Plot Summary: From Academy Award-winning director Clint Eastwood ("Million Dollar Baby," "Unforgiven") comes the World War II drama "Flags of Our Fathers," produced by Eastwood and Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg ("Saving Private Ryan," "Schindler's List").
February 1945. Even as victory in Europe was finally within reach, the war in the Pacific raged on. One of the most crucial and bloodiest battles of the war was the struggle for the island of Iwo Jima, which culminated with what would become one of the most iconic images in history: five Marines and a Navy corpsman raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi.
The inspiring photo capturing that moment became a symbol of victory to a nation that had grown weary of war and made instant heroes of the six American soldiers at the base of the flag, some of whom would die soon after, never knowing that they had been immortalized. But the surviving flag raisers had no interest in being held up as symbols and did not consider themselves heroes; they wanted only to stay on the front with their brothers in arms who were fighting and dying without fanfare or glory.
"Flags of Our Fathers" is based on the bestselling book by James Bradley with Ron Powers, which chronicled the battle of Iwo Jima and the fates of the flag raisers and some of their brothers in Easy Company. Bradley's father, John "Doc" Bradley, was one of the soldiers pictured raising the flag, although James never knew the full extent of his father's experiences until after the elder Bradley's death in 1994.
Release Date: October 20, 2006
Director: Clint Eastwood
Screenwriter: Paul Haggis
Starring: Ryan Phillippe, Jesse Bradford, Adam Beach, Paul Walker, Jamie Bell, Barry Pepper, John Benjamin Hickey
Genre: Action, Drama, War
Trailer: Flags of Our Fathers
Official Website: Flags of Our Fathers
IMDB: Flags of Our Fathers
Mozhda sam malo poranio sa temom o ovom filmu ali ovaj film to svakako zasluzhuje
Najavljuju ga kao naslednika Spasavanja redova Rajana...kada pogledate ko ga rezhira (Eastwood i Spielberg) i kada pogledate obimnu glumachku postavu dodjete do zakljuchka da predvidjanja nisu daleko od istine...
Inache u nekim filmskim krugovima poredjenja Ryana i Zastava su vec pochela kao i silna prepucavanja ko ce izaci kao pobednik po broju Oskara...shto samo govori koliko se mnogo ochekuje od ovog filma....
Ovaj film su verovali ili ne vec svrstali medju jedan od najvecih favorita za Oskara...i to u kategorijama za najbolju rezhiju,fotografiju,najbolje adaptirani scenario,najbolji zvuk itd praktichno za sve moguce kategorije koje postoje...
Koliko sam uspeo da saznam beogradska premijera Zastava je 28.12.2006 godine
Dopuna: 24 Sep 2006 6:52
Josh jedan zanimljiv chlanak koji se tiche ovog filma: