Napisano: 26 Dec 2010 11:42
, veoma zanimljivo.
To: "Make Do" je dosta nezgodna fraza, moze da se tumaci na sledeci nacin:
Make do:
To manage to get along with the means available: had to make do on less income.
Na sprskom u sustinu znaci to da:
"Mora da se zadovolji sa tim sto trenutno ima na raspolaganju"
Dopuna: 26 Dec 2010 11:48
micoboj ::The structures of some enzymes make it impossible for them to function well at high salt concentrations, and the organism just has to make do.
To moze da se kaze i na sledeci nacin:
"The structures of some enzymes make it impossible for them to function well at high salt concentrations, and the organism just has to Deal with it."