Nvidia najavila GAME24 dogadjaj, stižu GTX 900 graficke kartice

Nvidia najavila GAME24 dogadjaj, stižu GTX 900 graficke kartice

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Citat:Nvidia je danas najavila događaj namenjen prevashodno gejmerima koji će nositi naziv GAME24. Ovaj događaj će se održati 18. septembra i biće uživo strimovan, a održaće se na više lokacija. Događaj počinje dan pre zvanične najave GeForce GTX 900 serije grafičkih kartica, a trajaće 24 časa, odnosno tačno do samog predstavljanja novih grafičkih kartica. Ovo u suštini znači i da će se GeForce GTX 980 i GTX 970 pridružiti pobednicima turnira na bini. Glavna stranica je naslovljena sa "NVIDIA Maxwell Teaser homepage" što nam jasno govori o velikim vestima koje će biti objavljene na kraju manifestacije.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Specifikacije GTX9xx serije Smile

A tu je i jedan komentar koji je objasnio. Otisao u moju bookmark listu odmah Mr. Green

Citat:Yeah, right. What was again the selling point of AMD gpus? they're cheap.
Ok, their gpus might have performance revalling nvidias, however, they dont outperform them. So the only actual reason why you would consider an AMD gpu is either because you belive in AMD, in which case reason doesn't actually play any role in the decision and we can stop here. The more logical reason is that AMD gpus simply cost less. it might be cool to have a 400$ gpu boasting out the same level of performance as a 6-700$ gpu, but you don't consider that the most money you aren't paying for your rig but for using it.
just an example: A rig with an AMD FX-9370 (highest AMD Cpu I know of) (220W) + R9 295X2 (500W)
leaving out other parts, this currently costs about 1220$ and consumes 720W. I don't know what energy might cost where you live, but here in Germany we're paying 0,30?/Kw, so let's use 0,35$. using your rig every day for, let's say, 6 hours, you use 0,720 Kw/hour, *6 = 4,320 Kw/hour. So your paying about 1,512$ each day. that makes about 550$ a year. So after 3 years, you payed about 300$ more for your power bill than you payed for your rig.
now the same with an Intel I7 5960X and nvidia 980 in dual-sli. (The actual performance of both, cpu and gpu should be a bit (if not much) higher than the AMD rig, but let's assume they had the same performance)
1000$ for cpu (140W) and 1200$ for gpu (350W, 175 each) (600$ each). same calculation as before:
490W = 0,49 Kw/hour * 6 = 2.94Kw. 2.94Kw * 0,35$/Kw = 1,02$/Day. that Makes 371$/year. So after about 7 years you payed your rig in power bill.
let's compare: 1200$ and 550$/year vs 2200$ and 371$/year. after 5 years, you payed 3950$ for the AMD and 4055$ for the intel/nvidia rig.
that still makes a difference of 100$, however, as the AMD righ uses more power, it also produces more heat, what results in higher cost for cooling. So I guess after 5 years the AMD and Intel/nvidia rig costed you the same.
However, if you say money isn't an issue when using a high end rig, I seriously don't know why your actually using an AMD product.
And by the way, looking at this, you may now understand why AMDs color is red, while nvidias color is green.

  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 10622
  • Gde živiš: Hypnos Control Room, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

Ja čekam slabije modele da vidim koliko će oni trošiti.

  • Spy
  • Pridružio: 21 Jul 2007
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Kako stoje stvari, nece ni trositi nego ce proizvoditi struju Mr. Green ...

Sada vec imamo 750GT koja je mid range grafika, prilicno ozbiljna, a trosi 50W, koliko ce trositi 950GT, mozda 20W? Nece ni trebati vent? Very Happy ...

  • Pridružio: 10 Sep 2014
  • Poruke: 678

Sjajno, konacno smanjena potrosnja na najacim modelima...............I ja mislim da ge GT 950 bas malo trositi, a preko Direxa 12 jos manje Smile

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Napisano: 18 Sep 2014 17:28

Pojavile se neke slike novih kartica kao i opisi i poredjenja.

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Kako vidim, performasne u odnosu na 700 seriju idu i do 25%.

Dopuna: 19 Sep 2014 9:45

Stigao TechSpot review Smile

970 najbolja kupovina Laughing

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  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 3271

Ova GTX 970 u Nemackoj 370E, sto i nije bas preterano skupo koliko umeju nV da budu skupe.

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