Naslovi koji dolaze...


Naslovi koji dolaze...

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

Potencijalni hitovi:

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
"If Doom 3 left you wanting more, you'll find what you're looking for in Resurrection of Evil". Odlican je trejler, obecava. Nadajmo se da ce zaraznost i atmosfera biti mnogo bolja u ekspanziji.
Official site
Datum izlaska naslova: Jun 2005
Razvojni tim: ID Software
Izdavac: Activision
Zanr: SF pucacina iz prvog lica

Half-Life 2: Aftermath
Procurele su informacije da Half-Life 2 dobija ekspanziju. Nekoliko slika iz igre je vec dostupno na internetu, nadajmo se uskoro za vise informacija od razvojnog tima.
Datum izlaska naslova: Jul 2005
Razvojni tim: Valve
Izdavac: Sierra
Zanr: SF pucacina iz prvog lica

S.W.A.T. 4
Either you are SWAT, either you are not! Smile
Vreme ce pokazati da li ovaj nastavak moze da povrati slavu prethodnika i vrati ovaj serijal na vrh ovog zanra. Obecavajuce deluje. Pogledajte!
Release Date: May 2005
Published by: Vivendi Universal Games
Developed by: Irrational Games
Genre: Strateska pucacina iz prvog/treceg lica

Battlefield 2
EA dize veliku prasinu oko ove igre, sa pricom da ce biti moguca igra sa stotinama igraca online i sa novim odlicnim kampanjama a kada se na to doda novi engine i sminka, Battlefield 2 moze da postane potencijalni megahit!
Community site
Release Date: Jul 2005
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: Digital Illusions CE
Genre: Ratna pucacina iz prvog lica

Dungeon Siege II
Microsoftov prvi RPG naslov koji je stekao primetnu slavu dobio je svoj nastavak. Microsoft dosta ulaze u nastavak ove igre i po trejlerima i screenshotovima se vidi da igra zaista obecava.
Official site
Datum izlaska naslova: Avgust 2005
Razvojni tim: Gas Powered Games
Izdavac: Microsoft
Zanr: RPG

Heroes V
Posle zatvaranja 3DOa sudbina serijala je bila neizvezna ali tada je razvoj preuzeo Ubisoft, nadajmo se da ce odraditi dobar posao. Evo sta novi Heroji donose:
* the game will use a 3D engine;
* the game will lean more towards strategy than RPG;
* the system requirements will remain low, and offer some scalability;
* a simultaneous turn system is considered, but only as a means to speed up the early parts of the game;
* the game will not be released in 2004, but should be announced some time after the E3;
* there will be a demo;
* demons and the undead might form separated factions again;
* the multiplayer mode will focus on Internet play, but hotseat might be included;
* there will be a unique storyline for the single-player campaigns;
* the story style will be the faction switching / linked storyline style;
* stacks, dragons, upgrades, a combat grid and other basic concepts from the previous games will be back;
* a combat-grid resembling the one in H3 will be implemented;
* towns will seem more "alive" than before;
* lots of changes\improvements in the combat-fase of the game; that part of the game is starting to get playable;
* heroes will probably not participate in combat as in H4, but they'll be more involved than in H3;
* diplomacy will not be a major key in the game, but creating alliances during missions will be possible;
* official homepage to open with the official announcement of the game;
* former New World Computing staff members, such as Jon Van Caneghem and Rob King, might work with Ubisoft;
* game-development is considered to be on schedule.

More info
Datum izlaska naslova: Decembar 2005
Razvojni tim: Ubisoft Montreal
Izdavac: Ubisoft
Zanr: Potezna strategija

Myst V - End of Ages
Poslednji deo fenomenalnog serijala koji ce otici u legendu, zasigurno. Ko jos nije igrao odmah, sada odmah neka proba neki od prethodnih delova. Jos uvek se jako malo zna o ovom nastavku, ali je zasigurno to poslednji deo price i najspektakularniji kako makar najavljuju.
Datum izlaska naslova: Avgust 2005
Razvojni tim: Cyan Worlds
Izdavac: Ubisoft
Zanr: Avantura

Stronghold 2
Nastavak koji dosta obecava. Mnostvo novih opcija. Novi engine - sada u potpunom 3D okruzenju.
Datum izlaska naslova: Maj 2005
Razvojni tim: FireFly Studios
Izdavac: 2K Games
Zanr: Strategija u realnom vremenu

