Poslao: 23 Jun 2012 03:15
- bluewortex

- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 588
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Abide | Abode
Abided | Abode
Abidden | Obitavati | AbyAbye | Abought | Abought | Ispaštati | Alight | Alit
Alighted | Alit
Alighted | Silaziti
Sići | Arise | Arose | Arisen | Ustati
Dići (se) | Awake | Awoke | Awoken | Probuditi (se) |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Backbite | Backbit | Backbitten | Ogovarati | Backfit | Backfit | Backfit | Adaptirati | Backlight | Backlit | Backlit | Osvetliti otpozadi | Backslide | Backslid | Backslid
Backslidden | Nazadovati | Be | Was
Were | Been | Biti | Bear | Bore | Born
Borne | Nositi
Roditi | Beat | Beat | Beaten | Pobediti
Tući | Become | Became | Become | Postati | Bedight | Bedight
Bedighted | Bedight
Bedighted | Ukrasiti | Befall | Befell | Befallen | Zadesiti
Postići | Beget | Begot
Begat | Begotten | Stvoriti | Begin | Began | Begun | Početi | Begird | Begirt
Begirded | Begirt | Opkoliti | Behight | Behight | Behight
Behoten | Obećati | Behold | Beheld | Beheld | Posmatrati | Belay | Belaid
Belayed | Belaid
Belayed | Osigurati | Bend | Bent | Bent | Saviti | Bereave | Bereft | Bereft
Bereaved | Ožalostiti | Beseech | Besought
Beseeched | Besought
Beseeched | Preklinjati | Beset | Beset | Beset | Opsedati
Saleteti | Bespeak | Bespoke | Bespoken | Nagovestiti
Poručiti | Bestrew | Bestrewed | Bestrewed
Bestrewn | Zasuti | Bestride | Bestrode | Bestridden | Opkoračiti
Uzjahati | Bet | Bet | Bet | Kladiti (se) | Betake | Betook | Betaken | Uputiti (se) | Bethink | Bethought | Bethought | Razmisliti | Beweep | Bewept | Bewept | Plakati | Bid | Bid | Bid | Licitirati
Ponuditi | Bid | Bade | Bidden | Zapovediti | Bide | Bided
Bode | Bided | Čekati
Ostati | Bind | Bound | Bound | Vezati | Bite | Bit | Bitten | Ujesti | Blaw | Blawed | Blawn | Duvati | Bleed | Bled | Bled | Krvariti | Blend | Blended
Blent | Blended
Blent | Mešati | Bless | Blessed
Blest | Blessed
Blest | Blagosloviti | Blow | Blew | Blown | Duvati | Bottle-feed | Bottle-fed | Bottle-fed | Hraniti (iz flašice) | Bowstring | Bowstrung
Bowstringed | Bowstrung | Zadaviti (tetivom za luk) | Break | Broke | Broken | Slomiti | Breast-feed | Breast-fed | Breast-fed | Dojiti | Breed | Bred | Bred | Množiti (se)
Odgajati | Bring | Brought | Brought | Doneti | Broadcast | Broadcast
Broadcasted | Broadcast
Broadcasted | Emitovati | Browbeat | Browbeat | Browbeat
Browbeaten | Zastrašiti | Build | Built | Built | Graditi | Burn | Burnt
Burned | Burnt
Burned | Spaliti
Sagoreti | Burst | Burst | Burst | Probiti
Eksplodirati | Bust | Bust | Bust | Razbiti | Buy | Bought | Bought | Kupiti |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Cast | Cast | Cast | Baciti | Catch | Caught | Caught | Uhvatiti | Cheerlead | Cheerled | Cheerled | Predvoditi (organizovano navijanje) | Chide | Chid | Chid
Chidden | Zavijati
Gunđati | Choose | Chose | Chosen | Izabrati | Clap | Clapped
Clapt | Clapped
Clapt | Aplaudirati
Pljeskati | Clear-cut | Clear-cut | Clear-cut | Poseći (sva drva sa jednog mesta) | Cleave | Cleft
Clove | Cleft
Cloven | Rascepiti | Cleek | Claught
Cleeked | Cleeked | Zgrabiti
Uhvatiti | Clepe | Cleped | Cleped
Yclept | Nazvati | Cling | Clung | Clung | Prianjati | Clothe | Clad
Clothed | Clad
Clothed | Oblačiti | Colorbreed | Colorbred | Colorbred | Razmnožavati (biljke ili životinje zbog određene boje) | Colorcast | Colorcast | Colorcast | Emitovati (program u boji) | Come | Came | Come | Doći | Cost | Cost | Cost | Koštati | Cost-cut | Cost-cut | Cost-cut | Smanjenje (troškova, cena) | Counterdraw | Counterdrew | Counterdrawn | Preslikavati | Counterlight | Counterlit | Counterlit | Suprotno (osvetliti) | Cowrite | Cowrote | Cowritten | Pisati (zajedno sa nekim) | Crash-dive | Crash-dived
