=two group from (Romania) of they will be decoy beacuse one group is going north (Ukraine) and one is going south (Georgija) to blast off decoy (saturated radar screen)
Add=in there area is noticing submarine effect and submarine can be see EF 2000 Typhoon and inform russian navy
Add=fly on low hights beacuse radar effect and less speed becuse russian navy is listener interpenetration acoustic noise more precise sound wall
Add=how many ship in that aera (we don t know) and you can espect gunning out a ship cannon (very much blast off grain more precise warning (zabranjeno)ing)
Add=after you take a pictures (photography) you next mission is a air military base in Poland (joint venture exercise)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
Add=joint venture exercise with NATO air and ground forces near Estonia-Russian border or part 8
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will joint to exercise flying together with other aircraft and droping the bomb in being marked area
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
#include (string/insert)
Add=eight mission (Africa) scout and attacking mission
Add=(UAV) unmanned aerial vehicle has uncover large movement of so called paramilitary units (religion army and paramilitary militia) more precise smuggle weapon into Africa
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=first aircraft EF 2000 Typhoon must fly to air tanker (AirBus A330) to refuel storage fuel to maximum beacuse aircraft is take off only with half of fuel reserve (somewher over north Indian Ocean)
Add=military base of take off is Saudi Arabia
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer aero bomb Paveway 2,Hammer and short range missile Iris T.
Add=in Africa has smuggle maffia more precise large warehouse of weapon and blood diamond
Add=smuggle has some ground vehicle (jeep with machine gun on top of vehicle)
Add=main air force headquarters (HQ) is decided to destroy same warehouse of weapon
Add=problem is the smuggle maffia has more easy anti aircraft weapon (hand launcher by sholuder) SA7 which is a hard to uncover on ground.One of countermeasures is infra red decoy
Add=besides the military building (multitasking environment is sand) there are path or concrete road to take off and path to fly down
Add=buliding of military base
Add= replacemen spare part
Add=inner aero hangar there are plane mechanic (figure2) beacuse sand was inner engine
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
Add=nine mission (North Korea) scout mission or part 9
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon are collect flying birds ,collect cion beacuse there are specific number of birds and coin are next level mission
Add=main air force headquarters (HQ) is decided to take a pictures of missile ground gound missile,air defence around rocket base more precise pin point on photograph and first resolution was the speed of EF 2000 Typhoon is key command
Add=military air base are in Japan
Add= replacemen spare part
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer aero bomb Paveway 2,Hammer and short range missile Iris T and aim 120 middle range.
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon in flying path will be joint by flying dron more precise UAV (there will a eye for pilot of Typhoon) which will demand anti aircraft missile (AAM) and when flying dron find a AAM position thereupon send information to Typhoon radar which is finds into nose
Add=first aircraft EF 2000 Typhoon must fly to air tanker (EC 135) to refuel storage fuel to maximum beacuse aircraft is take off only with half of fuel reserve (north part od Pacific)
Add=anti aircraft missile (AAM) will be also near a ground gound to guard sky above missle truck and radar station like (SA 6/11)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon using infra red decoy and jamming device because strong air defence what is protect rocket base and Mig 29
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
Add=ten mission (Kazakhstan) scout mission and attacking mission or part 10
Add=main air force headquarters (HQ) is decided to take a pictures of terrorist camp and destroy themselves camp
Add=military air base are in Turkey
Add= replacemen spare part
Add=using external under wing tank fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=part of Russia (defendable sky) thinks there are inner problem to destroy desertion terrorist camp and there will be a problem aviod russia aircraft plane like Mig 25,Su 30/35 (marginal range of Sukhoi family) and heavy ground air defence like as S300 and SA 17
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon will be choice to offer aero bomb Paveway 2,Hammer and short range missile Iris T and aim 120 middle range and BVR Meteor.
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon using infra red decoy and jamming device because strong air defence and air force
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon in flying path will be joint by flying dron more precise UAV (there will a eye for pilot of Typhoon) which will demand anti aircraft missile (AAM) and when flying dron find a AAM position thereupon send information to Typhoon radar which is finds into nose
Add=first aircraft EF 2000 Typhoon must fly to air tanker (AirBus A330) to refuel storage fuel to maximum beacuse aircraft is take off only with half of fuel reserve (somewher over Lake Baikal)
Add=aircraft is flying very low to save flying fuel (aero kerosene)
Add=EF 2000 Typhoon or pilot (figure 1) is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse aircraft is using rotation and turning into the air
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree (that is valid for all flying missile)
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools) more precise show a position of a EF 2000 Typhoon and potentials threat on air and ground
Retun 0
This is end of the game!

