Ting je siroče koje živi u malom tajlandskom selu. U lokalnom manastiru, gdje je odgajan od redovnika, uči Muay Thai Boran, tradicionalnu borilačku veštinu koju sme koristiti samo u odbrambene svrhe. Kada u mesto stigne diler Don i ukrade religijsku statuicu Ong-Bak za koju seljani veruju da donosi kišu, Ting se dobrovoljno javlja u misiju spašavanja.
Mladića šalju u Bangkok kod rođaka ne bi li pronašao kradljivca. Ting se u velikom gradu nekoliko puta izgubi i zbuni, a u potrazi slučajno upadne u podzemne ulične borbe. Da bi pronašao Dona, mora pobjediti u nekoliko mečeva.
Movie Info: When the head of Ong-Bak--the sacred Buddha of a poor village--is stolen, the population is plunged into misery. The Buddha was the focal point of an anniversary vigil believed to bring rain to the drought-stricken area.
Young Ting is selected by the villagers to travel to Bangkok and rescue the relic in time for their ceremony. Ting has an affinity with the statue as he was left on the temple steps as a baby and raised by monks, who taught him muay thai, but forbade him to use it in combat. But now he is forced to delve into a seedy underworld and try to avoid temptation.
Directed by: Prachya Pinkaew
Produced by: Somsak Techaratanaprasert, Prachya Pinkaew
Starring: Tony Jaa, Petchtai Wongkamlao, Pumwaree Yodkamol
Genre: Drama, Action & Adventure, Art House & International
Nekada davno u Tajlandu, Tienu, dečaku iz plemićke porodice, osvajači ubiju roditelje, a sam zamalo izbegne smrt. Prihvataju ga pripadnici velike pobunjeničke grupe čije se skrovište nalazi usred prašume, pa Tien uz njih uči kako lopovske tako i borilačke veštine, koje oni koriste u borbi protiv lokalnih vlastelina, a kad odraste postaje vođa skupine.
Ali, jednoga dana saznaje da se traže takmičari za turnir na kojem će najbolji biti izabrani za elitne vojnike u službi čoveka koji je ubio njegove roditelje. Došlo je vrijeme osvete...
Movie Info: Set in the regal times of King Naresuan, Tien (Tony Jaa) is a man who was born into nobility but had it stripped from him after his parents were brutally murdered. During his childhood Tien learned Khon, a form of dance which is usually reserved for royalty. Although he didn't know it yet, Khon would later prove to be an invaluable aide to him. After seeing his parents murdered at the tender age of 10, Tien is forced to live on the streets where he is eventually captured by a group of thieves who take him in and teach him how to steal and fight.
Tien's expertise as a thief and fighter grows and it isn't long before he is made head thief. Then Tien sees something that makes his stomach churn. A competition is being held to find the best knights to serve under the very man who had killed Tien's parents all those years ago. Tien passes the tests easily and is made Lord Rachasana's 2nd Knight. Now, he has his opportunity to strike but he will have to use all his skill and ingenuity if he is going to get his revenge on the man who killed his parents.
Directed by: Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai
Produced by: Prachya Pinkaew, Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai, Akarapol Techaratanaprasert
Starring: Tony Jaa, Sarunyu Wongkrajang, Sorapong Chatri
Genre: Art House & International, Action & Adventure
Godina je 1431, Tajland, Tien je zarobljen i mučen na razne načine. Po naređenju Lorda Rajsena, Tienu su polomljena kolena i laktovi. U sred noći, dok Lord Rajsen spava, grupa Tienovih gerilaca pokušava da ga oslobodi, ali u tom trenutku se pojavljuje Buhuti Sangkha i ubija gerilce.
Lord Rajsen oduševljen Buhutijem nudi mu posao, međutim on odbija posao ali govori da je na Lorda bačena kletva i da bi je on mogao ukloniti. Lord prihvata i dolazi u Buhutijev hram na skidanje kletve. Međutim, Buhti saznaje prave namere Lorda, naime Lord planira nasilnu uzurpaciju prestola i postavljanje sebe za kralja. Buhuti odrubljuje glavu Lordu Rajsenu ali lordova glava baca kletvu na njega.
Movie Info: The cursed Lord Rajasena orders his warriors to beat up on and break the bones of Tien. When Tien is ready to be decapitated, a messenger from King Ayothaya arrives bringing a pardon and Tien is released and transported almost dead to Kana Khone village. Master Bua heals Tien and teaches meditation to help him to resolve the issues of his Karma.
While Tien recovers, the evil Bhuti Sangkha defeats Rajasena's soldiers and beheads the king to take his power and treasure. Bhuti self-proclaims king, initiating a kingdom of cruelties. When Tien returns to Kana Khone, he finds the village destroyed and the villagers abducted. Now Tien has to fight against a powerful enemy to release his friends and stop the kingdom of fear of Bhuti Sangkha.
Directed by: Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai
Produced by: Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai
Starring: Tony Jaa, Dan Chupong, Sarunyu Wongkrachang
Genre: Drama, Action & Adventure, Art House & International