overklokovanje procesora


overklokovanje procesora

  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 27

na koliko se smije overklokovati procesor amd 64 x2 4000+
sada je njegova brzina na 2100

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  • higuy  Male
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Moze ako imas odgovarajuce hladjenje i dobru maticnu. Evo primera,

  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 27

Napisano: 22 Feb 2011 17:35

evo slike pa mi recite da li mogu da overklokujem i na koliko i slika temperature

  • Rade Jekić
  • Pridružio: 05 Okt 2005
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Na osnovu ovoga što si podelio sa nama nema načina da ti kažemo do koliko se može podići frekvencija procesora na tvojoj ploči. Dakle, treba nam informacija o tome koju ploču imaš (možeš kliknuti i na opciju "mainboard" na slici koju si prvu okačio).

  • Milos  Male
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  • Pridružio: 22 Jun 2008
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Ako imas plocu adekvatnu za predvidjeni sport,prvo najvaznije sto moras imati je dobro hladjenje i napajanje,pa zatim ram memorija.Reci ostatak masine i mi cemo ti reci da li moze ili ne i td...
Inace,za dobar "rez" ti treba stvarno dobro hladjenje i napajanje,a kad pogledamo sada kakve su cene procesora i ostalih komponenata,najjeftiniji proc ce tvoj da pojede za dorucak.S tim uzmimo i u obzir da je overklokovanje vrlo skup sport i rizik. Pa tako da,ako mislis da ces postici nesto time u vidu igranja novijih naslova igrica,odmah da ti kazem da batalis to i skupljas novac za novu masinu.

  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 1378

Poslusaj savet Milos91...

..ali, ako te bas svrbe prsti i da ne napravis neku glupost na svoju ruku, evo ti smernice za koliko-toliko siguran overclock... (ako se ne snadjes u sledecem objasnjenju, batali rabotu i vrati se na prvu recenicu u mom postu)... Ziveli

Citat:You can not fry a 65W watts CPU. Actually there is a valid overclock (OC) settings for the x2 4000+.
Do the following :
The standard ram for this cpu is DDR2-800 or faster, if you do not have this type of ram get some because is pointless to OC a CPU only to be stopped by a slow ram. if unsure of your installed type use a program like cpu-z to find out

find in the BIOS the followings settings :

a) The cool and quiet settings
b) The Hipertransport (HT) multiplier. Is a list of values something like x2,x3,x4,x5
c) The bus frequency (BF), is a list of values from 200Mz to 300Mz in increments of 1 Mz.

now :
1.- Disable the cool and quiet feature
2.- Set the HT to 4X
3.- set the BF to 240
Save the settings. Those are valid values for the AM2 socket so unless you have a crappy of faulty ram, it will work.
Enjoy your 2.4 to 2.5 Ghz.
want more ?
rise the BF to 250. It will work in most cases depending on the quality of the DDR2 RAM.As last resort set HT to 3x and try again

Even more ?
time to get technical.
find the CPU clock multiplier in the BIOS , is a list of values like ...9x.10x..11x or in some cases 9x, 9.5x, 10x, 10.5x...

the current limits values for the AM2 (jan/2008-) are :

frecuency bus x HT multiplier must not be over 1,000
factory default is 200Mz x 5 = 1,000
previos OC was 240 x 4 = 960 ( in the safe side)

The DDR2 frequency is BFxCPU multiplier should be a 800 multi and should not go over 800Mz
factory default 200Mz x 10 = 2000 .....2000/800=2.5 (in fact below ram specs. Running only as DDR2-700)
previos OC was 240x10=2400....2400/800=3 (nice ..finally using the ram speed you paid for)
NOTE: some motherboards use 10.5x as default CPU multiplier for the 4000+ but is Ok because the ram was under used anyway.

As stated B4 you should not pass the 1,000 at FBxHT so set the HT multiplier to 3x and now play with the 250-300 Mz range of BF. one that work fine to me is :
is BF=266Mz, CPU=10.5, HT = 3x.. The math is :
266*3=798 (<1,000) and 266*10.5=2793...2793/800=3.49 over specs so may not work for you.

In that case use CPU=10x. for math oriented 266*10=2660...2660/800=3.3 close enough to fallback safe.

What is fallback? is a clever design feature from AMD, if the division is not a whole number whittin design limits, the socket AM2 uses the next viable divisor until it fits the ram. You lose some performance but is stable.

Now you have OC options for 2.4,2.7 or 2.8 Ghz not a big fuzz and can be done in under 15 minutes. Heat is not a problem for those settings
Can get enough ?
Damm there is not such things as too much speed.

Get a screwdriver, dismount the heat radiator and scrape the thermal tape. Is just to thick to work fine in the long run. Replace with thermal grease and reinstall the dissipator.
find the CPU core voltage in the BIOS and set it close to 1.3V. The 4000+ will not need more than that

Also rise the ram voltage close to 2v if your BIOS can
Hunt in the BIOS for the ram timings and set it to "manual" or "MaxClk"
Disable the "quick test at boot time". You need the full ram test . You do not need to wait until the full ram is tested most bios cancel, if ESC key is pressed

Set the HT to 2x (or the lowest), BF to 200(or your lowest) and the CPU to 11x (or your top)
now rise the BF in steps you like, Personalty i like 10 increments until the ram test fail and fine tune from there. Sometimes the whole boot processes can not be started.Use the Clear CMOS feature of your motherboard. Most have a fail safe keypress to do that, but some only have a jumper on the board, Bad news; just be shure to UNPLUG all the power supply connectors before moving that jumper. you do not need any kind of drives to do the OC process

let the full ram test pass and if that happen, you have found your motherboard limits OR ram crash settings.to find out which one, modify the rams values. Use the wikipedia to understand the bios parameters involved in the process.
if the tuning of the ram solves the crash keep rising the BF by increments of 1Mz until is not longer fixed.

Finally set rise the HT to 3x and if that works you have finish.
Long term stability.

My CPU has been working with 2,926Mz with good air flow and the temperature watch dog have not yet show. I do lots of full DVD to Dvix container encodings using XP64, use 6hrs to complete and that is stressing enough to match most regular users i can think of. Therefore I assume that the 4000+ can not be overclocked to the point a special cooling system is needed.

If you find a crash without a temp warning, rise the voltage core one step allowed by the bios but it seems not be necessary.

2.4Ghz is safe and stable for anyone
2.7 and 2.8 Ghz is fine from the temp point of view.

3 Ghz is the realm of the extremist and more advanced models of the Athlon64 x2 architecture. Do not try to push the 4000+ more than that in regular use.

  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 27

uradio sam overclock sve radi super hvala

  • Pridružio: 02 Sep 2008
  • Poruke: 4094
  • Gde živiš: Bg

budala12 ::uradio sam overclock sve radi super hvala

Čisto iz znatiželje - koliko si izvukao iz tog CPU-a? Kakav ti je ostatak mašine?

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 57

Moze li da se overklokuje amd sempron 2800+1600GHZ,i na koliko najvise.Probao san na 220mhz,radi na 1760ghz,neznan dali smem tako da ga ostavim mada kada probam na 250mhz komp nece da se ukljuci.

  • Pridružio: 19 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 791

Taj procesor je star, neces nista dobiti overclock-om. Bolje ne cackaj.

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