Prevod lekcije iz francuskog


Prevod lekcije iz francuskog

  • Pridružio: 28 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 1536
  • Gde živiš: Seven holy paths to hell

Treba mi prevod ove lekcije iz Francuskog -.- .Ako neko moze mi pomoci bicu mu zahvlan Wink

Un job pour les vacances

Cet ete j'ai voulu trouver un job pendant les vacances pour ne plus compter uniquement sur mes parents.Ca n'a pas ete facile , croyez-moi!Tout le monde me disait que j'etais trop jeune~

Nous les filles , nous n'avons qu' une solution qui reussit toujours - le baby-siting.Ce travail me plait , car j'aime les enfants.

Quant a nous , les garcons , le lavage de voitures est aussi un bon moyen pour gagner de l'argent.On n'a pas d'heures fixes et meme si on ne devient milliardaire , c'est mieux que rien , n'est-ce pas?

Moi , j'ai travaille chez mon oncle qui est boulanger.On travaille la nuit parce que le pain doit etre pret le matin de bonne heure.Au debut c'etait fatigant , mais je me suis tres vite habitue.On ne gagne pas beaucoup , mais c'est interessant et l'ambiance est tres bonne.

Oui , c'est important.Mon travil n'etait pas interessant , mais il n'etait pas difficle non plus.Je distribuais des tracts publicitaires pour un grang magasin.

Quant a moi , j'ai eu beaucoup de chance car j;ai trouve une place comme plagiste , au bord de la mer , dans le Midi , pour les mois de juillet et aout.Il fallait se lever tot car je devais installer les chaises longues sur la plage et preparer les matelas et parasols.Pendant la journee je louais les pedalos aux vacanciers.C'etait chouette!je pouvais bronzer en travaillant.Tous mes copains etaient jaloux!

Tu as vraiment eu de la chance!Ce n'est pas tous les jours qu'on trouve un job comme ca!

Et moi, j'etais monitrice dans une colonie de vacances.Je devais m'occuper d'une petite bande d'enfants de neuf a onze ans.La colonie etait en Bretange , au bord de la mer.On vivait beaucoup en plein air.Ca m'a change de Paris.On etait paye , mais pas beaucoup.Pour moi , l'argent n'est pas le plus important , je prefere m'amuser.

Moi aussi , j'aime faire le travail qui me plait.Je suis alle avec mon frere faire les vendanges pres de Bordeaux.Nous etions loges et nourris par le vigneron.J'ai bien aime ce travil.Il y avait beaucoup de jeunes de tous les coins de France et meme de l'etranger qui etaient venus faire les vendanges.C'etait un peu fatigant , mais on s'amusait tres bien , tous ensemble!

Unapred hvala! Zagrljaj

Dopuna: 03 Okt 2007 14:31

Niko ne zna Crying or Very sad ?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • bocke  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator Linux foruma
  • Veliki Pingvin
  • Guru
  • Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 12533
  • Gde živiš: Južni pol

Pa nece niko da radi domaci umesto tebe. Recnik u ruke i prevodi. Wink To je jedini nacin da zapravo naucis.

  • Pridružio: 28 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 1536
  • Gde živiš: Seven holy paths to hell

To mi nije domaci... Razz

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

Imas guglov prevodilac...
On prevodi na engleski:

Citat:A job for the holidays

This summer I wanted to find a job during the holidays not to more count solely on my parents. Ca was not easy, believe me! Everyone said to me that I was too jeune~

We them girls, we have only one solution which always succeeds - the baby-siting. This work plait me, because I love the children.

As for us, the boys, the washing of cars is also a good means to earn money. One does not have hours fixed and same if one does not become billionaire, it better than anything, isn't this is?

Me, I have work in my uncle who is a baker. One works during the night because the bread must be ready the morning early. At the beginning it was tiring, but I am very quickly accustoms. One does not gain much, but it is interesting and environment is very good.

Yes, it is important. My travil was not interesting, but it was not difficle either. I distributed advertising leaflets for a grang store.

As for me, I had much chance bus J; have finds a place as plagist, at the seaside, in the South, for August and July. It was necessary to rise early because I was to install the long chairs on the beach and to prepare the mattresses and parasols. During the day I rented the pedal boats with the holiday makers. It was owl! I could bronze while working. All my buddies were jealous!

You really had chance! They are not the every day that one finds a job like Ca!

