- Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 3097
- Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"
Knjiga se sastoji od dva dijela. Prvi dio se zove Causes of Unhappiness a drugi Causes of Happiness ili Uzroci Nesrece i Uzroci Srece.
Prvi dio
Chapter One - What makes people unhappy?/Zbog cega su ljudi nesretni?
"Zivotinje su sretne dok imaju zdravlje i dovoljno hrane."
Knjiga koja pocinje ovakvom recenicom, ne moze da ostavi nikoga ravnodusnim. Poruke i putokaze koje nam pisac otkriva do puta srece su i sada pred nama i sto je najvaznije, svima dostupni. Neki od problema i dalje muce ljude danasnjice, mada je knjiga napisana 1930 godine. Rasel nam objasnjava kako pojava nesrece lezi djelimicno u socijalnom sistemu a djelimicno u nama samima. Sa pitanjem "Cemu srljati ka bogatsvu, kada i sami bogatasi priznaju svoju bijedu i ubogost." on nam daje izbor puta i izbor vlastite nesrece. Jeste, mozda ce put ka bogatsvu na neko vrijeme ukloniti ili umanjiti osjecaj "nesretnosti", ali dobitak zeljenog ne rjesava problem. On sam pise kako nije rodjen sretan, da nije uzivao u zivotu i da je razmisljao cak i o samoubistvu u ranim pubertetskim godinama, a da ga je ljubav prema matematici sacuvala u zivotu. Nakon svega, tvrdi da je nasao nacin da uziva u zivotu a da je to postigao tako sto je otkrio stvari u kojima uziva, skoncentrisao se na skupljanje istih. Jedna od tih stvari je okupiranost samim sobom. Valjda svi znamo koliko nekome treba vremena da upozna sam sebe? Ja i dalje mislim da je jedan zivotni vijek malo.
"The psychological causes of unhappiness, it is clear, are many and various. But all have something in common. The typical unhappy man is one who, having been deprived in youth of some normal satisfaction, has come to value this one kind of satisfaction more than any other, and has therefore given to his life one-sided direction, together with a quite undue emphasis upon the achievement as opposed to the activities connected with it."
Chapter Two - Byronic Unhappiness/Bayronovska nesreca
"It is common in our day, as it has been in many other periods of the world's history, to suppose that those among us who are wise have seen through all the enthusiasms of earlier times and have become aware that there is nothing left to live for."
Kaze Rasel da postoje ljudi koji su ponosni na svoju nesrecu. A kaze da postoje ljudi koji ne vjeruju "sretnim nesretnicima" da su nesretni, jer su potajno sretni (?). Autor ukazuje na to da ce svaki pametan covjek biti sretan okoliko koliko mu to mogucnosti omogucavaju. To je naravno pod uslovom da covjek zna razloge zbog kojih je nesretan a koji su mu u vecini slucajeva nepoznati.
"Over and over again in an endless purposeless cycle men and are born and die without improvement, without permanent achievement, day after day, year after year."
"We are at the present day passing through a somewhat confused period, when many people have thrown over the standards without acquiring new ones. This leads them into various troubles, and as their unconscious usually still believes in the old standards, the troubles, when they come, produce despair, remorse and cynicism. "
"Again: love is able to break down the hard shell of the ego, since it is a form of biological cooperation in which emotions of each are necessary to the fulfillment of the other's instinctive purpose."
Chapter Three - Competition/Takmicenje
U ovom dijelu se pravi razlika izmedju "borbe za zivot" i "borbe za uspjehom". Pokusaj autora da u stvari razdvoji bitnost i vaznost izrazavanja i misaone revolucije i zloupotrebe. Kada neko kaze da je "borba za zivot" najcesci uzrok njegove "nesretnosti", on u stvari misli na ukletu borbu natjecanja za uspjehom i titulama. Naravno, ovo se odnosi na uspjesne poslovne ljude koji su zaboravili na prioritete upadajuci u poslovno "vilino kolo". Takodje se uporedjuje zelja i volja, a naravno i srljanje, ka tom istom uspjehu (koji toliko cesto zna da bude i propast) sa sljepilom njegove "religije" i samo-svjesnim unistenjem i sebicnim razmisljanjem da samo uspjeh moze da donese srecu.
Chapter Four - Boredom and Excitement/Dosada i uzbudjenje
Dosada se kvalifikuje kao ljudska emocija. Navodno, samo covjek moze da osjeti dosadu.
"Boredom is essentially a thwarted desire for events, not necessarily pleasant ones, but just occurrences such as will enable the victim of ennui to know one day from another."
"The opposite of boredom, in a word, is not pleasure, but excitement."
"The special kind of boredom from which modern urban population suffer is intimately bound up with their separation from the life of Earth."
Chapter five - Fatigue/Umor
Stigosmo i do umora i misljenja da je on u zdravim dozama zdrav. Poboljsava apetit i omogucava bolji san. Naravno, kada je fizicki umor u pitanju, ovo moze i da pije vodu, ali autor takodje upozorava na drugu vrstu umora, - nervozni umor - koji je, cini mi se popularno dobio ime stres. Doticemo se i neprospavanih noci zbog briga i nerviranja, noci provedene razmisljajuci o problemima kada bi trebali da spavamo i da se odmaramo.
"It is amazing how much both happiness and efficiency can be increased by the cultivation of an orderly mind, which thinks about a matter adequately at the right time rather than inadequately at all the times. When a difficult or worrying decision has to be reached, as soon as all the data are available, give the matter your best thought and make your decision; having made that decision, do not revise it unless some new fact comes to your knowledge. Nothing is so exhausting as indecision, and nothing is so futile."
Za sve one koji posao smatraju bitnijim od zivota, prepisuje se Praznik (za vjernike, mislim da je Crveno Slovo) i samo-terapija da se preispitaju od cega to oni bjeze. Zdrav covjek posjeduje svoj sistem za mentalnu disciplinu, i pridrzavajuci se rasporeda, nece dozvoliti da se mentalno zdravlje narusi zbog "rada".
"Thinking of things at the right time." moze posluziti kao pocetna tacka za ljude koji brinu o svemu i svacemu, i kada treba i kada ne treba.
"Worry is a form of fear." a jedini lijek da se strah pobijedi je da mu se pogleda direktno u oci.
Chapter six - Envy/Zavist
Zavist kao bolest se primjecuje kod ljudi jos u ranim godinama zivota i ljubomora kao posebna vrsta zavisti
Fino podsjecanje na staro-Grcku demokratiju koja se dicila parolom "There shall be none first among us." a gle samo gdje smo danas stigli?
Izbjegavajuci zavist, covjek ima bolju sansu u osvajanju i postizanju srece. Nezadovoljstvo sobom ili svojim zivotom takodje moze da pokrene ovu emociju kod emotivno/intelektualno nesigurne/nestabilne osobe. Savremeni covjek je podlezniji mrznji nego prijateljstvu, otuda i toliki broj zrtava koji upadaju u zamke propagande.
"We have reached a stage in evolution which is not the final stage. We must pass trough it quickly, for if we do not, most of us will perish by the way and the others will be lost in a forest of doubt and fear. Envy therefore, evil as it is and terrible as are its effects, is not wholly of the devil. It is in part the expression of heroic pain, the pain of those who walk through the night; blindly, perhaps to a better resting place, perhaps only to death and destruction. To find the right road out of this despair, civilized man must enlarge his heart as he has enlarged his mind. He must learn to transcend self, and in so doing to acquire the freedom of the Universe."
