Idiomi; nastanak i znacenje


Idiomi; nastanak i znacenje

  • m4rk0  Male
  • Administrator
  • Administrator tech foruma
  • Marko Vasić
  • Gladijator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 15766
  • Gde živiš: Majur (Colosseum)

Ovo je lista idioma koji su do sada spomenuti u ovoj temi i koja ce biti redovno ažurirana.
Idiomi koji su do sada obuhvaćeni su zaključno sa ovom porukom.
Preporučujem da svakako pregledate celu temu a ne samo ovu listu, pošto je za mnoge idiome dato dosta detaljnije objašnjenje, sa zanimljivim komentarima, a ima i onih koji nisu prevedeni.
Temu koristiti isključivo za idiome i trudite se da napišete prevod na srpskom. Nemojte pisati poslovice jer postoji posebna tema za njih.

a bee in smo's bonnet - bube u glavi
a brain drain - odliv “mozgova” (emigracija intelektualaca)
a drop in the ocean - kap kiše u okeanu
a Nail in the Coffin / To put a Nail in the Coffin - Sugeriše da će se nešto završiti/dovršiti / Staviti tačku na sve to
a ok - apsolutno super
A piece of cake - prosto ko pasulj
a shining wit - plač I čipka.
a trick of the tail - umiljatošću do prijatelja, veština sticanja prijatelja.
agony aunt - draga Saveta (novinar koji u časopisima odgovara na lična pitanja čitalaca)
all talk and no trousers - prazne priče
as white as a sheet - beo kao kreč
at my ride - na mojoj strani
be on the fiddle (British & Australian informal) - hapiti/drpiti pare
bee in a bonet - kad nekog nešto muči, nervira
beer and skittles - med i mleko
bee's knees - krpa i zakrpa
bells and whistles - ukrasi, "zvona i praporci", vizuelni i funkcionalni dodaci koji poboljšavaju neki objekat, proizvod
Better be safe than sorry - što je sigurno, sigurno je.
Between the devil and the deep blue sea - Birati između dva zla.
bite off more than one can chew - krupan zalogaj
bite someone's head off - "otkinuti glavu", odreagovati ljutito
blimey - bogo, čovece, sto mu gromova
blue-stocking - ucena zena
Break a leg! - Srećno!
by and large - sve u svemu
call a spade a spade - nazvati stvari pravim imenom
can't see the wood for the trees - ne vidi šumu od drveta
Cry wolf - Dići lažnu uzbunu
daft as a brush - glup ko točak/noc
Deer in the headlights - Uhvaćen nespreman, nezaštićen. Paralizovan strahom.
Eager beaver - Vrednica tj. neko ko mnogo radi
East or West, home is best - Svuda pođi, kući dođi.
Easy come, easy go - Kako doslo, tako proslo.
easy peasy (lemon squeezy) - prosto (k'o pasulj)
eyes are bigger than the stomack - oči su gladne
fallen of the back of a lorry (goods) - ukraden (ukradena roba)
fiddle while Rome burns - svinjarije
fit as a fiddle - zdrav kao dren
go figure - zamisli?
he is out of his depth - on je van svoje moći
hear something on / through the grapevine - Čuti "iz druge ruke"
his bark is worse than his bite - priča, dere se ali ne ujeda
I don't buy it - ne verujem
In small doses - za kratak period
In the boondocks - Bogu iza nogu.
In the nick of time - U pet do dvanaest
in the very nickle time - u pravom trenutku
it’s apples and oranges - pomešati babe I zabe
it's raining cats and dogs = dog my cats - lije kao iz kabla
jobs for the boys - posao "preko veze"
know/learn something (off) by heart - naučiti napamet
Like a dose of salts - vrlo brzo
Like a fish out of water - Kao riba na suvom.
live from hand to mouth - živeti od danas do sutra
look what the cat dragged in - vidi sta je ovaj/ova donela kući
Make ends meet - Jedva sastavljati kraj sa krajem.
Making a bee line - pravo, pravac, ići direktno naprijed.
Necking in the woods - ljubiti se u šumi/livadi.
Neither fish nor fowl - Nit' riba, nit' devojka.
Not being "sharpest tool in the box". Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. A few colors short of a rainbow. - pokušati dočarati nekome nečiju "inteligenciju" (podrugljivo)
not to mince words - govoriti otvoreno
on the ropes - u škripcu
on the tip of my tongue - na vrhu mi je jezika
Out of the blue - Kao grom iz vedra neba
pardon my French - oprostite što psujem
play second fiddle - zadnja rupa na svirali
Rain cats and dogs - Liti kao iz kabla
right up your street - baš kako treba
Rome was not built in a day - ono što je brzo to je i kuso.
Shed crocodile tears - Liti lažne suze
spooning leads to forking - kasikovanje pa onda viljuskanje/ubadanje
Spooning - leći sa dragom osobom na istu stranu kao dve kašike koje su jedno pored druge.
Stir up a hornets' nest - Dirnuti u osinjak
Straight from the horse's mouth - Iz prve ruke
take your time - samo polako
The ball's in your court - na tebe je red
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence - Tuđe - slađe.
the long and short of STH - ukratko, u sustini
the ravages of time - zub vremena
The whole enchilad - sve, u potpunosti što ima veze sa "tim" (thing or situation).
the whole nine yards - kompletno, celo, sve
tied to his mother's apron strings - drži se majcine suknje
to be on pins and needles - pundravci u dupetu
to clutch at a straw - hvatati se za slamku
to come along - napredovati
to cost an arm and a leg - koštati đavo i po
to do something off your own bat - uraditi "na svoju ruku".
to get the upper hand - preovladati
to have a skeleton in the closet - imati neku tajnu
to have itchy feet - nervozne noge (ne drži ga/je mesto)
to have one foot in grave - biti jednom nogom u grobu
to have one's heart in one's THROUT/MOUTH - srce sišlo u PETE
to lose one's lunch - baciti peglu, povratiti
to put your foot down - lupiti šakom o sto
To throw (someone) under the bus. - "podapeti" nekome, zabosti noz u leđa, izdati (mislim na izdaju od ljudi od kojih se ocekuje podrska)
to throw a hint - namignuti/nagovestiti
tomato, tomato (cita se "tomato, tomejto") - Nije šija nego vrat
up and coming - perspektivan
What makes us tick - šta nas pokreće
Your neck of the woods - deo sela/grada koji je vama poznat

