Pomoc oko prevoda ...

Pomoc oko prevoda ...

  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 2

preveo sam ceo tekst, samo sam zeleo da mi neko ukaze na greske ...


U radu je opisan način kako se u što kraćem vremenskom periodu može uspešno izvršiti optimizacija web prezentacije radi lakšeg pronalaženja na pretraživačima. Kako današnji korisnici Interneta žele da do informacija dođu na jednostavan i brz način, dok je sa druge strane vrlo bitno atraktivno predstaviti korporativni imidž, kroz rad je prikazan idealni balans postignut pravilnim kombinovanjem grafičkog dizajna i programiranja, optimizovanom promocijom i kontinuiranim razvojem.

Kroz rad su opisani koraci o kojima treba voditi računa prilikom izrade Web prezentacije, primeni marketing strategija, načinu postavljanja i tipu Adsense oglasa, naravno sve to u cilju što veće finansijske opravdanosti Web sajta. Da bi lakše razumeli ponašanje pretraživača na internetu sve marketing strategije opisane u ovom radu primenjene su na primeru Portala link.barac.org. Svrha Portala link.barac.org je da olakša dostupnost željenih informacija krajnjem korisniku, a da i sam Portal pri tome ima ekonomsku opravdanost.

Za razvoj portala link.barac.org korišćene su internet tehnologije poput PHP-a, MySQL-a, CSS-a, HTML-a i Jave, kao i dizajnerske veštine sve u cilju ostvarivanja rešenja koje bi zadovoljilo potrebe krajnjih korisnika.


This work presents the shortest possible way how You can successfully make Search Engine Optimization of Web presentation. As well as today’s Internet users attend the easiest and the fastest possible way to find useful information, while we should not ignore the importance of Web design appearance, during this work we try to present an ideal balance combining graphic design and programming, an optimized promotion and its continuous development.

In this work we also describe the most important phases in the process of developing a Web site, the use of marketing strategies , the ways of managing Adsense ads, all that with the aim, to achieve higher financial benefits of the Web site. To understand the behavior of the search engine on the internet all marketing strategies which we used in this work are represented on the example of Portal link.barac.org. The purpose of Portal link.barac.org is to supply the needed information to the final consumer in the easiest available way and also to have some financial benefits.

For the development of Portal link.barac.org are used, various Internet technologies such as PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, Java and also design skills, with the purpose of finding the final solution, which will satisfied the consumers needs.

... HVALA UNAPRED ...Smile)

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Data Center Engineer
  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 3050
  • Gde živiš: Holandija

Umesto da ukažem na greške, ja ću ponoviti tvoj prevod sa unetim ispravkama. Nadam se da ne zameraš.

This work presents the shortest possible way how You can successfully perform a Search Engine Optimization of a Web presentation. Since today’s Internet users strive for the easiest and the fastest possible way to find useful information, while on the other hand the importance of Web design appearance should not be ignored, during this work we try to present an ideal balance by combining graphic design and programming, an optimized promotion and its continuous development.

In this work we also describe the most important phases in the process of developing a Web site, the use of marketing strategies, the ways of managing Adsense ads - all that with the aim of achieving higher financial benefits of the Web site. To understand the behavior of the search engine on the Internet, all marketing strategies which we used in this work are represented on the example of the portal link.barac.org. The purpose of link.barac.org is to supply the needed information to the final consumer in the easiest available way, and also to have some financial benefits.

For the development of link.barac.org, various Internet technologies such as PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, Java and also design skills are used with the purpose of finding the final solution, which will satisfy the consumers' needs.

Portal i Web ne mora velikim slovom.

  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 2

naravno da ne zameram, zato sam ga i postovao ovde ... svidja mi se Smile ... jedino izraz strive mi deluje malo grublje, mozda pre tend (attend ne moze, posto je attend vise pratiti ili prisustvovati) ... hvala najlepse

  • Data Center Engineer
  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 3050
  • Gde živiš: Holandija

Tend to je težiti ka nečemu, a strive je truditi se da se nešto postigne,ti odluči šta ti više odgovara.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 1

Strive to achieve virtue of deeds... Very Happy

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