- g0c47777
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 07 Nov 2008
- Poruke: 1158
- Gde živiš: Land Of Maybe
Summary: page 27 - 36
abomination – odvratnost, gnušanje
abundance - izobilje
adversary – neprijatelj
albeit - pride, iako
awning - tenda
bay tree - lovor
behoove - biti potreban ili primeren
belt buckle – kopča na kaišu
blatant – očigledno (describes something bad, that is very obvious or intentional)
blunt - 1. tup
.......... 2. grub(o iskren)
box tree – zelenika
burrow/den - jazbina
calamity - nesreća, propast
callous - vrlo grubo, neljubazno
chalet - švajcarski bungalov/kuća/vikenica
chamois - jelenska koža
churn – 1. to mix something, especially a liquid, with a great force
........... 2. a large container for transporting milk or for making milk into butter
churn out - to produce large amounts of something quickly, usually of low quality
clasp knife - nož na sklapanje (brica, brisa)
coffee remnant – soc od kafe
corn sheller - krunjač kukuruza
crake - ptica prdavac
cudgel - toljaga
cumbersome - kabast (glomazan, tezak)
curb – ograničiti, zauzdati/ivičnjak
curry comb – češagija
dangling - hang or swing loosely
disc harrow - tanjirača
discrepancy - nedoslednost/odstupanje
dray - taljige
drey - a squirrel's nest of twigs in a tree
drivel - if you describe something that is written or said as drivel, you are critical of it, because you think its is very silly (nonsense, boring & unnecessary information)
dweel on - to keep thinking or talking about something, especially something bad or unpleasant
drizzle - rominjati
esplanade - šetalište
equanimity - staloženost, smirenost
exhilarating – uzbudljiv
explosive space modulator - eksplozivni svemirski modulator
extenuate - olakšati/ublažiti/umanjiti
ferrule - metalni prsten/karika
flip-flop - japanke
flowerpot - saksija
flutter - 1. Podrhtavati (to make a series of quick delicate movements up and down or from side to side)
............ 2. "prevrće mi se stomak"
3. to flutter eyelashes - used to charm a man and persuade him to do something for her
forthnight - vremenski period od dve nedelje
gaff - ribarska kuka
gills - škrge
glisten – blistati, sijati
glitter - svetlucati
goon - a violent criminal who is paid to hurt or threaten people
grate – rešetka
haggle - cenjkati se
hair curler - uvijač za kosu
hair roller - vikler
hangover – glavobolja, mamurluk/something that continues from an earlier time
harangue - a lengthy and aggressive speech
harbinger - vesnik
harquebus (arquebus) - arkebuza
harrow - drljača
hip flask – pljoska
hook - udica
hypothermia - freezing to death
hull – the main body of a boat, tank
humidity - vlažnost
idiosyncrasy - način ponašanja/temperament
immolation - žrtvovanje/(samo)ubistvo spaljivanjem
impalement - nabijanje na kolac
impasse - ćorsokak, nerešiva situacija
instalment (US: installment) - rata, deo
lapel - rever
librocubicularist – osoba koja čita u krevetu
liripipe - kićanka (?)
lugubrious - žalosno/tužno
manhole – šaht
manifold - cevovod
matchmaking - provodadžisanje
mellifluous – slatkorečivo, milozvučno
mobile top-up - dopuna za mobilni telefon
mop - džoger
mulch - piljevina
negligee – 1. a woman's loosely fitting dressing gown, usually decorative and of a soft, flowing material
............... 2. any informal, careless, or incomplete attire
paragon - uzor, model primerenosti/savršenosti
parting - razdeljak
philtrum - deo iznad usne
philtral dimple - "jamica" iznad usne (može i philtral groove)
phosphenes – the stars and colours you see when you rub zour eyes
plead – moliti, izjasniti se (o krivici)
plunger - gumena spravica za odgušivanje cevi
preacher - propovednik
preening [of a bird] – straighten and clean its feathers with its beak
quaint - čudno/neobično/staromod
qualm - sumnjičavost, mučnina
quincunx - a geometric pattern consisting of five points arranged in a cross, that is five coplanar points, four of them forming a square or rectangle and a fifth at its center
raffle ticket - tickets with different numbers, some of which are later chosen to win prizes, which is arranged in order to make money for a good social purpose
resin - smola
ruffle - nabrati (praviti nabore), nakostrešiti/ uzrujati, uznemiriti
rumble - buka/klepetanje/tutnjava/tutnjiti/vibracija/odjekivanje
safety pin – zihernadla, bašlija
scion - naslednik, potoma/ izdanak koji se koristi pri kalemljenju
scenic - having or allowing you to see beatiful natural features
schism - raskol
shoelace - pertla
skedaddle – zbrisati
sliver - mali deo, ocepak, tračak
slumber - to be in a state of inactivity, negligence, quiescence, or calm
smugg face - the look on your face when your lying about something and making a joke at the same time
sore - painful and uncomfortable because of injury, infection or too much use
splurge - razmetanje/razbacivanje
staples - municija za heftalicu
stash - if you stash something valuable in a secret place, you store it there to keep it safe
stewing - dinstanje
straight razor - britva
tackle - deal with something or someone
tassel – kićanka
tasseography (tasseomancy/tassology) - proricanje budućnosti pomoću listova čaja ili kafe
teetotaler - trezvenjak (antialkoholičar)
thimble – naprstak
tip-off - a secret warning or piece of secret information
twinkle – svetlucati
twofer - 1. a coupon offering two items, especially tickets for a play, for the price of one
.............2. an offer, a deal, or an arrangement in which a single expense yields a dual return
.............3. One who belongs to two minority groups and can be counted, as by an employer, as part of two quotas
tureen - činija za supu
uprooted tree - drvo iščupano iz korena
wallow - a metaphorical rolling in or soaking in one's emotions
whetstones – belegija (brus, kamen za oštrenje kose ili noža)
wield – to have/carry a weapon, tool or a piece of equipment and to be able to use it