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Šta je to konkretno ? Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 17 Jun 2015
  • Poruke: 17

Napisano: 19 Jun 2015 17:26

Ants (Mravi)

Prije citanja:
Pisanje datoteka je u biti tezak posao jer se moralo misliti dali su rijeci skrecene (namjerno) do mjere da se mogu prepoznati sto nam znace (ima na desetke znakova,a rijeci na engleskom jeziku ima na tisuce).Ili je bolji model da se napise novi i laksi algoritamski kod koji imao sto manje podrijeci,ali i da se izbjegavaju znakovi poput (ii) ili /ii/ ili /“i“/ ili poput nabrajanja include ne znam koliko puta da se covjek izgubi na nacin,a sto sam je to zapisao prije par sati!?Netko ce reci:dali ovo cudo od koda radi!?Priroda nas uci da si olaksamo posao,a ne da se mucimo u zivotu preciznije tko ga briga dali algoritamski kod radi ili ne!?Tko ga ne zanima ne mora ga niti citati jer uvijek postoji bolji i gori kod od ovoga...!?Nikoga zivog autor na bilo koji nacin „ne tjera“ nekoga da koristi mrav za programiranje nekoga ili necega-to je sve stvar izbora pojedinca i na njemu je da odluci jeli je mrav dobar ili ne vrijedi nista!?Znam da ovaj algoitamski kod nije „sveto pismo“,ali ga se ne treba drzati poput „pijan plota“ jer je kod vise smjer kretanja.Ovo smjer Ant (mrav) je namjerno skracivan mali i napisan (izvan svih pravila koje pisu u knjizi o programskom jeziku C++) na minimum da se ne treba misliti sto sada ide po redu ili dali se sto zaboravilo ili dali se nesto preskocilo!Najgore je kada se pise po pravilima iz knjige pa si ti sada misli di je?Gdje je?Ide?Ne ide?Jesam sto propustio?Jeli ja moram citati sifre?Koja su podslova?Jesi li dobra?1000 zasto?1000 zato?
Dali bi autor mrava „isao na nacin da prkosi drugima“ na modelu je sam nesto povezao,a ti ne!?Ne to nije istina jer model mrav je „vise slabija verzija“ koja bi trabala olaksati posao prilikom programiranja,ali sa kojim uspjehom!?Dali je sustav za plus ili minus 2-takve stvar ne znam.Prije su se ljudi na prostoru jugoistocne Europe bavili tko ce prvi raditi u zapadnim zemljama i kupiti sto vise boljih marki automobila osim zaradene mirovine u staosti.Znaci veliku razliku izmedu marki automobila Mercedesa i Zastave preciznije mrav je blizi Zastavi je je zamisljen da ide od tocke A do tocke B (vozis dok se automobil ne raspadne,a onda u kanal) jer moderna programiranja poput ne znam Pascala,Pythona,Rubi,PHP,HTML i tisuce drugih programerskih jezika je odlika bogatih programskog jezika koji su napisani od stane „pametnih“ ljudi koji razumiju sve trikove i zamke.

Ants (Mravi)

Ovaj model pisanja kod ponajprije se gledalo i islo se na mimimum bez obzira sto C++ ima ili nema veze materijalom sto pise ili ne pise u knjizi koja su pravila preciznije dali se ide po shemi grafikona koji ima granjenje pod raznim kutovima i zaobilazenjima (niti je to skolski niti veze sa pravilima koja nam je napisao autor knjige C++ Mike McGarth-slicnosti izmedu C++ i Ants je poput krave i kozmetike!?) jer ovo je cista fikcija od autora ovoga teksta premda su neka slova posudena.Ako ovo cudo radi-onda neka ide sve u onu stvar izmedu nogu!?Stvarno ovo nije za normalno ako ovo cudo radi!?Jer je slozeno na nacin da niti pas sa maslacem nebi ovo polizao!?
Evo primjera za Ants Algoritamski kod:
#include (Libraries)
Int main ()
W,d,a;<accept<““;<edit and run
Retun 0
Algoritamski kod bi trebao izgledati nesto poput ovoga!Malo,kratko i bez pretjerivanja!

