Raptr (AMD Gaming Evolved) hakovan

Raptr (AMD Gaming Evolved) hakovan

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Citat:Maintaining the highest level of security around your Raptr account information is of the utmost importance to us, so we're very sorry to inform you that some Raptr user data may have been recently compromised in an attack similar to hacking activities that have targeted other high-profile sites and services such as Xbox Live and Sony's PlayStation Network.

User names, email addresses, password hashes, and some first and last names may have been accessed. This means that although the passwords are hashed, users with weak passwords are vulnerable to unauthorized access. It's important to note that our two-factor authentication system used for redeeming Raptr Reward Points ensures that even if your Raptr account was among those compromised, the points you've earned as a Raptr member are protected.

Although the potential risk to Raptr users is pretty minimal, we urge you to access any accounts on other sites and services in which you use the same login and password associated with your Raptr account and change the related password(s) immediately.

Reset your password at your earliest convenience in order to help safeguard your Raptr account. In doing so, we strongly advise you to use a password that is reasonably complex and not associated with another site/service account.


We're extremely sorry about this situation and are committed to further improving account security going forward.


Dennis Fong
Founder & CEO, Raptr

Bitno je da neko slučajno ne hakuje poene kako bi oni bili na gubitku a nas uveravaju da im je sigurnost najbitnija...

Elem, kao što piše, ako ste delili isti PW na Raptr-u i nekom drugom servisu - menjajte ga svuda i nemojte da ga koristite više nikad sa tim mailom..

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
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