Crash-dove | Crash-dived | Sunovratiti (se) | Creep | Crept | Crept | Šunjati (se) | Creep-feed | Creep-fed | Creep-fed | Hraniti (mladunčad životinja gde odrasle jedinke nemaju pristupa) | Crib-bite | Crib-bit | Crib-bitten | Zagristi (jasle i progutati vazduh - odnosi se na konje) | Cross-bite | Cross-bit | Cross-bitten | Osujetiti (nečiji plan prevarom) | Cross-string | Cross-strung | Cross-strung | Ukrstiti (žice na klaviru) | Crossbreed | Crossbred | Crossbred | Pariti (različite rase životinja) | Crosscut | Crosscut | Crosscut | Iseći (ukoso) | Crosslight | Crosslit | Crosslit | Osvetliti (ukoso) | Crow | Crowed
Crew | Crowed | Hvaliti (se) | Cut | Cut | Cut | Iseći |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Dare | Dared
Durst | Dared | Izazvati | Daydream | Daydreamt
Daydreamed | Daydreamt
Daydreamed | Sanjariti | Deal | Dealt | Dealt | Podeliti | Deep-freeze | Deep-froze | Deep-frozen | Zamrznuti (duboko) | Dig | Dug | Dug | Kopati | Dight | Dight
Dighted | Dight
Dighted | Diktirati (naređenja) | Dispread | Dispread | Dispread | Širiti (se na više strana) | Disprove | Disproved | Disproven
Disproved | Pobiti
Diskreditovati | Dive | Dived
Dove | Dived | Zaroniti | Do | Did | Done | Činiti
Raditi | Dogfight | Dogfought | Dogfought | Svađati se | Dow | Dought
Dowed | Dought
Dowed | Činiti (dobro) | Draw | Drew | Drawn | Nacrtati | Dream | Dreamt
Dreamed | Dreamt
Dreamed | Sanjati | Drink | Drank | Drunk | Piti | Drip-feed | Drip-fed | Drip-fed | Hraniti (intravenozno) | Drive | Drove | Driven | Voziti | Dwell | Dwelt | Dwelt | Stanovati |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Eat | Ate | Eaten | Jesti | End-run | End-ran | End-run | Izbeći (nešto prevarom) | Engird | Engirt | Engirt | Zaokružiti | Engrave | Engraved | Engraved
Engraven | Ugravirati | Enwind | Enwound | Enwound | Namotati |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Fall | Fell | Fallen | Pasti | Farebeat | Farebeat | Farebeaten | Švercovati (se) | Fast-cut | Fast-cut | Fast-cut | Preći (ubrzano sa jedne na drugu scenu u filmu) | Feed | Fed | Fed | Hraniti | Feel | Felt | Felt | Osećati | Fight | Fought | Fought | Boriti (se) | Find | Found | Found | Pronaći | Fit | Fit
Fitted | Fit
Fitted | Pristajati | Flash-freeze | Flash-froze | Flash-frozen | Zamrzavati (hranu ubrzanim postupkom radi očuvanja ukusa) | Flee | Fled | Fled | Pobeći | Fling | Flung | Flung | Baciti | Floodlight | Floodlit | Floodlit | Osvetliti (reflektorom) | Fly | Flew | Flown | Leteti | Flyblow | Flyblew | Flyblown | Kontaminirati (polaganjem jaja) | Forbear | Forbore | Forborne
Forborn | Uzdržavati (se) | Forbid | Forbade
Forbad | Forbidden | Zabraniti | Force-feed | Force-fed | Force-fed | Hraniti (na silu) | Fordo
Foredo | Fordid | Fordone | Pokvariti
Uništiti | Forecast | Forecast
Forecasted | Forecast
Forecasted | Prognozirati | Forefeel | Forefelt | Forefelt | Predosećati | Forego | Forewent | Foregone | Prednjačiti | Foreknow | Foreknew | Foreknown | Predvideti | Forerun | Foreran | Forerun | Preteći | Foresee | Foresaw | Foreseen | Predvideti | Foreshow | Foreshowed | Forshowed
Foreshown | Pretskazati | Forespeak | Forespoke | Forespoken | Proreći | Foretell | Foretold | Foretold | Proreći | Forget | Forgot | Forgotten | Zaboraviti | Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven | Oprostiti | Forlese | Forlore | Forlorn | Izgubiti (u potpunosti) | Forsake | Forsook | Forsaken | Napustiti | Forswear | Forswore | Forsworn | Prekršiti (zakletvu) | Fraught | Fraught
Fraughted | Fraught
Fraughted | Natovariti
Ispuniti | Free-fall | Free-fell | Free-fallen | Pasti (slobodan pad) | Freeze | Froze | Frozen | Zamrznuti | Frostbite | Frostbit | Frostbitten | Promrznuti |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Gainsay | Gainsaid | Gainsaid | Poreći | Gaslight | Gaslit
Gaslighted | Gaslit
Gaslighted | Osvetliti (gasnom svetiljkom) | Geld | Gelded
Gelt | Gelded
Gelt | Kastrirati
Uštrojiti | Get | Got | Got
Gotten | Dobiti | Ghostwrite | Ghostwrote | Ghostwritten | Napisati (za drugog) | Gild | Gilt
Gilded | Gilt
Gilded | Ozariti
Pozlatiti | Gin | Gan | Gan | Otpočeti | Gird | Girded
Girt | Girded
Girt | Obaviti (pojasom, kaišom)
Presaviti | Give | Gave | Given | Dati | Gnaw | Gnawed | Gnawed
Gnawn | Mučiti
Glođati | Go | Went | Gone
