Trend snimanja filmova po stripskim junacima po svemu sudeci nastavice se i u 2011 godini.
Jedan od prvih strpiskih junaka koji ce se pojaviti na velikom ekranu u 2011 godini je lik Green Horneta ili Zelenog Strsljena (nema nikakve veze sa Zelenim Zubom iz filma Kako je propao Rock N Roll )
Prica prati bogatoga naslednika oceve imperije koga tumaci Seth Rogen koga znamo iz filmova Donnie Darko i Kung Fu Panda koji posle smrti odlucuje da se bori za slobodu,pradu i zakon time sto ce krsiti zakon i to uz pomoc svog vernog pratioca Kato-a koga tumaci Jay Chou.
Glavna zenska uloga je pripala Cameron Diaz
Director: Michel Gondry
Screenwriter: Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg
Starring: Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Cameron Diaz, Christoph Waltz, Edward James Olmos, David Harbour, Tom Wilkinson
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime
Plot Summary: Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) is the son of LA's most prominent and respected media magnate and perfectly happy to maintain a directionless existence on the party scene – until his father (Tom Wilkinson) mysteriously dies, leaving Britt his vast media empire. Striking an unlikely friendship with one of his father's more industrious and inventive employees, Kato (Jay Chou), they see their chance to do something meaningful for the first time in their lives: fight crime. But in order to do this, they decide to become criminals themselves – protecting the law by breaking it, Britt becomes the vigilante The Green Hornet as he and Kato hit the streets.
Using all his ingenuity and skill, Kato builds the ultimate in advanced retro weaponry, The Black Beauty, an indestructible car equal parts firepower and horsepower. Rolling in a mobile fortress on wheels and striking the bad guys with Kato's clever gadgets, The Green Hornet and Kato quickly start making a name for themselves, and with the help of Britt's new secretary, Lenore Case (Cameron Diaz), they begin hunting down the man who controls LA's gritty underworld: Benjamin Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz). But Chudnofsky has plans of his own: to swat down The Green Hornet once and for all.
Čisto da pomenem, serija sa istim nazivom, rađena po stripu, prikazivana je još 1966-1967, a ulogu Kato-a igrao je Brus Li!
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Kasnije, tamo negde sedamdeseti, sakupljeno je vise epizoda i onda su napravljena dva igrana filma od njih.
Kod nas su se oba prikazivala u biskopima pod naslovom "Zeleni Obad" i "Osveta Zelenog Obada" ("The Green Hornet-Fury of the Dragon")
(dakle, nije bio "strsljen" nego "obad")
Edit: da li se varam ili je taj prvi Zeleni Obad film u prevodu imao i jedno dodato "kung-fu"? Kao "Kung Fu Zeleni Obad"...