House at the End of the Street 2012

House at the End of the Street 2012

  • Stefan Vujadinovic
  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 214
  • Gde živiš: Resnik City

Napisano: 09 Apr 2012 13:39

A mother and daughter move to a new town and find themselves living next door to a house where a young girl murdered her parents. When the daughter befriends the surviving son, she learns the story is far from over.

Director: Mark Tonderai
Writers: David Loucka (screenplay), Jonathan Mostow (story)
Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue and Max Thieriot
Genre:Horror, Thriller
IMDb:House at the End of the Street 2012

Dopuna: 09 Apr 2012 17:37

Nov film, pogledacu ga kasnije kada bude izasao na *********.Cini mi se da je ok, ali mene skoro nijedan trejler nije uplasio ali film verovatno oce...

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