Been | Ići | Grave | Graved | Graven
Graved | Kopati | Grind | Ground | Ground | Samleti | Grow | Grew | Grown | Izrasti |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Hagride | Hagrode | Hagridden | Ožalostiti | Halterbreak | Halterbroke | Halterbroken | Slomiti (konja kako bi se navikao na uzde) | Hamstring | Hamstrung
Hamstringed | Hamstrung
Hamstringed | Onesposobiti | Hand-feed | Hand-fed | Hand-fed | Hraniti (rukom) | Hand-ride | Hand-rode | Hand-ridden | Kontrolisati (životinju rukom) | Handsew | Handsewed | Handsewn
Handsewed | Šiti (ručno) | Handwrite | Handwrote | Handwritten | Pisati (rukom) | Hang | Hung
Hanged | Hung
Hanged | Visiti
Obesiti | Have | Had | Had | Imati | Hear | Heard | Heard | Čuti | Heave | Heaved
Hove | Heaved
Hove | Podići (nešto teško)
Baciti (nešto teško) | Hew | Hewed | Hewn | Klesati | Hide | Hid | Hidden | Sakriti | Hight | Hote
Hight | Hoten | Zapovediti
Obećati | Hit | Hit | Hit | Pogoditi | Hoise | Hoised
Hoist | Hoised
Hoist | Podići | Hoist | Hoist
Hoisted | Hoist
Hoisted | Dizati | Hold | Held | Held | Držati | House-sit | House-sat | House-sat | Čuvati (nečiju kuću dok su oni odsutni) | Housebreak | Housebroke | Housebroken | Dresirati (životinju da živi u kući) | Hurt | Hurt | Hurt | Povrediti |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Inbreed | Inbred | Inbred | Izroditi (decu koja imaju zdravstvene probleme zbog začetka incestom) | Indwell | Indwelt | Indwelt | Prebivati | Inhold | Inheld | Inheld | Naslediti (neku osobinu) | Inlay | Inlaid | Inlaid | Obložiti
Umetnuti | Input | Input
Inputted | Input
Inputted | Staviti
Ulagati | Inset | Inset | Inset | Priložiti | Interblend | Interblended
Interblent | Interblended
Interblent | Izmešati | Interbreed | Interbred | Interbred | Ukrstiti | Intercut | Intercut | Intercut | Preseći | Intergrave | Intergraved | Intergraved
Intergraven | Urezati (delove naizmenično) | Interlay | Interlaid | Interlaid | Staviti (između) | Interset | Interset | Interset | Pozicionirati (između nečega) | Interweave | Interwove | Interwoven | Utkati
Protkati | Interwind | Interwound | Interwound | Umotati | Inweave | Inwove
Inweaved | Inwoven
Inweaved | Utkati | Inwind | Inwound | Inwound | Namotati |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Jerry-build | Jerry-built | Jerry-built | Graditi (jeftino) |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Keep | Kept | Kept | Zadržati | Ken | Kent
Kenned | Kent
Kenned | Znati | Kneel | Knelt
Kneeled | Knelt
Kneeled | Klečati | Knit | Knit
Knitted | Knit
Knitted | Štrikati | Know | Knew | Known | Znati |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Lade | Laded | Laden
Laded | Napuniti | Landslide | Landslid
Landslided | Landslid
Landslided | Odroniti | Lay | Laid | Laid | Položiti | Lead | Led | Led | Voditi | Lean | Leant
Leaned | Leant
Leaned | Osloniti | Leap | Leapt
Leaped | Leapt
Leaped | Preskočiti | Learn | Learnt
Learned | Learnt
Learned | Učiti | Leave | Left | Left | Napustiti | Lend | Lent | Lent | Pozajmiti (nekome) | Lep | Lept | Lept | Skočiti | Let | Let | Let | Dopustiti
Dozvoliti | Lie | Lay | Lain | Ležati | Light | Lit | Lit | Osvetliti | Linebreed | Linebred | Linebred | Razmnožavati (prateći poreklo) | Lip-Read | Lip-Read | Lip-Read | Čitati sa usana | Lose | Lost | Lost | Izgubiti |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Make | Made | Made | Napraviti | Mean | Meant | Meant | Misliti | Meet | Met | Met | Upoznati
Sresti | Melt | Melted | Molten
Melted | Otopiti | Misbecome | Misbecame | Misbecome | Ne dolikovati | Miscast | Miscast | Miscast | Izabrati (pogrešnog glumca za ulogu) | Mischoose | Mischose | Mischosen | Izabrati (pogrešno) | Miscut | Miscut | Miscut | Iseći (pogrešno, nepravilno) | Misdeal | Misdealt | Misdealt | Podeliti (karte nepravilno) | Misdo | Misdid | Misdone | Povrediti | Misfall | Misfell | Misfallen | Zadesiti (se) | Misfeed | Misfed | Misfed | Zaglaviti (papir u štampač)
Hraniti (pogrešno) | Misgive | Misgave | Misgiven | Sumnjati | Mishear | Misheard | Misheard | Prečuti | Mishit | Mishit | Mishit | Šutnuti (neprecizno, pogrešno) | Misknow | Misknew | Misknown | Razumeti (pogrešno)