Empire Earth II
Igrao sam demo, izgleda impresivno i zaraznija je od prethodnog dela.
Official site
Datum izlaska naslova: Maj 2005
Razvojni tim: Mad Doc Software
Izdavac: Vivendi Universal
Zanr: Strategija u realnom vremenu

Age of Empires III
Igra od koje se mnogo ocekuje i ciji su prethodni nastavci usli u anale. Bice lepo videti kako ce Ensemble odraditi posao ovaj put.
Planet Age of Mythology
Datum izlaska naslova: Novembar 2005
Razvojni tim: Ensemble Studios
Izdavac: Microsoft
Zanr: Strategija u realnom vremenu

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
"Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas - a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Now, it's the early '90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster. On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets".
Datum izlaska naslova: Jun 2005
Razvojni tim: Rockstar North
Izdavac: Rockstar Games
Zanr: Pucacka avantura iz treceg lica

Call of Duty 2
"In Call of Duty 2, we are creating the most intense and realistic action game imaginable with a stunning visual atmosphere and an advanced technology that delivers an unprecedented level of authenticity" - nadajmo se da ce ostvariti obecanje.
Planet Call Of Duty
Datum izlaska naslova: Decembar 2005
Razvojni tim: Infinity Ward
Izdavac: Activision
Zanr: Ratna pucacina iz treceg lica

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Tom Clancy rides again. Procitajte Smile
Datum izlaska naslova: Oktobar 2005
Razvojni tim: Ubisoft Montreal
Izdavac: Ubisoft
Zanr: Sunjalacka pucacina
Bebee Dol

Quake 4
Totalno nova prica, zanimljiva za promenu. Odlicno dizajnirani nivoi i stvorenja, nadajmo se da ce biti zaraznije od vecine danasnjih fantasy fps-ova...
Planet Quake
Datum izlaska naslova: Decembar 2005
Razvojni tim: ID Software
Izdavac: Activision
Zanr: SF pucacina iz prvog lica

Everquest II
RPG koji izgleda fantasticno makar sudeci po trejlerima i screen shotovima. Neka vreme pokaze da li ce biti prava konkurencija Svetu Warcrafta...
Datum izlaska naslova: Maj 2005
Razvojni tim: Sony Online Entertainment
Izdavac: Sony Online Entertainment

Cossacks 2
Nastavak odlicne strategije. Samo za PC.
Datum izlaska naslova: Maj 2005
Razvojni tim: GSC Game World
Izdavac: CDV Software
Zanr: Strategija u realnom vremenu

Serious Sam 2
Proslavljeni Croteam ponovo jase. Pucacina za ubijanje vremena je dobila nastavak.
Datum izlaska naslova: Novembar 2005
Razvojni tim: Croteam
Izdavac: 2K Games
Zanr: Glupa pucacina

Singles 2: Triple Trouble
"Romantic comedy Singles 2: Triple Trouble involves three young singles who share an apartment in the city".
Datum izlaska naslova: Oktobar 2005
Razvojni tim: Rotobee
Izdavac: Deep Silver
Zanr: Simulacija realnog zivota

Sims 2: University
Datum izlaska naslova: Jun 2005
Razvojni tim: Maxis
Izdavac: Electronic Arts
Zanr: Simulacija realnog zivota

The Matrix Online
Datum izlaska naslova: Jul 2005
Razvojni tim: Monolith Productions
Izdavac: SEGA Europe

Gothic III
Startovala je oficijelna stranica za Gothic III (sadrzaj je malo siromasan, i za sada samo na nemackom), ali verujem da ce se ubrzo popuniti interesantnim detaljima:
Official site
Datum izlaska naslova: Sredina 2006
Razvojni tim: JoWooD Productions
Izdavac: JoWooD Productions
Zanr: RPG