Sve jako ovisi o kombinacijama za graficke naredbe (windgim) i znakovi gdje se unose slova i brojke (cin,string) preciznije sto se trazi to se mora upisivati.Ono sto je racunalni programer zamislio u glavi ce u stvari biti kombinacija izmedu windgim ili cin,string.
Evo pojmova za kod Ants :
int main-CMD
cin- unos brojcanih podataka i pridruzivanje tekstualnog unosa string varijabli
string-pretvaranje podataka u drugi niz podataka-znaknovni nizovi
wingdin-graficka naredba
edit-[inform] urediti
run- [inform] izvoditi
Ovo su pojmovi i objasnjenja pojmova algoritamskog koda Ants.

Uzecemo jedan primjer pisanja algoritamskog koda:
Upravljacki program (driver)
Napisani program>veza>CPU>veza>bubamara
Veza>program koji se sastoji od volana i zica>struja koja se krece putem zice.

Evo primjera za Ants algoritamski kod:
#include (Libraries)
Int main (assembly driver)
W;<accept;<“w programme“;“w CPU“;“w ladybug“;“w steering wheel“;“w step on gas“;“stream“;“w wire“;<edit and run
Retun 0

Ovo je puno lakse nego sto se misli na prvi pogled jer se kod skratio na za veliku cijelinu.

#include (Libraries)
Int man (connection PC and smartphone via usb cable)
W;<accept;<“w PC“;“w smartphone“;“w usb cable“;“kies“;<edit and run
Retun 0

Ovaj je kod komunikacija izmedu PC i smartphone

#include (Libraries)
Int main (drawing circle or ball)
D;<accept;<“d initgraph (and gdriver,and gmode)“;“circle or ball (300,300,200)“;<edit and run
Retun 0

Oznaka circle or ball (300,300,200)>(udaljenost sredista od lijevog prozora,udaljenost sredista od gornjeg ruba prozora,polumjer kruga)

Int main (drawing horizontal and vertical line)
D;<accept;<“d horizontal and vertical line (and 0+25x20)“;<edit and run
Retun 0

Crtanje horizontalnih i vertikalnih linija u matematickom izrazu

#include (Libraries)
Int main (assembly magnetic card)
W;<accept;<“w programme“;“w calling“;“w sending“;“w retuning“;“w freeserver“;
„w bluetooth“;“w socket“;“w pipes“;<edit and run
Retun 0

Slaganje magnetne kartice

#include (Libraries)
Int main (assembly network communication signal)
W;<accept;<“w socket“;“w pipes“;“w programme“;“w port_A“;“w port_B“;“w signal handler“;<run and edit
Retun 0

Slaganje komunikacijskog signala

Int main (digital home network-all in one)
W:<accept;<“w PC“;“w lan“;“w dlink“;“w wlan“;“w TV“;“w wire“;“w stream“;“w VGA cable“;“w HDMI cable“;“w wireless network“;“w smartphone“;“w ethernet“;<run and edit
Retun 0

Povezivanje komunikacije u kucnom prostoru

#include (Libraries)
Int main (developer of solar tablet)
W;<accept;<“w solar tablet“;“w accumulator “;“w transformer“;“w rheostat “;“w wire“;“w regulator“;“w AC/DC transducer“;“w switch“;“w programme“;“w CPU“;“w customer“;<edit and run
Retun 0

Int main (basic principle of communication system)
W;<accept;<“w source“;“w transmitter“;“w transmission path“;“w receiver“;“w answering point“;“w amount“;<“w trammels“;<edit and run
Retun 0

Ovo su sve kratke verzije mrava (i takve kratke verzije mrava mi se svidaju),ali za vece stvar poput programiranja npr.signala ili zakrpe sigurno je da ce mrav jednostavno narasti,ali je pitanje na koju velicinu!?Trebati ce „sloziti neku vrstu platforme“ koji ce samo mijenjati u rijecima ovisno o namjeni kao sto je zakrpa ili signal.

