Plot Summary: From acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan ("Memento," "Batman Begins"), comes a mysterious story of two magicians whose intense rivalry leads them on a life-long battle for supremacy full of obsession, deceit and jealousy with dangerous and deadly consequences.
From the time that they first met as young magicians on the rise, Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) were competitors. However, their friendly competition evolves into a bitter rivalry making them fierce enemies-for-life and consequently jeopardizing the lives of everyone around them. Full of twists and turns, "The Prestige" is set against the backdrop of turn-of-the-century London, the exceptional cast includes two-time Oscar® winner Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson and David Bowie.
Release Date: October 20, 2006
Director: Christopher Nolan
Screenwriter: Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, Rebecca Hall, Andy Serkis, Piper Perabo, David Bowie
Genre: Suspense Thriller
Official Website: The Prestige
Trailer: The Prestige
IMDB: The Prestige
Film u nashe bioskope stizhe 09.11.2006 godine
Dopuna: 23 Okt 2006 19:15
Jooooj ljudi ovo je neverovatno...pricham sa jednim poznanikom koji je u USA gledao premijeru The Prestige-a kazhe da je film apsolutno neverovatno uradjen...posle projekcije cela sala je 10 minuta aplaudirala...Bale i Jackman su razvalili kako su odigrali...Bowie kao Nikola Tesla isto...jedva chekam na Cinemaniji da gledam ovaj film..inache na IMDB-u trenutna ocena je 8.5