Chapter seven - The sense of sin/Osjecanje grijeha
"There is a traditional religious psychology of sin which no modern psychologist can accept. It was supposed, especially by Protestants, that conscience reveals to every man when an act to which he is tempted is sinful, and that after committing such an act he may experience either of two painful feelings; one called remorse, in which there is no merit, and the other called repentance, which is capable of whipping out his guilt"
"But the sense of sin in its most important form is something which goes deeper. It is something which has its roots on the unconscious, and does not appear in consciousness as fear of other people's disapproval."
Chapter eight - Persecution mania/Manija gonjenja
"In its more extreme forms persecution mania is recognized form of insanity. Some people imagine that others wish to kill them, or imprison them, or to do them some other grave injury. Often the wish to protect themselves against imaginary persecutor leads them into acts of violence which make it necessary to restrain their liberty. This, like many other forms of insanity, is only exaggeration of a tendency not all uncommon among people who count as normal."
"It is the milder forms that i wish to consider, because they are a very frequent cause of unhapiness."
Chapter nine - Fear of public opinion/Strah od javnog misljenja
Opste odobrenje bliskih nam ljudi je znacajan dio srece u zivotima mnogih od nas. Da bi mi mogli biti sretni i uspjesni, podrska ljudi sa kojima imamo vec postojane socijalne odnose i sa onima s kojima zivimo i provodimo slobodno vrijeme ima i te kako velik znacaj za nase mentalno stanje. Htjeli mi to ili ne, vecina nas zivi pod "formulama" ustaljenim u nasim drustvenim krugovima, i svako ko se i malo izdvaja po slobodi/razlicitosti misljenja je, naravno, izrod. No, i pored cvrsto ustaljenih drustvenih normi i moralnih nacela, uvijek su postojali oni koji su se drsko i hrabro protivili ogranicavanju i sputavanju uma, a da im je pri tome mentalno zdravlje ostalo netaknuto.
"A dog will bark more loudly and bite more readily when people are afraid of him then when they treat him with contempt, and the human herd has something of this same characteristic. If you show that you are afraid of them, you give promise of good hunting, whereas if you show indifference, they begin to doubt their own power and therefore tend to let you alone."
Drugi Dio
Chapter ten - Is happiness still possible?/Je li sreca jos moguca?
"Happiness is of two sorts, though, of course, there are intermediate degrees. Two sorts I mean might be distinguished as plain and fancy, or animal and spiritual, or of the heart and the head."
U ovom dijelu je zapisano, crna na bijelo, da sreca ne zavisi od fizicke ili mentalne sposobnosti, mjesta zivota ili uslovima u kojima zivimo, sreca zavisi od nas samih i sasvim je do nas i nase sposobnosti da je dokucimo i prihvatimo kao dio nas.
"Belief in a cause is a source of happiness to large number of people."
"Not so very far removed from the devotion to obscure causes is absorption in a hobby."
"Fads and hobbies, however, are in many cases, perhaps most, not a source of fundamental happiness, but a means of escape from reality, or forgetting for the moment some pain too difficult to be faced."
Chapter eleven - Zest/Polet
"Perhaps the best way to understand what is meant by zest will be to consider the different ways in which man behave when they sit down to a meal. There are those to whom a meal is merely a bore; no matter how excellent the food may be, they feel that it is uninteresting.
Then there are the invalids who eat from a sense of duty, because doctor has told them that is necessary to take a little nourishment in order to keep up their strength. Then there are the epicures, who start hopefully, but find that nothing has been quite so well cooked as it ought to have been. Then there are the gormandizers, who fall upon their food with eager rapacity, eat too much, and grow plethoric and stertorous. Finally, there are those who begin with a sound appetite, are glad of their food, eat until they have had enough, and then stop.
What hunger is in relation to food, zest is in relation to life."
Life is too short to be interested in everything, but it is good to be interested in as many things as are necessary to fill our days. "
Chapter twelve - Affection/Naklonost
"One of the chief causes of lack of zest is the feeling that one is unloved, whereas conversely the feeling if being loved promotes zest more than anything else does."
