Ko god je gledao film Killing Fields zna ko je bio Dit Pran....
Za one ostale koji ne znaju Dit Pran je bio fotoreporter koji je je prezhiveo genocid u Kamodzi koji su sporvodili Crveni Kmeri nakon shto su osvojili Pnom Pen i chovek koji bio najveca inspiracija Rolandu Jofu da snimi film The Killing Fields...
Citat:The photojournalist who inspired the Oscar-winning 1984 movie The Killing Fields has died at the age of 65. Dith Pran survived the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s, while working as a translator and reporter for The New York Times. He became the subject of the Roland Joffe movie, which won three Academy Awards, about the Khmer Rouge regime in the south-east Asian country. Pran died on Sunday night in a New Jersey hospital, just months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
Izvor: http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2008-04-01/
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