Promašiti (smisao) | Mislay | Mislaid | Mislaid | Zaturiti
Izgubiti | Mislead | Misled | Misled | Prevariti | Mislearn | Mislearnt
Mislearned | Mislearnt
Mislearned | Naučiti (pogrešno) | Misread | Misread | Misread | Pročitati (pogrešno) | Missay | Missaid | Missaid | Ogovarati | Missend | Missent | Missent | Pogrešiti (pri slanju) | Misset | Misset | Misset | Pozicionirati (pogrešno) | Misspeak | Misspoke | Misspoken | Izgovoriti (nepravilno, netačno) | Misspell | Misspelt
Misspelled | Misspelt
Misspelled | Napisati (pogrešno) | Misspend | Misspent | Misspent | Traćiti (vreme, novac) | Misswear | Misswore | Missworn | Kunuti (se lažno) | Mistake | Mistook | Mistaken | Grešiti | Misteach | Mistaught | Mistaught | Naučiti (pogrešno) | Mistell | Mistold | Mistold | Reći (pogrešno) | Misthink | Misthought | Misthought | Misliti (pogrešno) | Misunderstand | Misunderstood | Misunderstood | Shvatiti (pogrešno) | Miswear | Misswore | Misworn | Obući (loše) | Miswed | Miswed
Miswedded | Miswed
Miswedded | Venčati (pogrešno) | Miswrite | Miswrote | Miswritten | Napisati (pogrešno) | Moonlight | Moonlit | Moonlit | Osvetliti (mesečinom) | Mow | Mowed | Mown | Kositi (travnjak) |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Naysay | Naysaid | Naysaid | Protiviti (se) | Nose-dive | Nose-dived
Nose-dove | Nose-dived
Nose-dove | Ponirati
Pasti (naglo) |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Offset | Offset | Offset | Kompenzirati | Outbid | Outbid | Outbid | Licitirati (više od drugih) | Outbreed | Outbred | Outbred | Razmnožavati (se brže od drugih) | Outdo | Outdid | Outdone | Odraditi (bolje od drugih) | Outdraw | Outdrew | Outdrawn | Izvući
Potegnuti (pištolj brže od druih) | Outdrink | Outdrank | Outdrunk | Piti (više od drugih, obično alkohol) | Outdrive | Outdrove | Outdriven | Voziti (brže, bolje) | Outfight | Outfought | Outfought | Izboriti se | Outfly | Outflew | Outflown | Nadleteti | Outgrow | Outgrew | Outgrown | Prerasti | Outlay | Outlaid | Outlaid | Potrošiti (novac u određene svrhe) | Outleap | Outleapt
Outleaped | Outleapt
Outleaped | Nadskočiti | Output | Output
Outputted | Output
Outputted | Izdati
Proizvesti | Outride | Outrode | Outridden | Nadjahati | Outrun | Outran | Outrun | Nadtrčati | Outsee | Outsaw | Outseen | Videti (bolje od drugih) | Outsell | Outsold | Outsold | Prodati (više od nekog) | Outshine | Outshone | Outshone | Nadsijati (biti bolji od nekog) | Outshoot | Outshot | Outshot | Pucati (brže, bolje) | Outsing | Outsang | Outsung | Nadpevati | Outsit | Outsat | Outsat | Presedeti | Outsleep | Outslept | Outslept | Prespavati | Outsmell | Outsmelt
Outsmelled | Outsmelt
Outsmelled | Omirisati (bolje od drugih) | Outspeak | Outspoke | Outspoken | Nadgovoriti | Outspeed | Outsped | Outsped | Ići (brže od nekog, nečeg) | Outspend | Outspent | Outspent | Trošiti (više od nekog) | Outspin | Outspun | Outspun | Završiti
Umreti | Outspring | Outsprang | Outsprung | Iskočiti | Outstand | Outstood | Outstood | Izdvajati (se od drugih po kvalitetu, sposobnosti) | Outswear | Outswore | Outsworn | Psovati (više od nekog) | Outswim | Outswam | Outswum | Plivati (brže, dalje od nekog) | Outtell | Outtold | Outtold | Nadpričati | Outthink | Outthought | Outthought | Nadmudriti | Outthrow | Outthrew | Outthrown | Prebaciti | Outwear | Outwore | Outworn | Iznošeno (odnosi se na odeću) | Outwind | Outwound | Outwound | Odmotati | Outwork | Outworked
Outwrought | Outworked
Outwrought | Raditi (više, bolje) | Outwrite | Outwrote | Outwritten | Pisati (bolje od nekog) | Overbear | Overbore | Overborne | Kontrolisati (korišćenjem sile, autoriteta) | Overbid | Overbid | Overbid | Licitirati (više od vrednosti) | Overblow | Overblew | Overblown | Oduvati
Usiliti | Overbreed | Overbred | Overbred | Razmnožavati (kako bi karakteristike postale naglašene) | Overbuild | Overbuilt | Overbuilt | Izgraditi (previše) | Overbuy | Overbought | Overbought | Kupiti
