Nikolas Kejdz se vraca kao Dzoni Blejz u novom nastavku filma Ghost Rider radjenog po stripu.
Ne mogavsi da se pomiri sa kletvom koju nosi Dzoni Blejz se krije u Rumuniji gde ga pronalazi tajno drustvo koje ga regrutuje kako bi im pomogao da spasi decaka od Djavola koga tumaci Ciarán Hinds koga smo imali prilike da gledamo u filmovima Road To Perdition,Munich,There Will Be Blood i mnogim drugima.
Iako u pocetku okleva da pomogne decaku Blejz polako shvata da ce na taj nacin ne samo pomoci decaku nego i sebi jer je to jedini nacin da se oslobodi kletve koja ga prati.
Pored vec pomenutih Kejdza i Hindsa u ovom delu Ghost Ridera igra i Christopher Lambert i Idris Elba dok su reziju potpisali Mark Neveldine i Bryan Taylor koju su rezirali i Crank serijal filmova.
Nazalost u ovom delu nema Eve Mendes
Plot Summary: Nicolas Cage returns as Johnny Blaze in Columbia Pictures' and Hyde Park Entertainment's "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance." In the successor to the worldwide hit "Ghost Rider," Johnny - still struggling with his curse as the devil's bounty hunter - is hiding out in a remote part of Eastern Europe when he is recruited by a secret sect of the church to save a young boy (Fergus Riordan) from the devil (Ciaran Hinds). At first, Johnny is reluctant to embrace the power of the Ghost Rider, but it is the only way to protect the boy - and possibly rid himself of his curse forever.
Director: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Screenwriter: Scott M. Gimple, Seth Hoffman, David S. Goyer
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Fergus Riordan, Ciaran Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Johnny Whitworth