Osnovna pitanja u vezi Geografije

Osnovna pitanja u vezi Geografije

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***

Veoma lep tekst, lepo definisan. Mozete naci odgovore na pitanja, koja su vam cesto bila konfuzna. Preporucujem svima da procitaju Wink

What is Geography?

While the word geography is derived from Greek and literally means "to write about the earth," the subject of geography is much more than describing "foreign" places or memorizing the names of capitals and countries. Geography is an all-encompassing discipline that seeks to understand the world - its human and physical features - through an understanding of place and location. Geographers study where things are and how they got there. My favorite definitions for geography are "the bridge between the human and physical sciences" and "the mother of all sciences." Geography looks at the spatial connection between people, places, and the earth.

How is Geography Different from Geology?

Many people have an idea of what a geologist does but don't have any idea of what a geographer does.

While geography is commonly divided into human geography and physical geography, the difference between physical geography and geology is often confusing. Geographers tend to study the surface of the earth, its landscapes, its features, and why they are where they are. Geologists look deeper into the earth than do geographers and study its rocks, the internal processes of the earth (such as plate tectonics and volcanoes), and study periods of earth history many millions and even billions of years ago.

How Does One Become a Geographer?

An undergraduate (college or university) education in geography is an important beginning to becoming a geographer. With a bachelor's degree in geography, a geography student can begin working in a variety of fields. While many students begin their career after achieving an undergraduate education, others continue on.

A master's degree in geography is very helpful for the student who desires to teach at the high school or community college level, to be a cartographer or GIS specialist, of work in business or government.

A doctorate in geography (Ph.D.) is necessary if one wishes to become a full professor at a university. Although, many Ph.D.s in geography continue on to form consulting firms, become administrators in government agencies, or attain high-level research positions in corporations or think-tanks.

The best resource for learning about colleges and universities that offer degrees in geography is the annual publication of the Association of American Geographers, the Guide to Programs in Geography in the United States and Canada.

What Does a Geographer Do?

Unfortunately, the job title of "geographer" is not often found in companies or government agencies (with the most notable exception of the U.S. Census Bureau). However, more and more companies are recognizing the skill that a geographically-trained individual brings to the table. You'll find many geographers working as planners, cartographers (map makers), GIS specialists, analysis, scientists, researchers, and many other positions. You'll also find many geographers working as instructors, professors, and researchers at schools, colleges, and universities.

Why is Geography Important?

Being able to view the world geographically is a fundamental skill for everyone. Understanding the connection between the environment and people, geography ties together diverse sciences as geology, biology, and climatology with economics, history, and politics based on location. Geographers understand conflict around the world because so many factors are involved.

Who Are The "Fathers" of Geography?

The Greek scholar Eratosthenes, who measured the circumference of the earth and was the first to use the word "geography," is commonly called the father of geography.

Alexander von Humboldt is commonly called the "father of modern geography" and William Morris Davis is commonly called the "father of American geography."

How Can I Learn More About Geography?
Taking geography courses, reading geography books, and, of course, exploring this site are great ways to learn.

You can increase your geographic literacy of places around the world by getting a good atlas, such as Goode's World Atlas and use it to look up unfamiliar places any time you encounter them while reading or watching the news.

Before long, you'll have a great knowledge of where places are.

Reading travelogues and historical books can also help improve your geographic literacy and understanding of the world - they're some of my favorite things to read.

What is the Future of Geography?

Things are looking up for geography! More and more schools across the United States are offering or requiring geography be taught at all levels, especially high school. The introduction of the Advanced Placement Human Geography course in high schools for the 2000-2001 school year has increased the number of college-ready geography majors, thus increasing the numbers of geography students in undergraduate programs. New geography teachers and professors are needed in all areas of the educational system as more students begin learning geography.

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) has become popular in many different disciplines and not just geography. The career opportunities for geographers with technical skills, especially in the area of GIS, is excellent and should continue to grow.


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  • snajp  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Mar 2006
  • Poruke: 1219
  • Gde živiš: Nis

SSpin procitao sam tekst, pa sam hteo da ga prevedem na srpski, cisto radi razonode, a i da bi ga procitali drugi clanovi foruma koji neznaju engleski jezik, ali ... uvek ima tema koje mi skrenu paznju tako da nisam stigao to da uradim.

Nakon toga sam pretrazivao malo preko pretrazivaca ne bi lih nasao vec preveden tekst ili nesto slicno ovom tvom postu, i opet ali.... neverovatno je koliko malo tekstova o uopstenim pojmovima geografije postoje.

I na kraju ono sto sam pronasao nesto sto bi izgledao ovako:

Sta je geografija?