Platiti (previše) | Overcast | Overcast | Overcast | Naoblačiti (se) | Overcome | Overcame | Overcome | Prevazići | Overcut | Overcut | Overcut | Poseći (više stabala nego što je dozvoljeno) | Overdo | Overdid | Overdone | Preterati
Prekuvati | Overdraw | Overdrew | Overdrawn | Podići (novac sa računa i ući u minus) | Overdrink | Overdrank | Overdrunk | Prepiti | Overdrive | Overdrove | Overdriven | Voziti
Raditi (previše) | Overeat | Overate | Overeaten | Prejesti | Overfeed | Overfed | Overfed | Hraniti (previše) | Overfly | Overflew | Overflown | Nadleteti | Overgrow | Overgrew | Overgrown | Prerasti | Overhang | Overhung | Overhung | Visiti (iznad nečega) | Overhear | Overheard | Overheard | Prečuti | Overlay | Overlaid | Overlaid | Prekriti | Overleap | Overleapt
Overleaped | Overleapt
Overleaped | Preskočiti | Overlearn | Overlearnt
Overlearned | Overlearnt
Overlearned | Učiti (više nego što je potrebno) | Overlie | Overlay | Overlain | Poklopiti | Overpass | Overpast
Overpassed | Overpast
Overpassed | Preći (preko nečeg) | Overpay | Overpaid | Overpaid | Preplatiti | Override | Overrode | Overridden | Voziti (kroz neprijateljsku teritoriju) | Overrun | Overran | Overrun | Poplaviti
Preuzeti | Oversee | Oversaw | Overseen | Nadgledati | Oversell | Oversold | Oversold | Prodati (previše) | Overset | Overset | Overset | Nadvladati | Oversew | Oversewed | Oversewn
Oversewed | Prišiti | Overshoot | Overshot | Overshot | Prebaciti | Oversleep | Overslept | Overslept | Prespavati | Oversow | Oversowed | Oversown
Oversowed | Zasejati (ponovo preko setve) | Overspeak | Overspoke | Overspoken | Pričati (previše) | Overspend | Overspent | Overspent | Trošiti (previše, van budžeta) | Overspill | Overspilt
Overspilled | Overspilt
Overspilled | Preliti | Overspin | Overspun | Overspun | Produžiti
Odužiti | Overspread | Overspread | Overspread | Prekriti | Overspring | Oversprang | Oversprung | Preskočiti | Overstand | Overstood | Overstood | Izgubiti (prodaju, dogovor zbog nepovoljne cene, uslova) | Overstrew | Overstrewed | Overstrewed
Overstrewn | Razbacati | Overstride | Overstrode | Overstridden | Koračati (brže od nekog, preko nečeg)
Dominirati | Overstrike | Overstruck | Overstruck | Promeniti (nominaciju ili natpis na starom novčiću) | Overstring | Overstrung | Overstrung | Zategnuti (previš ežicu) | Overtake | Overtook | Overtaken | Preteći (drugo vozilo) | Overthink | Overthought | Overthought | Misliti
Planirati (previše) | Overthrow | Overthrew | Overthrown | Zbaciti (sa vlasti) | Overwear | Overwore | Overworn | Pohabati (odeću nošenjem) | Overwind | Overwound | Overwound | Naviti (previše) | Overwithhold | Overwithheld | Overwithheld | Odbiti (porez od plate ili prodaje više nego što je potrebno) | Overwrite | Overwrote | Overwritten | Beležiti (podatke preko postojećih, brisajući original) |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Partake | Partook | Partaken | Učestvovati | Pay | Paid | Paid | Platiti | Pen | Pent
Penned | Pent
Penned | Zatvoriti | Pinch-hit | Pinch-hit | Pinch-hit | Štipati | Plead | Pled
Pleaded | Pled
Pleaded | Zastupati | Potshot | Potshot
Potshotted | Potshot | Pogoditi (nasumično) | Practice-teach | Practice-taught | Practice-taught | Vežnati
Uvežbavati | Prebind | Prebound | Prebound | Obavezati | Prebuild | Prebuilt | Prebuilt | Izgraditi (van mesta upotrebe) | Precut | Precut | Precut | Iseći (pre upotrebe) | Predo | Predid | Predone | Uraditi (pre vremena) | Premake | Premade | Premade | Napraviti | Prepay | Prepaid | Prepaid | Platiti (unapred) | Presell | Presold | Presold | Promovisati | Preset | Preset | Preset | Podesiti (unapred) | Preshrink | Preshrank | Preshrunk | Skupiti se (unapred) | Presplit | Presplit | Presplit | Podeliti (unapred) | Price-cut | Price-cut | Price-cut | Sniziti (cenu) | Proofread | Proofread | Proofread | Čitati (tražeći grešku) | Prove | Proved | Proven
Proved | Dokazati | Put | Put | Put | Staviti |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Quick-freeze | Quick-froze | Quick-frozen | Zamrzavati (hranu ubrzanim postupkom radi očuvanja ukusa) | Quit | Quit | Quit | Napustiti
