Svi fanovi serije Lost uskoro će videti sve svoje omiljene likove digitalizovane u ovoj igri Ubisoft-a. Preuzimate ulogu Eliota koji je bio putnik leta "Oceanic 815" i koji se srušio na pusto ostrvo:
"If you're a fan of the Lost TV show, you're no doubt aware that the long wait for season four is almost over. If you're also a fan of games, which is implied by the fact that you're reading this, you should likewise be aware that a game inspired by the popular show is scheduled for release next month. We've seen very little of Lost: Via Domus since it was announced more than 18 months ago, which is why we jumped at the chance to check out a near-finished Xbox 360 version of the game during a recent visit to Ubisoft's San Francisco office..."
Preuzeto, ostatak teksta i screenshotovi na [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] .