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  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"

Cujem svasta nesto sto meni nema smisla ili je toliko cudno da moram da potrazim na netu znacenje izreke.
Danas (po ko zna koji put) cujem "In your neck of the woods". I eto, dodjoh na ideju da otvorim temu. Mozda ima jos neko ko zeli da zna znacenje i nastanak engleskih idioma.


Necking in the woods.

Dear Word Detective: As I flip from channel to channel, I hear a great number of weathermen use the term "in that neck of the woods." I was not aware woods had necks. What else do they have? Where does "neck of the woods" come from? -- F.W. Headley, via the internet.

Ah, the woods have many things, my friend. Ears, for instance. Actually, I may be thinking of walls having ears. But I'm sure the woods do too, and you never know what sneaky little woodchuck or disgruntled deer is out there taking notes while you're stumbling through the undergrowth absent-mindedly mumbling about your more debatable tax deductions. I had an uncle once who landed in the hoosegow on the word of a skunk who sang like a canary.

"Neck of the woods," meaning a certain region or neighborhood, is one of those phrases we hear so often that we never consider how fundamentally weird they are. In the case of "neck," we have one of a number of terms invented by the colonists in Early America to describe the geographical features of their new home. There was, apparently, a conscious attempt made to depart from the style of place names used in England for thousands of years in favor of new "American" names. So in place of "moor," "heath," "dell," "fen" and other such Old World terms, the colonists came up with "branch," "fork," "hollow," "gap," "flat" and other descriptive terms used both as simple nouns ("We're heading down to the hollow") and parts of proper place names ("Jones Hollow").

"Neck" had been used in English since around 1555 to describe a narrow strip of land, usually surrounded by water, based on its resemblance to the neck of an animal. But the Americans were the first to apply "neck" to a narrow stand of woods or, more importantly, to a settlement located in a particular part of the woods. In a country then largely covered by forests, your "neck of the woods" was your home, the first American neighborhood.

  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2007
  • Poruke: 207
  • Gde živiš: LVNV

Necking in the woods- ljubiti se u sumi/livadi. Your neck of the woods- deo sela/grada koji je vama poznat.

