The Invasion

The Invasion

  • Acid_Burn  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator foruma Zabava
  • Hellraiser
  • Demon to some. Angel to others
  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 25503
  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

U moru remake-ova poslednjih godina (uglavnom horora)koji stizhu iz holivuda radjeno je mnogo remakova kultnih filmova i nijedan od tih "novih" filmova sa svim svojim budzetima od po nekoliko stotina miliona dolara,fancy specijalnim efektima nije nadmasio sjaj i slavu starih filmova....

Ovoga puta iz Holivuda nam stize jos jedan remake jednog od kultnih filmova iz oblasti horor zanra....Invasion of the Body Snatchers iz 1956 godine....

Inache remake tog horora je vec radjen 1978 godine u moram priznati da je sasvim pristojno ispao....

Sada videcemo na shta ce lichiti....

Film ovoga puta nosi naziv samo The Invasion sa Nicole Kidmann i Daniel Craigom u glavnim ulogama.....

Plot Summary: Academy Award winner Nicole Kidman ("The Hours") and Daniel Craig ("Casino Royale") star in the science fiction action thriller "The Invasion," a nightmarish journey into a world where the only way to stay alive is to stay awake.

The mysterious crash of the space shuttle leads to the terrifying discovery that there is something alien within the wreckage. Those who come in contact with it are changing in ominous and inexplicable ways. Soon Washington, DC psychiatrist Carol Bennell (Nicole Kidman) and her friend, Dr. Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig), learn the shocking truth about the growing extraterrestrial epidemic: it attacks its victims while they sleep, leaving them physically unchanged but strangely unfeeling and inhuman. As the infection spreads, more and more people are altered and it becomes impossible to know who can be trusted. Now Carol's only hope is to stay awake long enough to find her young son, who may hold the key to stopping the devastating invasion.

Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel

Starring: Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Jeremy Northam, Malin Akerman

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Official Website: The Invasion


The Invasion (Quicktime High Definition)

The Invasion (Windows Media Player High Resolution)

IMDB: The Invasion

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