U ovoj temi cemo stavljati savete i trikove za Google Talk... Molim da se komentari svedu na najmanju mogucu meru...
Pa, da pocnemo:
1a. Dodavanje donje crte (_) oko nekog texta daje kao rezultat italic (ukosen) text
1b. Dodavanje zvezdice (*) oko nekog texta daje kao rezultat boldovan (podebljan) text
2. Pravljenje novog reda u poruci: SHIFT+ENTER
3. Wumpus Game - First noted by a GoogleRumors commentor, if you add the buddy [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] you can play the classic text-based game. It took a little while for us to be approved but we're proud to say that we just got eaten by the Wumpus.
4. Change the font size - While holding the control key, move the scrollwheel on your mouse either up or down. This trick works while being focused in either the read or write area.
5. Kako pokrenuti vise instanci GTalk-a? (npr. zanimljivo ako imate vise Gmail naloga...)
Many users, including myself, like to have several different personalities on IM--Work, play, etc. By default google talk with only allow you to run instance of the program at a time. Here's how to get around that...
Run google talk with the following switch: /nomutex
If you installed google talk to the default location, you can easily create a shortcut to this setting.
- Right-click on the desktop
- Select New
- Select Shortcut
- Paste this into the text box:
"c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex
- Click Next
- Name it whatever: Google Talk Multiple, etc.
- Click OK until you are done.
6. Kako GTalk-u dodati dugme "always on top" (u titlebar, pored Close i Exit)?
Snimite ovo:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options]
kao ImeFajla.reg i pokrenite dobijeni REG fajl - nakon toga dobicete "pin" dugme
##### gomila korisnih saveta i ostalih sitnica #####
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
----------- Dopuna: 02 Avg 2006 14:02 ---------
kako ubaciti smajlije u GTalk?
Nije preterano komplikovano, a lepo radi - i izgleda ovako:
e, sad - kako to uraditi? Lako, odete ovde:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
i skinete temu "Bubble Picture With Emoticons" (ili "Emoticons"), pa je raspakujete u:
Win XP...
C:/Documents and Settings/(your user name)/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Google Talk/themes/user/chat/
Win Vista...
C:\Users\(your user name)\AppData\Local\Google\Google Talk\themes\user\chat
(folder Chat mozda morate sami da napravite)
zatim odete u Settings > Appearance i tamo izaberete novu temu!
A evo i liste smajlija koji rade u GTalk-u:
----------- Dopuna: 02 Avg 2006 14:33 ---------
ovo je zanimljivo, mada nisam probao:
It's possible to broadcast music, MP3, etc.. through Google Talk.
Unplug your microphone. Double click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner. This will open up "Volume Control". Select "Options" and then "Properties". Then check the button next to "Recording" then click OK. You may also have to change your setting under Mixer Device. Now the Recording Control screen should be up. On my computer I selected "Wave Out Mix". Click on the green phone in Google Talk and call your friend.