TOKIO - Predsednik kompanije "Nintendo" Satoru Ivata, najpoznatije po franšizama Pokemon i Super Mario, preminuo je u subotu u 56. godini od tumora žučnog kanala, saopštila je ta kompanija, a prenosi AP.
Poruke žaljenja i tuge preplavile su Tviter, a fanovi su zahvaljivali što im je omogućio zabavna sećanja na detinjstvo i spojio porodice.
Izvor :
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Citat:Notification of Death and Personnel Change of a Representative Director (President)
Nintendo Co., Ltd. deeply regrets to announce that President Satoru Iwata passed away on July 11, 2015 due to a bile duct
1. Name : Satoru Iwata
2. Date of Birth : December 6, 1959
3. Career Record : June 2000 Appointed as Director
May 2002 Appointed as President
Appointed as Representative Director
June 2013 Appointed as CEO of Nintendo of America Inc.
4. Other Information : As a result, the following two Representative Directors remain at the company.
Genyo Takeda (Representative Director; Senior Managing Director)
Shigeru Miyamoto (Representative Director; Senior Managing Director)
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