Kako ljudi, koji se osjecaju nevoljeno, pokusavaju da kroz zivot zadobiju ljubav, odobrenje ili cak i simpatije od ljudi iz istog socijalnog kruga. Nedostatak ljubavi, kod vecine, izaziva nesigurnost u sebe, koja za sobom povlaci podugacku listu atributa, koji prouzrokuju nezadovoljstvo i nedostatak srece.
Chapter thirteen - The family/Porodica
Bitnost pocetka, za koju je velikim djelom odgovorna porodica, je samo kamen temeljac u izgradnji licnosti. Od tog samog pocetka, od kolicine i kvaliteta ljubavi koju dobijemo kao dijete, zavisi nasa sreca, samopostovanje i kvalitet predstojeceg zivota. Dalje se govori o problemima odgajanja djece i razlicitm stavovima u disciplinovanju i prosirenju porodice.
"The value of parental affection to children lies largely in the fact that it is more reliable than any other affection. One's friends like one for one's merits, one's lovers for one's charms; if the merits or the charms diminish, friends and lovers may vanish. But it is in times of misfortune that parents are most to be relied upon, in illness, and even in disgrace if the parents are of the right sort. We all feel pleasure when we are admired for our merits, but most of us are sufficiently modest at heart to feel that such admiration is precarious. Our parents love us because we are their children and this is an unalterable fact, so that we feel more safe with them than with any one else."
Chapter fourteen - Work/Rad
Rad kao recept za srecu. Nije nam nepoznato da je rad ljudski prijatelj, mada mu se neki i dan danas protive u velikoj mjeri. Covjek koji nema sta da radi, ima slobodu da donosi odluke sta i kako ce da radi sa slobodnim vremenom, a autor tvrdi da to moze biti jako zamorno. Sam rad nas drzi u nekoj vrsti bezbrige dok ga radimo, a za vecinu nas, to znaci 8 sati dnevno. Ne moramo da razmisljamo sta cemo da radimo, jer smo vezani raznim ugovorima i dogovorima, kako i sta treba da se radi dok vrijeme provodimo u kancelariji, tvornici ili bilo kom drugom poslovnom okruzenju.
I samo jedna mrvica u kojoj se spominje nezahvalnost posla koji obavlja domacica.
"The domestic wife does not receive wages, has no means of bettering herself, is taken for granted by her husband (who sees practically nothing of what she does), and is valued by him not for her housework but for quite other qualities."
Chapter fifteen - Impersonal interest/Bezlicna interesovanja
"One of sources of unhappiness, fatigue and nervous strain is inability to be interested in anything that is not of practical importance in one's own life."
Znaci i neke stvari koje samo naizgled izgledaju kao potpuno gubljenje vremena, to u stvari nisu. Sta autor pokusava da kaze je to da prilikom "nebitnih" poslova, nasa svijest je u mogucnosti da na trenutak zaboravi na probleme i brige koje nas u tom trenutku more, i da se tako oporavi i spremi za nove bitke.
Chapter sixteen - Effort and resignation/Trud i rezignacija
Jos jedna ocigledna zabiljeska - nisu svi rodjeni pod sretnom zvijezdom. Sreca u biti zavisi od osobe do osobe, i nije za svakoga ista. Sto ce nekome biti dovoljno za sretan zivot, nekome nece ni za dorucak. Zahtjevi i prihtjevi, koje manje-vise mi sami sebi postavljamo, su pokazatelji i donekle i ogranicenja nase sopstvene srece. Za srecu se treba truditi, ali ne treba zaboraviti na zivot.
Chapter seventeen - The happy man/Sretan covjek
I da na kraju sumiramo, sretan covjek je onaj koji zna da je nesretan ali hoce da si pomogne da izadje iz svoje vlastite dusevne bijede i radi nesto konkretno po tom pitanju. Onaj koji zna da se put do srece sastoji od raznih prepreka, ali ni jedna od njih nije neprevazidljiva (nova rijec u mom rijecniku ).