And me, I was an instructress in a vacation camp. I was to occupy me of a small band of children of nine A eleven years. The colony was in Bretange, at the seaside. One lived much in the open air. Ca has me exchange of Paris.On was pay, but not much. For me, the money is not most important, I prefer to have fun.

Me also, I like to do the work which plait me. I am alle with my brother to make the grape harvest close to Bordeaux.Nous were cabins and nourished by the vine grower. I have well like this travil. There were many young people of all the corners of France and same from abroad which had come to make the grape harvest. It was a little tiring, but one had fun very, all together!

Dopuna: 04 Okt 2007 13:44

Mada, izgleda da si dosta gresio u prepisivanju, te reci ostaju neprevedene.

  • Pridružio: 28 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 1536
  • Gde živiš: Seven holy paths to hell

Hvala Wink ma mrzelo me pisati à è é i slicne simbole Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 29 Okt 2007
  • Poruke: 2

A kako se to prevodi preko googla?? Confused Embarassed

  • bocke  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator Linux foruma
  • Veliki Pingvin
  • Guru
  • Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 12533
  • Gde živiš: Južni pol

tina_zg ::A kako se to prevodi preko googla?? Confused Embarassed Wink

  • Pridružio: 29 Okt 2007
  • Poruke: 2

bocke ::tina_zg ::A kako se to prevodi preko googla?? Confused Embarassed Wink
merci Cool Razz

  • Pridružio: 01 Mar 2007
  • Poruke: 157

Leggy ::Imas guglov prevodilac...
On prevodi na engleski:

As for me, I had much chance bus J; have finds a place as plagist, at the seaside, in the South, for August and July. It was necessary to rise early because I was to install the long chairs on the beach and to prepare the mattresses and parasols. During the day I rented the pedal boats with the holiday makers. It was owl! I could bronze while working. All my buddies were jealous!

You really had chance! They are not the every day that one finds a job like Ca!

Nije gresio u prepisivanju, vec, neke reci Google jednostavno ne moze da prevede! Evo, na primer:
plagiste = cuvar plaze
chance = sreca (u ovom slucaju j'ai eu beaucoup de chance - imao sam mnogo srece)
chouette (nije chuette) nije isto sto i sova u ovom kontekstu (owl), vec moze da znaci slatko, super ili fino... Itd.

  • elsich 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 8

ehh evo ti prevod:
jedan posao za ljeto.
Ovog ljeta sam htjeo potraziti posao za vrijeme godisnjeg odmora da ne bi stalno racunao na ,moje roditelje.Nije bilo lahko,vjerujte mi.Svi su mi govorili da sam previse mlad.Ali uvijek ima jedna solucija-baby-siting.Taj posao mi se svidao ali nikada i djeca.No bio je djecak,pranje djece je ipqak dobar nacin da bi se doslo do novca.Nemamo odredeno vrijeme,pa cak i ako radimo cijeli dan ,to j ebolje neko nista zar ne?Ja radim kod mog strica a on je boulonger(neznam kako da to prevedem).Mi radimo po noci zato sto treba da bude spreemno sutra ujutro u ranim satima.U pocetku je bilo zamorno,no ubrzo sam se navikao.Nismo zaradili nista puno ,ali ovaj posao je odlican i veoma dobar.Da ovo je veojma vazno.Moj posao nije bio interesantan ali nije bio ni tezak.Ja distributiram novosti za jedne vazne novine.Cak ja imam i puno srece jer sam nasao jedan prostor kao neki cuvar plaze odmah pored mora.Kada je podne ,u julu i augustu.Morao sam se ustajati jako rano,jer sam morao da postavim stolice za lezanje i morao sam daa postzavim suncobrane.Cijeli dan sjedim u pedalinama i vozam turiste.Builo je super.Mogao sam da se kupam na poslu.Svi moji drugovi su bili ljubomorni.Stvarno je imao puno srece,nemoze se svaki dan naci ovakav posao.A ja sam morao daa cuvam neku bandu djece od osam mjeseci.Ali meni nije samo novac bitan nego ja hocu i da se zabavim.I ja sam zelio neki posao koji mi se svidja.Setao sam sa bratom po Bruxelu.on je volio ovaj posao.Bilo je puno ljudi iz svih dijelova Francuske.Bilo je malo naporno ali smo se i zabavili.Bilo je super ,svi smoo bili zajedno.

eto ako se mozes snaci .ja sam rodjena u francuskoj tako da ti je ovo sto posto tacno i stvarno je zanimljivo.ako ti jos sta treba samo reci

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