In the boondocks, ovo koristim cesto. Dodje ti ono kao Bogu iza nogu. Mr. Green

Boondocks aka boonies:

a remote or inaccessible area. usually used in conjunction with the article 'the'.

From the tagalog word "bundok", meaning 'mountain '
John: "Yo yo yo, how was the concert last night?"
Jane: "It was coo', 'cept we had to sit in the mutha-beepin BOONDOCKS!"

country part usually the outer most part of the city.
man dog you live way out in the boondocks

  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 987
  • Gde živiš: na putu za jedno ostrvo

Pretpostavljam da ovo, takodje, spada u idiome o kojima se ovde govori, odnosno u neobicnije varijante idioma. U engleskom jeziku postoji termin spooning (spunerizam), po dekanu oksfordskog Nju Koledza dr Viljemu Arcibaldu Spuneru, koji je svojim prezimenom krstio igru reci koju je cesto koristio, a u kojoj se zamenjuju odgovarajuci samoglasnici, suglasnici I slogovi. Na jednom sajtu za prevodioce, jedan kolega je trazio prevod za recenicu:

“You are the sort of person Dr Spooner would have called a shining wit.”
(whining shit = shining wit)

Ja sam ponudila varijantu:

Vi ste, sto bi rekao dr Spuner, pravi plac I cipka.

I kolega je bio prezadovoljan, a dobila sam pohvale I od drugih prevodilaca. Smile

Ja licno bih volela da se u ovoj temi vise bavimo nekim svakodnevnijim idiomima, ili izrazima, koji su cesce u upotrebi a ljudi grese u njihovom koriscenju, odnosno resavaju problem duhovitoscu bukvalnog prevoda. Recimo:

pomesati babe I zabe – it’s apples and oranges

sto je babi milo to joj se I snilo – the wish is a father to a thought

beo kao krec – as white as a sheet

  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"

Thank you ladies. smešak

Evo jos jedan, meni mnogo smijesan (jer sam ga bukvalno prevela kad sam ga prvi put cula).

"To throw (someone) under the bus."
Znacenje bi bilo; "podapeti" nekome, zabosti noz u ledja, izdati (mislim na izdaju od ljudi od kojih se ocekuje podrska)...


Some people suggest it's derived from a phrase for a washed-up rock star on tour, and others connect it to the announcement made by a minor-league baseball manager: "Bus leaving. Be on it or under it."


Ako je ovako kako pise, onda je prvobitna misao izgubila svoje znacenje. Ne bi bilo prvi put. Sve se mijenja vremenom, kako sam jezik - tako i ostalo.

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

Nije sija nego vrat - tomato, tomato (cita se "tomato, tomejto")

"the whole nine yards" means "completely, the whole, everything"
(poreklo: One of the most common explanations is that it dates from the Second World War, where "nine yards" was the length of an aircraft machine-gun ammunition belt, and to "go the full nine yards" was to use it up entirely.)

  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2007
  • Poruke: 207
  • Gde živiš: LVNV

Spooning- leci sa dragom osobom na istu stranu kao dve kasike koje su jedno pored druge.

  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"

Bankarka sa Floride --



Ovih "nine yards" me podsjetise na "The whole enchilada."
Znacenje; sve, u potpunosti sto ima veze sa "tim" (thing or situation).


Porijeklo; ko zna?
Na netu nema mnogo o porijeklu ove izreke.
Moja neka pretpostavka bi bila; neko od Meksickih doseljenika, ko nije znao mnogo engleskog, da bi objasnio cjelokupnost "necega" je upotrijebio pomenuto. Postoji The Whole Enchilada Fiesta (slavlje), koje traje tri dana i koje proslavlja Meksicku kulturu, ljude i njihovu hranu.


  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 987
  • Gde živiš: na putu za jedno ostrvo

it's raining cats and dogs = dog my cats - lije kao iz kabla

agony aunt - draga Saveta (novinar koji u casopisima odgovara na licna pitanja citalaca)

all talk and no trousers - prazne price

eyes are bigger than the stomack - oci su gladne

a ok - apsolutno super

nadam se, ella, da nemas nista protiv sto se vise koncentrisem na primere i ne dajem pricu o nastanku.

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 2408

Help me, please
Šta je "waddling in"?

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