Odustati |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Rap | Rapped
Rapt | Rapped
Rapt | Lupiti | Re-prove | Re-proved | Re-proven
Re-proved | Ukoriti | Read | Read | Read | Čitati | Reave | Reft
Reaved | Reft
Reaved | Otimati | Reawake | Reawoke | Reawoken
Reawaken | Osvestiti (se) | Rebid | Rebid | Rebid | Ponuditi (ponovo) | Rebind | Rebound | Rebound | Povezati (ponovo) | Rebroadcast | Rebroadcast | Rebroadcast | Emitovati (ponovo) | Rebuild | Rebuilt | Rebuilt | Izgraditi (ponovo) | Recast | Recast | Recast | Zameniti (glumca ili glumicu) | Recut | Recut | Recut | Iseći (ponovo) | Redd | Redd
Redded | Redd
Redded | Spasiti
Izbaviti | Redeal | Redealt | Redealt | Deliti
Dogovoriti se (ponovo) | Redo | Redid | Redone | Uraditi (ponovo) | Redraw | Redrew | Redrawn | Nacrtati (ponovo) | Reeve | Rove
Reeved | Rove
Reeved | Udenuti (iglu) | Refit | Refit | Refit | Obnoviti | Regrind | Reground | Reground | Izdrobiti (ponovo) | Regrow | Regrew | Regrown | Porasti
Roditi (se ponovo) | Rehang | Rehung | Rehung | Izvisiti (ponovo) | Rehear | Reheard | Reheard | Slušati (ponovo) | Reknit | Reknit
Reknitted | Reknit
Reknitted | Zašiti (ponovo)
Spojiti (ponovo) | Relay | Relaid | Relaid | Položiti (ponovo) | Relearn | Relearnt
Relearned | Relearnt
Relearned | Učiti (ponovo) | Relight | Relit
Relighted | Relit
Relighted | Osvetliti (ponovo) | Remake | Remade | Remade | Prepraviti | Rend | Rent | Rent | Poderati
Iskidati | Repay | Repaid | Repaid | Platiti (ponovo) | Reread | Reread | Reread | Čitati (ponovo) | Rerun | Reran | Rerun | Reprizirati | Resell | Resold | Resold | Preprodati | Resend | Resent | Resent | Poslati (ponovo) | Reset | Reset | Reset | Podesiti (ponovo) | Resew | Resewed | Resewn
Resewed | Zašiti | Reshoot | Reshot | Reshot | Snimiti (ponovo) | Resit | Resat | Resat | Polagati (ispit ili test ponovo) | Resow | Resowed | Resown
Resowed | Zasejati | Respell | Respelled
Respelt | Respelled
Respelt | Zamađijati (ponovo)
Spelovati (ponovo) | Restring | Restrung | Restrung | Prenizati | Retake | Retook | Retaken | Uzeti (ponovo) | Reteach | Retaught | Retaught | Podučavati (ponovo) | Retear | Retore | Retorn | Pocepati (ponovo) | Retell | Retold | Retold | Reći (ponovo) | Rethink | Rethought | Rethought | Razmisliti (ponovo) | Retread | Retrod | Retrodden | Gaziti (ponovo) | Retrofit | Retrofit
Retrofitted | Retrofit
Retrofitted | Modifikovati | Rewake | Rewoke
Rewaked | Rewoken
Rewaked | Osvestiti (se) | Rewear | Rewore | Reworn | Presvući (se) | Reweave | Rewove
Reweaved | Rewoven
Reweaved | Isplesti (ponovo) | Rewed | Rewed
Rewedded | Rewed
Rewedded | Preudati (se) | Rewet | Rewet
Rewetted | Rewet
Rewetted | Nakvasiti (ponovo) | Rewin | Rewon | Rewon | Pobediti (ponovo) | Rewind | Rewound | Rewound | Premotati | Rewrite | Rewrote | Rewritten | Prepisati | Rid | Rid
Ridded | Rid
Ridded | Osloboditi se | Ride | Rode | Ridden | Voziti | Ring | Rang | Rung | Zvoniti | Rise | Rose | Risen | Dići | Rive | Rived | Riven
Rived | Pokidati
Pocepati | Rough-hew | Rough-hewed | Rough-hewn | Otesati (grubo) | Roughcast | Roughcast | Roughcast | Malterisati (grubo) | Run | Ran | Run | Trčati |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Sand-cast | Sand-cast | Sand-cast | Izlivati (otopljeni metal u peščani kalup) | Saw | Sawed | Sawn
Sawed | Testerisati | Say | Said | Said | Reći | See | Saw | Seen | Videti | Seek | Sought | Sought | Tražiti | Self-feed | Self-fed | Self-fed | Hraniti se (samostalno) | Self-sow | Self-sowed | Self-sown
Self-sowed | Samoraspršavanje | Sell | Sold | Sold | Prodavati | Send | Sent | Sent | Poslati | Set | Set | Set | Podesiti
Odrediti | Sew | Sewed | Sewn
Sewed | Šiti | Shake | Shook | Shaken | Tresti | Shave | Shaved | Shaven
Shaved | Obrijati | Shear | Shore
Sheared | Shorn
Sheared | Strigati | Shed | Shed | Shed | Proliti | Shend | Shent | Shent | Osramotiti | Shew | Shewed | Shewn
Shewed | Pokazati | Shine | Shone | Shone | Sijati | Shit | Shat
Shit | Shat
Shit | Srati | Shoe | Shod | Shod | Potkovati
Obuti | Shoot | Shot | Shot | Pucati