Neverwinter Nights 2
Malo zvaničnih vesti oko NWN2 okačeno je na community stranama. Nastavak jednog od najpoznatijih RPG-ova doneće pregršt novina, od kojih je jedan i implementacija 3.5 verzije Dungeon&Dragons pravila.
"Bards sing tales of heroes from ages past, but never have the Forgotten Realms so desperately needed a champion. Years have passed since the war between Luskan and Neverwinter, almost enough time for the wounds of war to heal. But the brief peace the Realms have known may be at an end. Tension growing between the mighty city-states means the Sword Coast again teeters on the edge of open war. Unnoticed, a greater danger stalks the City of Skilled Hands. Unbeknownst to the denizens of the North, deep in the Mere of Dead Men, dark forces from across the Realms have been rallied under the banner of a legendary evil. If left unchallenged, all of the North is doomed to fall under its power.
Even in this darkest hour, hope remains. A mysterious relic is borne to Neverwinter in the hands of a lone hero so that its secrets may be unlocked - secrets that carry the fate of all the North. So begins an epic tale of shattered alliances, noble acts and dark deeds to be told across the Realms for generations to come.
· Experience the long-awaited sequel to the game that revolutionised creating and playing computer role-playing games.
· Use the completely rewritten, powerful Obsidian Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset to create your own adventures, share them with friends, or run them through your adventure directly as the Dungeon Master.
· Play online with other gamers and enjoy limitless adventure.
· Explore the Forgotten Realms in greater graphical splendour than ever before with a completely new, cutting-edge graphics system and an overland map.
· Employ new spells, feats, and advanced prestige classes, based on the exciting Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition rules.
· Recruit up to three companions to assist in your adventures. Improved party control allows for more dynamic tactical decisions in combat and more personal interaction.
· Rediscover familiar locations and meet old friends from the Neverwinter Nights series"

More info
Datum izlaska naslova: Prvi kvartal 2006
Razvojni tim: Obsidian Entertainment
Izdavac: Atari
Zanr: RPG

Anex: (my favorites)

World of Warcraft najnoviji patch, filmovi, forumi i diskusije.
Half-Life 2 modovi, mape, filmovi, vesti, ladder...


Razvojni timovi:
Gas Powered Games
Ubi Soft
Electronic Arts
Obsidian Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
2K Games
Igracki portali:
Game Spy
3D Gamers
Game Arena
PC Game World

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 03 Apr 2004
  • Poruke: 4513
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad


S.W.A.T 4 igrao, Empire Earth 2 igrao a Serious Sam 2 presao jos odavno...

  • Pridružio: 25 Jan 2004
  • Poruke: 2784
  • Gde živiš: Niš

I pored ovih sto je Mad_Zec rekao, izasao je i Stronghold 2. TalijaN ga ima, ali je definitivno potreban patch za igru da bi funkcionisala kako treba! Wink

A sto se tice Serious Sama 2, kada je on to izasao?
Ja koliko znam Serious sam igrao jos pre godinu i po dana, i cini mi se da to bese dvojka! Sta oni sada ovo najavljuju? Nista ne razumem... ?!?

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

Mad_Zec ::@Pretender

S.W.A.T 4 igrao, Empire Earth 2 igrao a Serious Sam 2 presao jos odavno...

Ja sam igrao takodje demoe za SWAT i EE2 i bas sam zadovoljan, stavio sam ih na listu cisto zato jer su relativno skoro izasle a moze se reci da su dugo ocekivane i najavljivane. Pogotovo SWAT Smile

Serious Sam 2 nemam pojma sta najavljuju, ja sam video Q4 2005 da izlazi, tako pise na stranici. Ma ne znam ni sto sam ga okacio, ali imam drugara koji obozava da ga igra... Twisted Evil

Btw, editovacu ja cim budem stigao ovaj moj thread... Wink

  • Pridružio: 03 Apr 2004
  • Poruke: 4513
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Igre koje sam nabrojao nisam mislio na demoe nego na pune verzije igara. Serious Sam ima kec, dvojka i specijalno gold edition nista vise (sve odavno izaslo) tako da jedino sto mogu da najavljuju je ili neki add on ili trojka.

  • Pridružio: 24 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 3962
  • Gde živiš: Zemun

Joj, sta sve dolazi..... samo da dodje i nov komp pa i da imam neku korist Sad

  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5919
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Došlo leto '05 .. igrica mi žao nije Smile

Još neka dobra startegija .. ih ..

  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 929
  • Gde živiš: Nis

@Mad_Zec, Pretender, |ArThAs|

Gresite svi sto se Serious Sam-a tice. Postoje First Encounter i Second Encounter. Nigde ne pise da su to kec i dvojka, tako da ovo sto sada Cro Team sprema je Serious Sam 2. Wink

  • Bojan  Male
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 13 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 11059
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Mene raduje sto se pojavljuje Empire Earth 2 i Call Of Duty 2.

  • leta 
  • BitDefender Distributer
  • Pridružio: 21 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 481
  • Gde živiš: crayze land

Pa i ja citam "novo" izlazi a pola toga vec nikako jasno a i Splinter je vec izasao, Dungeon Siege2......

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