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Citat:Château d'Ussé
In the seventeenth century Louis I de Valentinay, comptroller of the royal household, demolished the north range of buildings in order to open the interior court to the spectacular view over the parterre terrace, to a design ascribed to André Le Nôtre. Valentinay's son-in-law was the military engineer Vauban, who visited Ussé on numerous occasions. The tradition maintained at Ussé is that this was the castle Charles Perrault had in mind when writing "Sleeping Beauty". Later Ussé passed to the Rohan. In 1807 Ussé was purchased by the duc de Duras; as early as March 1813, low-key meetings were held at Ussé among a group of Bourbon loyalists, who met to sound out the possibilities of a Bourbon Restoration: such men as Trémouille, duc de Fitzjames, the prince de Polignac, Ferrand, Montmorency and the duc de Rochefoucault attended.[1] Here later François-René de Chateaubriand worked on his Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe as the guest of duchesse Claire de Duras.
In 1885 the comtesse de la Rochejaquelein bequeathed Ussé to her great-nephew, the comte de Blacas. Today the château belongs to his descendent.
Famed for its picturesque aspect, Ussé was the subject of a French railroad poster issued by the Chemin de Fer de Paris à Orléans in the 1920s[2] and was one of several that inspired Walt Disney in the creation of many of the Disney Castles.
It is classified as a Monument historique since 1931 by the French Ministry of Culture[3].
"Dvorac d'Ussé
U sedamnaestom veku Luj I od Valentinaja, upravnik kraljevskog domaćinstva, srušio je zgrade na severnoj strani da bi stvorio spektakularan pogled na unutrašnje dvorište sa parter terase, prema dizajnu pripisanom André Le Nôtre. Valentinajev zet bio je vojni inženjer Vauban i posetio je Ussé puno puta. U Usséu se održava tradicionalno verovanje da je Ćarls Perolt imao na umu ovaj zamak kada je pisao "Uspavanu lepoticu". Kasnije je Ussé pripao Rohanima. 1807. Ussé je kupio vojvoda od Durasa; već u martu 1813. u Usséu su održavani povremeni sastanci ljudi lojalni Burbonima, koji su se sastajali da bi razmatrali mogućnosti za restauraciju Burbona: prisustvovali su ljudi poput Trémouillea, vojvode od Fitzjamesa, princ od Polignaca, Ferrand, Montmorency i vojvoda od Rochefoucault. Ovde je kasnije François-René de Chateaubriand radio na svojim "Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe" kao gost vojvotkinje Klare od Durasa.
1885. grofica od la Rochejaquelein zaveštala je Ussé svom pranećaku, grofu od Blacasa. Dvorac danas pripada njegovom potomku. Poznat zbog svog slikovitog aspekta, Ussé je bio tema francuskog železničkog postera koga je izdao Chemin de Fer de Paris à Orléans 1920tih godina i bio je jedan od nekolicine koji je inspirisao Volta Diznija da stvori mnoge Dizni zamkove. Od 1931. je klasifikovan kao spomenik istorije od strane fancuskog Ministarstva kulture."
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