Dopuna: 19 Jun 2015 17:29

Game-City Grow

Are this one start successful begining od progamming game on PC more precise is very hard to tell a world the this is new platform for beginer.
There are example:
#include (Single/multiplayers)
#include(Coordinates x,y,z)
<(edit>preferences>units and increments)
Int main (assembly elements for based tablet and programming graphics based tablet)
W;<accept;<“w programme“;“w x,y,z coordinates“;“w colorset (0-9/A-G)“;“w extirior/interior“;“w given pixel“;“w increase or decrease 3D table (change over)“;“w plus or minus on keyboard (external table);“w duration/height/width“;“w steering wheel“;“w step on gas“;“8 small windows on screen“;“1 level presenting 1 year“;<edit and run
Retun 0
Set path tool/add or edit paths
Add=preamble or interduction
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=city (public) road around bank
Add=bank ows helicopter tracks which are on table roof
Add=cars,helicopters and van
Add=buliding of bank has a many windows on surface and first floor
Add=buliding of banks has 1 main entrance and 4 secondary entrance
Add=bar desk (ticket office) with bank offical (figure 4) on surface floor
Add=inner bank there are stairway witch connect surface and first flour and 2 derrick
Add=on first floor there are many office with work board and strike entry to roof where is a heliodrom
Add=set 8 small windows for resource (diamond,apple,banana,smartphone, bank money,time,workers,production materials)
Add=game City not have any limited time
Add=surface on pixel,objects,figure
Add=magnifire settings tools
Zoom in or zoom out (50%,75%,100 %,125%,150%,200%)
Add=initgrap (size1-9)
pixel (from 768 x 768 pixel to 1024 x 768 pixel)
Add=magnifire settings tools
Size (100x100,150x150,200x200,300x300,400x400,500x500,550x550,600x600,full)
Add=playing level from 1 to up 10 ranking
Game is using diffrent colorset from number 0-9 up to A-G.
There are example:
0=black=false or 0
1=blue=false or 0
2=green=false or 0
3=aqua=false or 0
4=red=false or 0
5=purple=false or 0
6=yellow=false or 0
7=white=false or 0
8=gray=false or 0
9=light blue=false or 0
A=light green=false or 0
B=light aqua=false or 0
C=light red=false or 0
D=light purple=false or 0
E=light yellow=false or 0
F=brite white=false or 0
G=magenta =false or 0
Retun 0
#include (string/insert)
Add= import graphic from own dvd or internet becuse drawing in 3 D has specific 3 line going in 3 diffrent direction x,y,z (trigonometry) with out service pack
Add=this game platform has some subsystem:
Rotation=rotation by any degree-ALT+R
Add=possible connection with PC with network (PAN,LAN,WLAN,ETHERNET) in case network merging.
Host=local host or local server
User=local root or administator
Password=false or 0
Database=false or 0
Sonud=false or 0
Animation=false or 0
Graphic=false or 0
Multimedia=false or 0
Add=Game has some security word like:
Enter=false or 0
Leave=false or 0
Pause=false or 0
Level=false or 0
Playfiled=false or 0
Single player=false or 0
Multiplayers=false or 0
Add=Set color on object:
Car=false or 0
Van=false or 0
Helicopter=false or 0
Pilot=false or 0
Building=false or 0
Road=false or 0
Bag of money (toolkit)=false or 0
Smartphone=false or 0
Sefe=false or 0
Small coin (resource)=false or 0
Diamond (resource)=false or 0
Apple (resource)=false or 0
Bananas (resource)=false or 0
Bank money (resource)=false or 0
Workers (resource)=false or 0
Production materials (resource)=false or 0
Time (resource)=false or 0
Ticket office=false or 0
Office with work board=false or 0
Bag full of equipment (toolkit)=false or 0
Centre of a town=0
Shopping centre=0
Coffee bars=0
Railway on magnetic drive=false or 0
Skyscraper=false or 0
Buildings=false or 0
Motel=false or 0
Hotels=false or 0
Sewer network=false or 0
Roads=false or 0
State institutions=false or 0
Manhole=false or 0
Traffic sign=false or 0
Hospital=false or 0
Gambling house=false or 0
Naked meadows=false or 0
Modern suburb=false or 0
Sport and indoor atlethic halls=false or 0
Town resoures=false or 0
Trade=false or 0
Overground railway (magnetic) path or road=false or 0
Small circle flow=false or 0
Tv house=false or 0
School=false or 0
Swimming pool=false or 0
Kindergarten=false or 0
Theatres=false or 0
Childern s playground=false or 0
Entrepreneurially zone=false or 0
Solar power plant=false or 0
Racecourse=false or 0
Aquapark=false or 0
Airport=false or 0
Asphalter=false or 0
Traffic signal=false or 0
Traffic characters=false or 0
Flora=false or 0
Retun 0
Add=graphic card (AMD or nVidia) must have a level a playground some match to PC platform like XP and Windows Vista 7
Add=application of game on deskop (icon)
Add=sf video mode/get deskop mode
Add=game my game=new game*(type.FPS quality.blizzard,flags,multiplayer)
Add=my game start (City Grow)
Add=application extension-@%systemroot%/system32/wuaueng.dill-105 or 106
Add=extra edition
Add=folder r
Retun 0
Set path tool/add or edit paths
Add=first level or part 1
Add=there are figure from 1 to 3 (superheroes)
Add=figure 1 is driver;(role figure 1 is driving a car to bank more precise one of 4 secondary entrance and carry bags full of equipment (toolkit) to surface floor more precise to sefe)
Add=figure 2 is security guard;(role figure 2 is free pass from sefe to first floor on roof of bank)
Add=figure 3 is a pilot;(role figure 3 is waiting security guard to free pass from main entrance to helicopter which is findings on roof of bank)
