Meni se igrica svidela... Zarazna je i upotrebljava se samo cista logika... Mislija je da dovedete Vikinga do broda po ledu... Vi secete led i pravite im cist put do njihovog broda... Ima 40 nivoa u toj igrici i u Red Clan verziji jos 40...
Citat:Click and drag with the MOUSE to slice through the ice - save the frozen Vikings by getting them back to their longboat! Get all the vikings to the ship to complete each level.
Use the mouse to click and drag from the hand on the first level to grab the Vikings. If you cut through the ice, the hand will still hold the Vikings, make it let go by cutting across the link and land the Vikings safely on to their ship.
Link za igranje: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Link za Red Clan verziju ( kad predjete ovu prvu ) : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Ako vam treba neka pomoc pitajte... Mada ni ja nisam stigao daleko