Geografija je nauka koja se bavi proucavanjem pojava i procesa na Zemljinoj površini. Njeni koreni sežu u daleku prošlost. Naziv geografija pominje se prvi put u istoimenom delu grckog naucnika Eratostena,koji je živeo u 3. veku p.n.e. On je prvi približno izracunao obim Zemlje (39.500 km) i nagnutost ekliptike u odnosu na ravan Suncevog ekvatora(23*51&-stepeni u minuti).

U starom i srednjem veku geografija se svodila samo na opisivanje raznih krajeva, prirodnih pojava i naroda, odnosno bila je "zemljopis", npr. zapisi grckog istoricara i geografa Herodota s njegovih putovanja po Egiptu 448. god.p.n.e.itd.

GEOGRAFIJA je nauka koja proucava razvitak i strukturu geografske sredine, kao i procese i pojave koje se desavaju u geografskom omotacu.
Geografska sredina je veoma slozen kompleks drustvenih i prirodnih elemenata, pa geografija ima karakter prirodne i drustvene nauke.

Glavne grane geografije su:
- Fizicka geografija (geonorfologija, klimatologija, hidrologija,
biogeografija, geofizika i geohemija predjela)
- Drustvena (socijalna) geografija (geografija stanovnistva i naselja, antropogeografija, ekonomska geografija i politicka geografija)
- Specijalne discipline geografije su (Matematicka geografija, kartografija, Vojna geografija i dr.)

Naucni cilj i drustveni zadatak geografije: proucavanje svih elemenata geografije sredine, utvrditi uzajamni uticaj i odnose tih elemenata po regijama, utvrditi i formulisati zakonitost razvitka geografske sredine
planirati razvitak odredjenih regionalnih cjelina i dopinijeti regulisanju uzajamnog odnosa prirode i drustva.

Na kraju sam pronasao jedan i jedan mali tekst zavoda za skolstvo gde se spominje geografija, ali opet i to je nista.

Hvala ti na linkovima, prebacio sam ih u posbnu temu za to

I taman kad sam zavrsavao ovaj tekst, nasao sam i ono sto me je interesovalo na sajtu:


Imaju cak i mogucnost da sam napises neki tekst koji do sada nije napisan ukoliko se logujes.

Pozdrav Smile

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***

Lepo je sto si se potrudio Wink

To i uglavnom pise u onom gore tekstu na engleskom, ali u svakom slucaju taman koliko treba...

Citat:Geografija je nauka koja se bavi proucavanjem pojava i procesa na Zemljinoj površini. Njeni koreni sežu u daleku prošlost. Naziv geografija pominje se prvi put u istoimenom delu grckog naucnika Eratostena,koji je živeo u 3. veku p.n.e. On je prvi približno izracunao obim Zemlje (39.500 km) i nagnutost ekliptike u odnosu na ravan Suncevog ekvatora(23*51&-stepeni u minuti).

Ovde bih samo hteo dodati, da je nastalo do reci Geos i graphis sto znaci Zemlju opisivati... ostalo je stvarno lepo sroceno Wink

Dopuna: 20 Avg 2006 10:58

Odgovori na neka cesto postavljena pitanja u geografiji. Ima stvarno dosta zanimljivosti recimo na pitanje "Da li se zna da je neka poznata licnost proucavala geografiju" mozete saznati da su recimo cuveni Micheal Jordan, Prince William, Mother Theresa bili veeliki postovaci i poznavaoci ove nauke Wink

Jos mnogo odgovora i zanimljivosti na
Arrow http://geography.about.com/library/faq/blqzindex.htm?nl=1

  • Dimi14 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Okt 2006
  • Poruke: 1

Da li neko zna odgovor na pitanje sta je cirk a sta su valovi u vezi geografije

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***

Tacnu definiciju cu ti dati sutra, a iz glave ...

u pitanju su snezne doline, [ cirk ] i valov... isto nesto oko lednika, ne mog sad tacno da ti kazem.. Wink

sutra ili u toku dana dobijas Wink

Dopuna: 12 Okt 2006 20:45

Cirk glacijalni oblik, polukruzni, oblik reljefa, u kome se sneg pretvara u firn [ zrnasti sneg ], a on u led. E, to leglo lednika je ustvari cirk.

Kad se led sa visokih planina pocne polako topiti, desava se otpadanje velikih komada stena, koje se pod silom Zemljine teze kotrljaju. Tokom kotrljanja, odvaljuju usput vece ili manje komade stena, koje im se nadju na putu, i sav taj erozivni materijal sve vise produbljuje podlogu [ onda ona postaje izbrazdana, puna rupa, vertikalnih precaga i sl. ].
Taj put, korito koje je ova masa stvorila, sada se naziva lednicki valov. Od podloge [ odnosno otpornosti stena ] zavisi koliko ce biti produbljeno, izbrazdano.

Nadam se da sam ti bar malo priblizio ove pojmove Wink

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