Snimiti | Shortcut | Shortcut | Shortcut | Prekratiti | Show | Showed | Shown | Pokazati | Shrink | Shrank | Shrunk | Skupiti (se) | Shrive | Shrove | Shriven | Ispovedati (se) | Shut | Shut | Shut | Isključiti
Zatvoriti | Sidewind | Sidewound | Sidewound | Kretati (se dijagonalno) | Sight-read | Sight-read | Sight-read | Svirati (bez gledanja u note) | Sightsee | Sightsaw | Sightseen | Posmatrati (prizor) | Sing | Sang | Sung | Pevati | Sink | Sank | Sunk | Potonuti | Sit | Sat | Sat | Sesti | Skywrite | Skywrote | Skywritten | Pisati (dimom po nebu) | Slay | Slew | Slain | Nadvladati
Pogubiti | Sleep | Slept | Slept | Spavati | Slide | Slid | Slid
Slidden | Skliznuti | Sling | Slung | Slung | Baciti
Obesiti | Slink | Slunk | Slunk | Šunjati se | Slit | Slit | Slit | Prorezati | Smell | Smelt
Smelled | Smelt
Smelled | Mirisati | Smite | Smote | Smitten | Obuzeti
Udariti (jako) | Snapshoot | Snapshot | Snapshot | Snimiti (u trenutku) | Sneak | Sneaked
Snuck | Sneaked
Snuck | Prikradati (se) | Soothsay | Soothsaid | Soothsaid | Proricati | Sow | Sowed | Sown | Posejati | Speak | Spoke | Spoken | Govoriti | Speed | Sped
Speeded | Sped
Speeded | Ubrzati
Pospešiti | Spell | Spelt
Spelled | Spelt
Spelled | Opčiniti | Spellbind | Spellbound | Spellbound | Začarati
Zarobiti | Spend | Spent | Spent | Potrošiti | Spill | Spilt
Spilled | Spilt
Spilled | Prosuti | Spin | Span
Spun | Spun | Zavrteti | Spit | Spat
Spit | Spat
Spit | Pljunuti | Split | Split | Split | Podeliti | Spoil | Spoilt
Spoiled | Spoilt
Spoiled | Pokvariti | Spoonfeed | Spoonfed | Spoonfed | Hraniti (se kašikom) | Spread | Spread | Spread | Raširiti | Spring | Sprang | Sprung | Aktivirati | Stall-feed | Stall-fed | Stall-fed | Toviti | Stand | Stood | Stood | Stajati | Stave | Stove
Stoved | Stove
Stoved | Izbušiti | Steal | Stole | Stolen | Ukrasti | Stick | Stuck | Stuck | Lepiti | Sting | Stung | Stung | Ubosti | Stink | Stank | Stunk | Smrdeti | Straphang | Straphung | Straphung | Držati (se za ručicu, kaiš) | Strew | Strewed | Strewn
Strewed | Posuti | Stride | Strode
Strided | Stridden | Koračati | Strike | Struck | Struck
Stricken | Udariti
Napasti | String | Strung | Strung | Obesiti
Nanizati | Strip | Stript
Stripped | Stript
Stripped | Svući
Oguliti | Strive | Strove | Striven | Nastojati
Težiti | Sublet | Sublet | Sublet | Dati (u podzakup) | Sunburn | Sunburned
Sunburnt | Sunburned
Sunburnt | Izgoreti (na suncu) | Swear | Swore | Sworn | Zakleti (se) | Sweat | Sweat
Sweated | Sweat
Sweated | Znojiti (se) | Sweep | Swept
Sweeped | Swept
Sweeped | Brisati | Swell | Swelled | Swollen | Naduti
Oteći | Swim | Swam | Swum | Plivati | Swing | Swung | Swung | Ljuljati (se) | Swink | Swank
Swonk | Swonken | Rintati | Switch-hit | Switch-hit | Switch-hit | Razmeniti (udarce) |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Take | Took | Taken | Uzeti | Teach | Taught | Taught | Učiti | Team-teach | Team-taught | Team-taught | Učiti (timski) | Tear | Tore | Torn | Cepati
Kidati | Telecast | Telecast
Telecasted | Telecast
Telecasted | Prenositi | Tell | Told | Told | Reći | Test-drive | Test-drove | Test-driven | Voziti (probno) | Test-fly | Test-flew | Test-flown | Leteti (probno) | Think | Thought | Thought | Misliti | Thrive | Throve
Thrived | Thriven
Thrived | Napredovati
Rasti | Throw | Threw | Thrown | Baciti | Thrust | Thrust | Thrust | Gurati | Thunderstrike | Thunderstruck | Thunderstruck
Thunderstricken | Udariti (grom) | Tine | Tint
Tined | Tint
Tined | Zatvoriti | Toss | Tossed
Tost | Tossed
Tost | Baciti | Tread | Trod | Trodden | Gaziti | Troubleshoot | Troubleshot | Troubleshot | Rešiti (problem) | Typecast | Typecast | Typecast | Dodeljivati (konstantno iste tipove uloga glumcu) | Typeset | Typeset | Typeset | Pripremiti (za štampu) | Typewrite | Typewrote | Typewritten | Kucati (na pisaćoj mašini) |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Unbear | Unbore | Unborn
Unborne | Ne podnositi | Unbend | Unbent | Unbent | Ispraviti | Unbind | Unbound | Unbound | Odmotati | Unbuild | Unbuilt | Unbuilt | Razgraditi | Unclothe | Unclad