Add=on surface floor there are bar desk (ticket office) with bank offical (figure 4) and they job are service provider of banking services to bank users
Add=on surface floor there are sefe which is additives protection with trellis door in front of sefe ()
Add=surface floor and first floor there are many small cion and smartphone which is on both floor more precise on floor,wall, ticket office.
Add=bags full of equipment (toolkit) there are small parcell explosives,large tweezers,etc.
Add=sefe was open after the using toolkit (little explosive iz opening door)-figure 1 have skills with explosive more precise to open sefe between look and door case that is trellis doos cut with large tweezers
Add=between 2 floor (surface and first) there are door what is a opening whit collection small cion and smartphone
Add=figure 1,2,3 is moving by coordinates x,y,z beacuse is not all table surface (in this game we have situation where is surface and first floor) more precise we have stairway and derrick.
Add=all 3 figuers all leaving bank on way to use helicopter beacuse they have a meeting with second group who has exchange diamond for bank money
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Add=entrance helicopter is end of part into 1
Retun 0
#include (string/insert)
Add=second level or part 2
Add=in the air helicopter are collect coins,apples,bananas or diamond (more precise there are resource for later part of game City)
Add=after the helicopter fly down on landing point (helicopter harbour) 3 figures are leaving harbour using the car to centre of a town more precise in the shopping centar where are second group is waiting with bag full of money (exchange point)
Add=car is waiting for start up and 3 figures are sitting down into the car
Add=to path to town taffic is very small beacuse large part of town is meadow (there are small number of roads) and that is a cause to 3 figure make town grow (banks,roads,hotels,motels, gambling house,etc.)
Add=shopping centre has a many coffee bars in whose people change seats every half of hour
Add=all 2 group are approaching to coffee shop
Add=when is a 2 group meet then comes the exchange between 2 group and then 2 group are divarication every group on own path
Add=3 figures going to the bank to deposit diamond for bank to take a loan for begining new part of city.
Add=inner bank every thing was over very fast beacuse bank was most open soul to diamond investors (3 figures)
Add=bank was transfering money to investment fond to start rebuliding naked meadows in suburb
Add=on screen are showing many small windows on top of screen beucuse in questions is resoures (diamond,smartphone,apple,banana) what is base foundation for nutrition workers what building the new town part and bank money is a base for value of buliding (production materials) and of course time need for rebuilding the neked meadows for modern part of town.
Add=every building,road,green surface cost specific amont of money and bank (owner) via investment fund financing new project and time on game there are no limit beacuse 3 figures are now buying worthlessly land or ground for small price more precise large pieces of land
Add=bating 4 small windows (diamond,smartphone,apple,banana) in top of screen there are 4 more small windows (bank money,time,workers,production materials)
Add=how it time runing the value of 8 small windows is grow expressions in numbers how city is building
Add=player must know when to write into right moment necessary value into windows beacuse theere are needs for buliding town replaceing production materials.
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Retun 0
Add=third level or part 3
Add=buliding has turnaround time by from 3 to 10 level
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=on the naked meadows (worthlessly land) there are big plans to rebuliding into the modern suburb
Add=buliding up sewer network and manhole
Add=buliding up road construction and traffic signal
Add=buliding up building,skyscraper,hospital,gambling house
Add=building up hotels,motels
Add=building up state institutions
Add=shopping centre,coffee shop
Add=every of that buildings cost specific amount of money
Add=railway on magnetic drive between the buildings and skyscraper
Add=sport halls and indoor athletic halls
Add=town resoures (gas,oil)
Add=factory is working day and night
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Retun 0
#include (string/insert)
Add=four level or part 4
Add=buliding has turnaround time by from 3 to 10 level
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=town office and town ministry will give all necessary premissions to finish prescibed terms
Add=bank is giving all necessary guarantees to finance all procjects
Add=factory is working day and night
Add=railway (magnetic) path or road is start building (500 kilometers true town and rest of the town)
Add=town (public) road has very large number of small circle flow (car going to fast near people) beacuse hospitals,kindergartens,schools, theatres,children s playground,much town pool,etc.
Add=there are be will home for next milion inhabitants
Add=on meadow there are coming every thing and every one (production materials,workers,milion cubic meters concrete,iron path or road,reinforcement steel,grit,sand,cables-all purpose,workers machine,etc.)
Add=building 4 TV house
Add=buyers is buying flats and it comes do repay for bank mortgange loan
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Retun 0
