DDoS napad koji je oborio sve rekorde započeo juče

DDoS napad koji je oborio sve rekorde započeo juče

  • Pridružio: 11 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 871
  • Gde živiš: Aleksinac - Niš

Napad, koji se posebno snažno osetio u Evropi, iskoristio je propust u protokolu koji sinhronizuje satove na računarima.

Više na: http://gigaom.com/2014/02/11/record-breaking-ddos-.....o-reports/

Inače, Elance je noćas svim korisnicima poslao sledeći email:

This morning at 6:00 am PDT, we experienced a significant denial-of-service attack on our servers. This malicious attack caused an influx of traffic to our website making it unavailable to all visitors.

While we are working hard to make the site fully functional again, we are still experiencing intermittent issues. This is the first attack of this kind to Elance.com and is similar to other attacks that have made news headlines in recent months.

It is important to note that all of your information is secure and has not been compromised in any way. Still, we recognize that the outage is highly disruptive and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. We are working with the appropriate law enforcement agencies to find and prosecute the criminals responsible for this attack.

We are contacting your clients to explain how these issues may continue to be affecting your ability to communicate and work on your job. We have asked for their consideration when evaluating job progress and performance.

We will be sure to update everyone once the issue is fully resolved and our site is stable. For the latest updates, follow us on Twitter @Elance or on Facebook. You may also join the discussion related to the outage with other Elancers in our Water Cooler. If you have specific questions regarding a job, please contact Customer Support.

Our sincere thanks for your patience and support.

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