Odradio sam ovu migraciju, proslo je 48 sati...i sada kada se ulogujem dobijem da biram vrstu page-a i idem na next kada dodjem do polja
Pick What Photos You Want Migrated
Your profile picture will automatically be moved to your new Page. You can also transfer any photos from your Timeline to your new Page.
Which photos would you like transferred to your new Page?
1) Make all of my photos public and transfer them
2) Just transfer my public photos
3) Don't transfer any of my photos
Please keep in mind that, other than your friends, no other content will be moved over to your Page. You’ll have the chance to download your Facebook data at the end of this process. Learn more about your Facebook data.
Sta god da odaberem od ove tri ponudjene opcije i kliknem next...vrati me ponovo na taj izbor.
Ima li neko ideju o cemu se radi?