Poslao: 01 Nov 2014 22:02
- Fil
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
- Poruke: 16586
Evo jedne narodne teme
Pa ko voli nek izvoli, čuli ste za neki zanimljiv sleng na filmu, rep pesmi ili od rođaka iz Amerike - super, podelite to sa nama.
Naravno, po staroj dobroj srpskoj metodi "ofrlje", prevodi će biti s "malo više" improvizacije. Pa da krenemo:
Beat it - kidaj (beži; vidi "scram")
berserk - mahnit, ma'nit //it's driving me berserk
bloke - čoek, druškan, tip, "lik"
bruv (bruvva) - tebra, "bat" + višeA word used by mainly South Londoners. It's the shorter version of 'bruvva' which is a slang variation of 'brother'
clunker - "stara kršina".
cock-up - brljotina
daft - šašav
dog breath - smrad (atribut) + primerHey, dog breath! - Hej, smrade!
dozy - tupav
hanky - maramica, u slengu (handkerchief)
guidos - ameri "žabari" (derogatory for italian americans).
hillbilly - prostački "seljački".
jot down - pribilježiti, "baciti na papir".
juicer - čovek koji uzima steroide da dobije mišiće (inače, sokovnik)
Knock it off! - začepi! (prestani!)
nick - maznuti, hapiti //25 were nicked from his shop last week
pop down - skoknuti, naletiti, svratiti
runt - žgoljo, kržljivac, "krža".
schmuck - mentol, šmokljan
Scooch over! - "mak'se tamo!"
scram! - briši, (beži; vidi "beat it")
skint - švorc
Stay put! - "ne mrdaj!"
tingly - strujanje, "leptirići"
trinket - džidža-bidža
twonk - krele
zonk out - "komirati se" (spavati) //znači i udariti
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 01 Dec 2014 08:40
- Fil
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
- Poruke: 16586
splurge (out) (on) - "spiskati" novac (na nešto).
I feel like splurging (out) on a new dress.
I want to splurge on a new TV.
Frazalni glagol koji opisuje ovu pojavu je "splash out".
They splashed out 3000 $ on a holiday
Poslao: 08 Dec 2014 09:33
- lidija2011
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2011
- Poruke: 730
beats me - ne razumem, nije mi jasno
It beats me how she got the job.
What beats me is why she stays with him.
Poslao: 11 Dec 2014 09:27
- Fil
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
- Poruke: 16586
Još malo hard core slenga Prevodi su slobodni, kao i do sada
Bake - "gubica" // The mouth. (Irish/Scottish use)
Bam - "blesan" //A foolish and objectionable person. (Scottish)
Barmy - "luđak" //Mad, crazy, insane.
Belt up - "zaveži" //The British version for shut up ("začepi").
Best of British - "sretno" //If someone says "The best of British to you" when you are visiting the UK, it simply means good luck.
Bomb - "papreno" // If something "costs a bomb" ("košta papreno") it means that it is really expensive.
Brassed off - možda "prekipilo" //Fed-up, annoyed.
Brill - "briljantno" //Short for "brilliant". Often used by kids to mean cool.
Dodgy - "uvrnuto" //If Someone or something is strange or weird, often in a bad illegitimate way.
Dog's dinner - "svinjac" - If you make a real mess of something it might be described as a real dog's dinner.
Duff - "s falinkom" //Something that's flawed or faulty.
Easy Peasy - "laganica", "laganini" //A childish term for something very easy.
Fancy - "zgotiviti" //Utterly charming, resourceful, and pretty. There are two basic forms in common use - food and people. If you fancy a cake, for example, it means you like the look of it and you want to eat it. If you saw someone of (hopefully) the opposite sex then you might fancy them, if you liked the look of them and wanted to get to know them a little better.
Gormless - "ret" //Brainless. Lacking in intelligence, clueless.
Hard lines - "maler" //means the same as tough luck or bad luck.
Hiya - "vozdra" //Short for hi there, this is a friendly way of saying hello.
Jolly - "v'oma" //You hear people use this in all sorts of ways, but basically it means very.
Khazi - "ćenifa" //Another word for the toilet.
Kip - "lalati" //Northern English Slang for sleep, also Kippin as in Sleeping.
Knockers - "baloni" //A woman's breasts. Especially when unrestrained and allowed to move.
Leg it - "fataj šturu" //A phrase used when an alarming and unexpected need to run is discovered. Usually said by kids having just been caught doing something naughty.
Nark - "namćor" //If someone is in a nark, it means they are in a bad mood, or being grumpy. Also a person who will report you to a higher authority for any given reason
Palatic - "prepiti" //A step above drunk. Generally when you are palatic you don't fall asleep or sit in the corner with your head in your hands - you get your top off and make an absolute fool of yourself.
Piss poor - "mačji kašalj" //If something is described as being "piss poor" it means it is an extremely poor attempt at something.
Pissed - "rašalovan", "nagrđen", "mortus pjan" // To be heavily intoxicated with alcohol to the point of not knowing where you are.
Plastered - "lelujati", "ne znati za sebe" // Heavily under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. “Rick couldn't handle drinking; he was plastered in under an hour”.
Puff - "peško", "pešovan" //a man who is gay or is acting really queerly.
Put paid to - "okončati" // This is an expression which means to put an end to something.
Round - "tura" //It means it is your turn to buy the drinks for everyone in the group.
Rubbish - "baljezgarija" //Another word for garbage or lies.
Shambles - "rusvaj" // If something is a shambles it is chaotic or a real mess.
Shitfaced - "usvinjen", "usran" //To be really, really drunk, intoxicated.
Skive - "begati" //To skive is to evade something. To avoid work but still appearing as though you are doing something.
Slapper - "lujka" //A slapper is a female who is a bit loose.
Stonking - "do jaja" //Impressive, wonderful.
Swotting - "gruvanje" //To study, particularly in preparation for a test or exam.
Tosser - "zec hvalisavac" //Describes a person with a tendency to show off.
Tonking - "debakl" // a severe defeat.
Waffle – "budalaština" Aimless talk, nonsense.
Watcha - "đes'ba" //Simply means Hi.
Welly - "nabiti", "kernuti", "nakerati" //To kick forcefully. It means you are trying harder or giving it the boot.
Wind up - "zafrknuti@ To tell lies or joke at the expense of the recipient.
Yakking - "drobiti" //This means talking incessantly.
Yampy - "otkačen" Crazy, mad, insane.
BONUS (pokoji idiom i nesvrstano)
Blooming - Another alternative to the word bloody. You might hear someone say "not blooming likely" so that they don't have to swear.
- "žuraja" //A party. You would go to a do if you were going to a party in the UK.
- "prodavati" If you go into a shop and say "do you do batteries?" it means "do you sell batteries".
- "goniti" If you drive along a motorway in the wrong lane the police will do you. You could then tell your friends that you have been done by the police. Prosecute is another word for it!
Full of beans - "hiljadu na sat" //This means to have loads of energy.
Give us a bell - "okreni me" This simply means call me. You often hear people use the word "us" to mean "me".
Her Majesty's pleasure - When visiting England, try to avoid being detained at Her Majesty's pleasure. This means being put in prison with no release date!
How's your father? - This is a very old term for sex which plays on our apparent British sensitivity. Rather than saying the actual "sex" word you could refer to having a bit of How's your Father, instead - nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Throw a spanner in the works - "zblanjati" //This is an expression that means to wreck something.
Poslao: 19 Dec 2014 11:45
- lidija2011
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2011
- Poruke: 730
chicken out - uplašiti se
I was going to go bungee jumping, but I chickened out.