The Bucket List

The Bucket List

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

Film plot:

Corprate billionaire Edward Cole and working class mechanic Carter Chambers have nothing in common except for their terminal illnesses. While sharing a hospital room together, they decide to leave it and do all the things they have ever wanted to do before they die according to their bucket list. In the process, both of them heal each other, become unlikely friends, and ultimately find the joy in life.

Director:Rob Reiner
Writer (WGA):Justin Zackham

Jack Nicholson as Edward Cole
Morgan Freeman as Carter Chambers

dva fenomenalna glumca = odlican film. mozda 'zaplet' zvuci kao smor, ali je daleko od toga Wink

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