Napisano: 26 Jan 2012 23:09
Ljudiii,, molim vas ,hitno mi treba prepricati ovaj tekst, tekst je razumljiv i nije tezak,al ja ne znam bas dobro pricati engleski,gramatika me zbunjuje,,pa bi vas zamolila, ako mozete ,,da mi neko preprica ,ko zna,a zna vas dosta sigurno.Uglavnom ne treba tu nest puno prepricavati,,samo najvaznije,,sustinsko.
Molim vas Unaprijed hvala
Day 1-Am I mad?
I first heard of " Show Racism the Red Card" when a friend asked me to sign a petition supporting their work.Basically it's an organisation which uses professional footballers to help fight racism in sport and society.I liked the idea,so i signed. A few weeks later , he asked me if i wanted to do a bit more for them.I thought he probably meant make a donation or do some voluntary work.But when he told me that a group of about 20 people were getting sponsored to play the highest ever game of rugby at 5,140 meters on the slopes of Mount Everest.Well, to cut a long story short,tomorrow i'm off to Nepal.Wish me luck.
Day 4- Uphill all the way
We're making our up to the base camp -that's where most climbers start their final ascent to the top - and then,we'll play our game.There's one thingh I've learned pretty quickly .If you walk too fast at high altitude,you get really short of breath.There's not much oxygen, and you have to do everything slowly.Today we started out at 8am.We had to cross three suspension bridges.One of them was so high you couldn't see the bottom.Then we walked through some beautful forest areas before we started a two-hours uphill hike to Namche Bazaar.It was really tough and most of us had headaches when we arrived. Tomorrow we're going to have a rest day.I need one!
Day 5- A welcome rest
Today,I'm wondering why I always do things the hard way.I mean most people go on demonstration or hand out leaflets in the High Street if they want to help out,but me - no. I have to go up Mount Everest and play a game of rugby.Anyway,today was a day off so I went into town and bought a monkey hat and a blanket for my sleeping bag. We're surrounded by mountains here - it's beautiful.I took lots of photos.If I have time later, I'll upload some of them onto the blog, so you can all see where I am.
Day 10 - On top of the world
Base camp is basically just a lot of stones and tents.The walk up was really exhausting.maybe if I was fitter,I wouldn't find this so hard,but then it's not just me -all of us get very short of breath.We passed two crashed helicopters just to show you how dangerous Everest can be. One of them crashed only two days ago.No one was killed,luckily.
Day 11- The game
Today we played our game.It was supposed to be a "friendly",and last night ,we had agreed we'd just walk and not run.However, it got competitive and two players were even sent off.We only played for 14 minutes.I think someone would have got hurt if we'd played any longer! My team won and I scored the last try! Of course, none of this matters.What's really important is that we did it and we've raised a load of money.It feels amazing.
Dopuna: 26 Jan 2012 23:28
ljudiiii ,odoh spavatii,,a nadam se da ce mi neko do sutra vece to prepricati tekst WALKEING BACK koji sam napisala malopre ..jos jednom vas molim. :d hvala
Dopuna: 26 Jan 2012 23:44
i da jos jedna napomena.. ko mi bude prepricao nek mi posalje na mejl ( Molim vas Dobre duse ,,smilujte se