33 Things Kids Should Do Before They're 10

33 Things Kids Should Do Before They're 10

  • Freia  Female
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 31 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 1899

33 Things Kids Should Do Before They're 10
Have your children experienced the 33 things they should do before they're 10?

Have they cycled through a muddy puddle, made perfume from flower petals, organised a teddy bears' picnic or baked bread, asks Sarah Stone.

The list was compiled last year by the washing powder company Persil to encourage children to experience different types of play without the worry of getting dirty. According to Persil, one third of children avoid certain forms of fun because they are too concerned about getting grubby.

1. Roll on your side down a grassy bank

2. Make a mud pie

3. Make your own modelling dough mixture

4. Read under the bedcovers with a torch

5. Make perfume from flower petals

6. Grow cress on a windowsill

7. Make a papier mâché mask

8. Build a sandcastle

9. Climb a tree

10. Make a den in the garden


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