Unclothed | Unclad
Unclothed | Svući | Underbid | Underbid | Underbid
Underbidden | Potpunuditi | Underbuy | Underbought | Underbought | Potkupiti | Undercut | Undercut | Undercut | Potseći | Underdelve | Underdelved | Underdolven
Underdelved | Potkopati | Underdo | Underdid | Underdone | Podbaciti (u radu) | Underfeed | Underfed | Underfed | Pothraniti | Undergird | Undergirt
Undergirded | Undergirt
Undergirded | Podmotati | Undergo | Underwent | Undergone | Izlagati (se) | Underlay | Underlaid | Underlaid | Podmetnuti | Underlet | Underlet | Underlet | Umanjiti | Underlie | Underlay | Underlain | Podleći | Underpay | Underpaid | Underpaid | Potplatiti | Underrun | Underran | Underrun | Prolaziti | Undersell | Undersold | Undersold | Prodati (jeftino) | Undershoot | Undershot | Undershot | Ispaliti (kratka meta) | Underspend | Underspent | Underspent | Potrošiti (manje) | Understand | Understood | Understood | Shvatiti | Undertake | Undertook | Undertaken | Preduzeti | Underthrust | Underthrust | Underthrust | Podgurnuti | Underwrite | Underwrote | Underwritten | Potpisivati | Undo | Undid | Undone | Poništiti | Undraw | Undrew | Undrawn | Odvući | Unfreeze | Unfroze | Unfrozen | Odmrznuti | Unhang | Unhung | Unhung | Odbesiti | Unhide | Unhid | Unhidden | Otkriti | Unhold | Unheld | Unheld | Otpustiti | Unknit | Unknit
Unknitted | Unknit
Unknitted | Odplesti | Unlade | Unladed | Unladen
Unladed | Istovariti | Unlay | Unlaid | Unlaid | Odmotati | Unlearn | Unlearnt
Unlearned | Unlearnt
Unlearned | Odučiti | Unmake | Unmade | Unmade | Pokvariti | Unreeve | Unrove
Unreeved | Unrove
Unreeved | Povući | Unsay | Unsaid | Unsaid | Poreći | Unsell | Unsold | Unsold | Ubediti | Unsew | Unsewed | Unsewn
Unsewed | Otšiti | Unsling | Unslung | Unslung | Izbaciti | Unspeak | Unspoke | Unspoken | Ne reći | Unspin | Unspun | Unspun | Ne vrteti (se) | Unstick | Unstuck | Unstuck | Odštrikati | Unstring | Unstrung | Unstrung | Odžičiti | Unswear | Unswore | Unsworn | Otkleti | Unteach | Untaught | Untaught | Odučiti | Unthink | Unthought | Unthought | Odmisliti | Untread | Untrod | Untrodden | Povući (se) | Unweave | Unwove | Unwoven | Otplesti | Unwind | Unwound | Unwound | Odmotati | Unwrite | Unwrote | Unwritten | Ne pisati | Upbuild | Upbuilt | Upbuilt | Nadgraditi | Uphold | Upheld | Upheld | Podupirati | Uppercut | Uppercut | Uppercut | Udariti (naviše) | Uprise | Uprose | Uprisen | Uzdići | Upset | Upset | Upset | Uznemiriti | Upspring | Upsprang | Upsprung | Ponići | Upsweep | Upswept | Upswept | Brisati (naviše) | Uptear | Uptore | Uptorn | Otkinuti |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Vex | Vext
Vexed | Vext
Vexed | Dodijavati |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Wake | Woke | Woken | Buditi | Waylay | Waylaid | Waylaid | Presresti | Wear | Wore | Worn | Nositi | Weave | Wove | Woven | Tkati | Wed | Wed
Wedded | Wed
Wedded | Oženiti | Weep | Wept | Wept | Jadikovati | Wend | Wended
Went | Wended
Went | Uputiti (se) | Wet | Wet
Wetted | Wet
Wetted | Nakvasiti | Whipsaw | Whipsawed | Whipsawn
Whipsawed | Seći (testerom)
Maltretirati | Win | Won | Won | Pobediti | Wind | Wound | Wound | Namotati | Winterfeed | Winterfed | Winterfed | Hraniti (stoku preko zime) | Wiredraw | Wiredrew | Wiredrawn | Napraviti (žicu) | Wit | Wist | Wist | Dosetka | Withdraw | Withdrew | Withdrawn | Povući | Withhold | Withheld | Withheld | Zadržati | Withstand | Withstood | Withstood | Odoleti | Wont | Wont | Wont
Wonted | Naviknuti | Work | Worked
Wrought | Worked
Wrought | Raditi | Wrap | Wrapped
Wrapt | Wrapped
Wrapt | Obaviti | Wreak | Wreaked | Wreaked
Wroken | Prouzrokovati | Wring | Wrung | Wrung | Cediti | Write | Wrote | Written | Pisati |
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Prevod | Zinc | Zinced
Zincked | Zinced
Zincked | Pocinkati |
vasa.93 (F;G;H;I;J;K;L;P;Q;R;S); ThePhilosopher (T;U;V;W;Z); maxo95 (A;B;C;D;E);
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 12 Sep 2013 08:37
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