Add=level five or part 5
Add=buliding has turnaround time by from 3 to 10 level
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=starting buildings on neked meadows
Add=in mean time there are new investmens fund or there are new bank in the game
Add=first of the move se under ground garage,sewer network,pipeline (gas,cable-all purpose,etc.)
Add=building additional over ground railway (magnetic) path or road between building
Add=opening entrepreneurially zone near new town (by 10 % AVT-added value tax) which is connect with railway (magnetic) path or road
Add=when foreign investitor rebuilding or skyscraper higher than a 5 floor automatic gain free piece of land or ground in measurer 1 (square) kilometers 2 or 1 km X 1 km-x+y=z
Add=factory is working day and night to deliver materials
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Retun 0
Add=level 6 or part 6
Add=buliding has turnaround time by from 3 to 10 level
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=first asessment for building and infrastructure is a billion euros
Add=8 small windows resource are getting smaller and smaller beacuse some building is late
Add=they will slow down building and some infrastructure
Add=3 figures are show satisfaction with project
Add=new banking surrounded a good call for investment climate in fund
Add=working job are now is growing faster beacuse a given extend time
Add=only 4 years is left to finish buildings
Add=factory is working day and night to deliver materials
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Retun 0
Add=level 7 or part 7
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=solar power plant on naked or empty meadow
Add=buying extra currents and building worker town
Add=on place where rises under ground water next step is embankment with grit
Add=on the roof of skyscreper on purpose are set solar power plant (the skyscreper is pay out it self)
Add=on the roof of building on purpose are set a swimming pool (when was summer time we have less using clime device-saving energy)
Add=factory is working day and night to deliver materials
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Retun 0
Add=level 8 or part 8
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=town is growing and resource se wear and tear resulted is selling naked medows forent investement like airport and auqapark
Add=comes on order and buying the naked land for private house with a swimming pool (inside or outside),mass use of nature energy (free all possible premissions)
Add=skyscraper introduces new standards (investor must sign a paper to building on path all in one) on path is all necessary mini town is in skyscraper (post office,fitness club,big market or store,banks,libraries,cinema,underground garage,on the roof will be set solar power plant or heliodrom)-taht was a new deal with forent investment
Add=townhall is very interesting for development with rest of the old town in this case with railway (magnetic) road or path beacuse worker job what has for resoluted more resources in the growing in 8 small windows
Add=there are problem with workers beacuse they must be import from EU
Add=same group of investment trying pull EU fund to investment more money in naked meadows
Add=factory is working day and night to deliver materials
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Retun 0
Add=level 9 or part 9
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=resouce is a constantly growing beacuse private investment is simply too big
Add=in one part od meadows there are purpose plant of forest and turist (magnetic) path or road goring between forest
Add=great roads (3 lined boulevard) between buildings and skyscraper
Add=great amount asphalter
Add=crane only arising in duration of entire meadow
Add=obtain great amount concrete i iron
Add=placement traffic charaters and traffic signal
Add=naked meadow and diffrent (easy access) premissions is giving with fist and cap
Add=only rule je great long term investment
Add=building racecourse
Add=factory is working day and night to deliver materials
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Retun 0
Add=level 10 or part 10
Add=flora (trees,fields of grass or green surface)
Add=population move in new town
Add=cityhall people is opening same finish building and skyscraper
Add=people in new town are environmental lighting up beacuse they use very much nature energy source
Add=workers which is working in building new town now is finding new job in opening entrepreneurially zone near new town (by 10 % AVT-added value tax) which is connect with railway (magnetic) path or road
Add=trade become to great beacuse new town is groing
Add=possible increase ili decrease 3D table and rotation surface tablet by any degree (using mangifire settings tools)
Add=coordinates „x“,“y“ and “z“ have circle which every circle has 60 minutes or 60 second more precise moving or reaches in every direction-north,south,west,east and between 4 side of the world by using degree
Add=story is endless beacuse it always coming some thing new i new town is never stop.
Retun 0
Add=folder (town plan)
Add=within geographic map is laid by puzzle (every piece of town iz one puzzle cube)
Add=every puzzle is only for it self and presenting naked meadow
Add=one puzzle cube can be magnifire tool (plus or minus) for screen by 1024 x 768 pixela (larger or smaller pictures)
Add=using x,y,z coordinates or grid reference
Retun 0

