Napisano: 12 Okt 2019 17:09
kako prevesti u značenju ove mantre That i This: meni to bude isto a nije! Sve drugo znam ali ove 2 riječi neznam pravilno upotrijebiti ovde.
Značenje sanskrit mantre
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam....
”THAT is infinite, THIS is infinite; From That, This comes. THIS added or removed from THAT, the Infinite remains as Infinite. Om, peace, peace, peace.”
”That is whole; this is whole;
From that whole this whole came;
From that whole, this whole removed,
What remains is whole.
Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.”
Dopuna: 12 Okt 2019 21:00
Nije mi pomoglo ni ovo objašnjenje šta znači That I This, jer ne nalazim riječi u našem jeziku koje bi izrayile razliku
"THAT means the beyond, the invisible.
THIS means the within, the visible. THAT means the hidden, THIS means the manifest. THAT means the infinite, THIS means the finite. THAT IS the whole, of course, but the insistence of the Upanishads is: THIS too, is the whole."