Problemi na koje daltonisti nailaze u video igrama

Problemi na koje daltonisti nailaze u video igrama

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Naleteo sam na ovaj članak koji govori o tome kako je, neretko, teško daltonistima kada igraju igre.

Ovaj korisnik opisuje probleme na koje je naišao i priča o par konkretnih problema u nekim video igrama.

Sa nekima ima dosta problema, dok neke uopšte ne može da igra :

Citat:But what gets frustrating is when games have color issues that could be addressed to include colorblind gamers but aren't. Guacamelee! could ease my frustration by putting a button prompt above its shielded enemies. Far Cry 3 could let me change the color indicators on the minimap. And if BioShock 2 wants to include hacking games based on color, it could at least make each color wedge have a distinctive pattern. I've avoided BioShock 2 entirely because every locked room or hostile turret that I'd try to hack would be a 50-50 tossup for me. Green bars are successful hacks, red bars set off alarms, and I'd have no other way of knowing which is which.

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Većina MMO igara ima "Colorblind mode" opciju koja pomaže mnogo igračima u PvP-u.
Ja uvek cenim te dodatne opcije i drago mi je kada ih vidim u igrama koje nemaju multiplayer.
Kao što on kaže, nadam se da će jednog dana to postati standard u industriji.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 12 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 490
  • Gde živiš: Cork, Irska

Napisano: 18 Jul 2014 15:56

Taj sam Smile
Ali ne potpuno.
Mesam crvenu i zelenu. Tesko prepoznajem nijanse boja(tamno zelenu=braon itd)
Evo i jednog video.
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Imao sam muke kada sam poceo da igram World of Tanks. Pucao sam u svoje, i dobijao banove. Dok nisam nasao u podesavanjima da ima Colorblind mode.
Tako da su mi sada neprijatelji u ljubicastoj Very Happy
Mnogo korisno.

Dopuna: 18 Jul 2014 17:33

Hehehe, sad sam se i ja setio, da sam imao muke u Bioshock-u sa hakovanjem Smile

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Još jedan članak o ovoj temi, ovog puta za Borderlands 2, međutim pokriva i ono što se može uraditi u igrama kako bi se pomoglo :

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Citat:One of the ways that some games help colorblind gamers is by swapping out one of the colors on an item for a different color to make it easier to distinguish between these items. For example, instead of using a red team and a green team maybe use a red team and a blue team. An alternative used by some games is to use a technique to modify all colors slightly to try to make them easier to distinguish.

Citat:Modifying the colors used for items isn’t the only thing that can be done to help compensate for CVD. You can also add text or graphical elements to something to make each item be more distinct. For example, in the tile matching game mentioned above, in addition to changing the color of some of the tiles, you can also add a symbol to each tile to make it more recognizable. For example, if you had 5 different colored tiles, you might add a little symbol in the corner of each tile. Maybe use a plus sign, a circle, a square, a triangle and a star for each of the 5 colors. This way you can match them using the color and the symbol.

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