The Nutty Professor

The Nutty Professor

  • Pridružio: 04 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 728
  • Gde živiš: Loznica

Simpatičan i zabavan remake istoimenog filma sa Jerryj Lewisom iz 1963-e godine u režiji Toma Shadyaca.

Glavni je junak filma Sherman Clump (Murphy), stidljivi i povučeni, ali briljatni znanstvenik kojeg muči ozbiljan problem pretilosti, odnosno 200 kg tjelesne mase. Ali, čak i tako pretili ljudi imaju osjećaje, pa se Clump zaljubi u nastavnicu Claru (Pinkett).

Da bi nekako suzbio osjećaj manje vrijednosti izazvan ozbiljnim fizičkim nedostatkom, Clump se koristi vlastitim znanstvenim dostignućima u obliku napitka koji može zgusnuti tjelesne molekule. Kao rezultat pretvara se u mnogo mršavijeg i fizički privlačnijeg, ali i testosteronom nabijenog tipa koji postaje njegovo "drugo ja" po imenu Buddy Love. Clari see Buddy fizički svidja, ali ipak više voli karakter Shermana što će njemu donijeti mnogo komplikacija.

Movie Info: Eddie Murphy gives one of Jerry Lewis' best-remembered vehicles a 1990s overhaul in this hit comedy. Sherman Klump (Murphy) is a college professor and respected biochemistry researcher who is kind, considerate, and a genuinely nice guy. Sherman is also appallingly overweight; coupled with the fact that he's painfully shy and a bit clumsy, his romantic prospects are rather bleak.

When Sherman finds himself working with a pretty graduate student, Carla Purty (Jada Pinkett), he falls in love and is eager to impress her, but at an upscale nightclub, his weight attracts the attention of an insult comic (Dave Chappelle) and his bumbling spoils the evening. Sherman's latest project is a genetic weight loss formula, and despondent over his failure to win Carla's heart, he subjects himself to a massive dose.

Suddenly, Sherman is transformed into the slim, trim, and handsome Buddy Love; however, the drug also boosts his testosterone level, turning the likable Sherman into the arrogant, skirt-chasing Buddy. In addition to playing Sherman and Buddy, Eddie Murphy also plays four other members of the porcine Klump family, as well as eccentric exercise guru Lance Perkins.

Directed by: Tom Shadyac

Produced by: Karen Kehela, Jerry Lewis, Mark Lipsky, Russell Simmons, Brian Grazer

Starring: Eddie Murphy, Jada Pinkett Smith, James Coburn, Larry Miller, Dave Chappelle, John Ales, Jamal Mixon

Genre: Drama, Comedy

Release date: Jun 28, 1996



IMDb: The Nutty Professor

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  • Pridružio: 02 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 488

Izvrstan film.

  • mcrule  Male
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  • Michael
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  • Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 16934
  • Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W

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