  • Programer
  • Pridružio: 23 Maj 2012
  • Poruke: 4575

Druže, ovi tvoji postovi su čisto spamovanje teme. Prebaci tvoje vizije u drugu temu i nemoj da skrnaviš ovako dobar članak...

  • Pridružio: 17 Jun 2015
  • Poruke: 17

Ok,zanimalo me samo tvoje misljenje ili drugcije misljenje jer kada vas covjek cita dobije se utisak da imate znanja vise nego oni sto rade u Microsotfu!?Jebi ga!Zanimalo me misljenje-vrijedi li sto ili ne vrijedi?Ali ako je sustav beskorisno slanje emaila (@)-oprostite na smetnji!?Moja pogreska!!!!!!Nece se ponoviti

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403


Imam utisak da si čitao nekoliko pomešanih stvari i skrkao ih u jedninu.

Ne ide tako Very Happy

Ako hoćeš igre da praviš onda treba da odlučiš koji deo posla želiš da preuzmeš.
Imaš milion uloga, od programera preko animatora pa sve do osoba koje crtaju teksture.

Možeš i sve sam ali će ti trebati mnogo vremena.

Međutim konkretno kod samog programiranja - treba da počneš da učiš neki jezik.
Izvini ali po tvojim postovima imam utisak da si apsolutni početnik, pa kreni od toga - od samih osnova nekog jezika.

Nauči šta su promenljive, koji tipovi promenljivih postoje, kako rade uslovi, petlje, funkcije, nizovi itd.
Kada naučiš te osnove možeš da ih primeniš na mnogo jezika i lako naučiš sintaksu.

Ne postoji ni jedno okruženje gde možeš rečima da napišeš da se doda neki moćni ratnik koji radi to i to.
Sve se programira.

Ako te ne interesuje programiranje, baci pogled na endžine koji ne zahtevaju programiranje uopšte za neke osnovne igre.

Na primer, Game Maker.

Pitao si isto u nekoj temi tamo nešto za grafiku.

Imaš besplatne modele na internetu. Imaš i besplatne teksture.
Ako se potrudiš da naučiš kako se modelira i spremaju teksture moći ćeš i sam da ih praviš. Međutim to, kao i programiranje, zahteva rad i učenje, postepeno sticanje iskustva.
Isto i tamo nećeš moći da napraviš premoćnog zmaja koji izgleda kao da je izašao iz Dark Soulsa 3.

Nigde nećeš moći da sedneš i napraviš Far Cry 5 a čak i ako držiš sve u malom prstu od potrebnih znanja, trebaće ti godine rada ako odlučiš sam da radiš.

Dakle sedi, odluči šta želiš i kreni da proučavaš to uz pomoć interneta i knjiga.

Ko je trenutno na forumu

Ukupno su 949 korisnika na forumu :: 24 registrovanih, 3 sakrivenih i 922 gosta   ::   [ Administrator ] [ Supermoderator ] [ Moderator ] :: Detaljnije

Najviše korisnika na forumu ikad bilo je 3466 - dana 01 Jun 2021 17:07

Korisnici koji su trenutno na forumu:
Korisnici trenutno na forumu: asdfjklc, babaroga, Bane san, Ben Roj, bobomicek, cuculo, Fabius, goxin, hyla, janbo, kolle.the.kid, Kubovac, kunktator, mercedesamg, mikrimaus, Prometeus, stagezin, TalicniTom, udbas, vathra, Vlada1389, Vlada78, zbazin, Zerajic