- Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
- Poruke: 6488
- Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***
Citat:Onda bi trebalo uzimati konurbaciju od Bostona do Nju Dzersija, tu mora da zivi bar 50 miliona ljudi
ne znam.... ne verujem da su mislili na konurbaciju, bas cu da se raspitam.
Dopuna: 20 Dec 2005 20:50
Ovako, poslao sam mail, Matt Rosenberg-u, coveku koji uredjuje geografiju na [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] i rece mi sledece
Prvo sam ga pitao, tj rekao mu da je lista, malo netacna, ili mi se tako cini, i zasto su uzeli zajedno Tokio i Jokohamu, sto ne samo Tokio i on odgovori
Dear Srdjan,
Thank you for writing! I'm sorry the list is confusing. I listed the other major cities with Tokyo because they are large enough for people around the world to know. I could have listed "New York-Newark-Long Island" but for New York, people assume. I should have been more consistent.
I posto ga nisam bas najbolje, u potpunosti skapirao jos jednom sam ga zamolio da mi kratko i jasno kaze, koji je to najveci grad na svetu ( ali sam za sebe ) i on rece
Yes, the largest city is Tokyo.
Tako da... ja mislim da je zabuna resena
Dopuna: 28 Dec 2005 14:11
Largest Cities in the World - List Two
Kao sto, se secate, bilo je zabuna kada je prvi put ovaj clanak izasao na videlo
i stize mi drugi deo na e-mail s opisom
Talk about controversy! [b]I received a ton of email about last week's list of the world's largest cities[/b]. Many felt the numbers were wrong and argued their points. However, we must realize that all population figures for the world's largest urban areas are simply estimates. Nonetheless, I've utilized another data source to produce a second list of the world's largest urban area. Let me know what you think!
tako da je sada lista malo prepravljena, i sad ide ovako :
This is a listing of the 34 most populous urban areas in the world (those having a population over eight million). Data are estimates from late 2005.
All population figures for the world's largest urban areas are simply estimates. There's no way to know the exact population of such a large place. If you don't like this list, you can review Largest Cities in the World - List One, based on different methodologies. Both lists are valid estimates.
1. Tokyo, Japan - 34,100,000
2. Mexico City, Mexico - 22,650,000
3. Seoul, South Korea - 22,250,000
4. New York, United States - 21,850,000
5. Sao Paulo, Brazil - 20,200,000
6. Mumbai, India - 19,700,000
7. Dehli, India - 19,500,000
8. Los Angeles, United States - 17,950,000
9.Shanghai, China - 17,900,000
10. Jakarta, Indonesia - 17,150,000
11. Osaka, Japan - 16,800,000
12. Kolkata, India - 15,550,000
13. Cairo, Egypt - 15,450,000
14. Manila, Philippines - 14,850,000
15. Karachi, Pakistan - 14,100,000
16. Moscow, Russia - 13,750,000
17. Buenos Aires, Argentina - 13,400,000
18. Dhaka, Bangladesh - 13,100,000
19. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 12,100,000
20. Beijing, China - 11,950,000
20. London, United Kingdom - 11,950,000
22. Tehran, Iran - 11,800,000
23. Istanbul, Turkey - 11,400,000
24. Lagos, Nigeria - 11,000,000
25. Shenzhen, China - 10,450,000
26. Paris, France - 9,900,000
27. Chicago, United States - 9,750,000
28. Guangzhou, China (Canton) - 9,400,000
29. Chongqing, China (Chungking) - 9,200,000
30. Wuhan, China - 8,950,000
31. Lima, Peru - 8,500,000
32. Bogota, Colombia - 8,250,000
33. Washington-Baltimore, United States - 8,100,000
34. Nagoya, Japan - 8,050,000
Source: Th. Brinkhoff: The Principal Agglomerations of the World, [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] Oct. 1, 2005.