Sve oči su uprte u Ameriku i Japan i borbe koje se još tamo vode.
Medjutim sa Antarktika,gde se nalazi tajna nacistička baza,put Meseca poleću prvi nacistički svemirski brodovi koji imaju zadatak da na tamnoj strani Meseca naprave tajnu bazu pod nazivom Black Sun.
Iz ove baze će ponovo biti lansirana nemačka invazija sveta kada za to bude došlo vreme.
Godina je 2018
Put Meseca treba da poleti prva posada od 70tih godina koja opet ima zadatak da prošeta po Mesecu.
U isto vreme počinje i nova nacistička invazija na Zemlju i svet.
Plot Summary: Towards the end of World War II the Nazi scientists made a significant breakthrough in anti-gravity. From a secret base built in the Antarctic, the first Nazi spaceships were launched in late ‘45 to found the military base Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) on the dark side of the Moon. This base was to build a powerful invasion fleet and return to take over the Earth once the time was right.
Now it’s 2018, and it’s the time for the first American Moon landing since the 70′s. Meanwhile the Nazi invasion, that has been over 70 years in the making, is on its way, and the world is goose-stepping towards its doom. The three main characters of the story are Renate Richter (Julia Dietze), Klaus Adler (Götz Otto), and James Washington (Christopher Kirby).
Iron Sky is a science fiction comedy being produced by Blind Spot Pictures and Energia Productions in Finland, and co-produced by 27 Films in Germany and New Holland Pictures in Australia. Iron Sky has been filmed, the principal photography took place in Germany in November-December 2010 and in Australia in January-February 2011. We are currently in the final stages of post-production with the film opening in Finland on 4th of April 2012. Other countries will follow soon after.
The primary language of the film will be English with worldwide distribution, through theaters and via the Internet.
Director: Timo Vuorensola
Starring: Julia Dietze,Christopher Kirby,Götz Otto,Peta Sergeant,Udo Kier
Takodje, prica izgleda fantasticno, napokon nesto novo
Gledajuci tralier, film mi vise izgleda kao neka sci-fi komedija
Kako li im pade na pamet nesto kao ovo...
Ovaj film je jedna od boljih sarkastičnih kritika današnjeg društva.
Ismejali i iskritikovali su bukvalno sve što na bili kakav način utiče na živote običnih ljudi....
Dokačili su i iPhone, predsednika SADa, S.Koreju, Džordža Buša, gadjanje cipelama, + a glavni zlikovacgine na kraju tako što dobije štiklu u čelo kao u filmu Barbwire sa Pamelom Anderson.
Ako od ovoga filma očekujete neku superultramegagiga akciju i sl zaobidjite ga.
Akcije ima i odlično je ukomponovana sa specijalnim efektima ali priča kao i poruka ovoga filma nije za svakoga...
Onaj ko voli Dr. Strangelove-a voleće i ovaj film.
Ne uporedjujem ovaj film sa Strangelove-om ali u nekim aspektima su veoma slični....