Cheater 1 - *Enable cheat mode, this must be entered before any other cheat.
Cheater 0 - *This will disable cheat mode.
mybrainisfaster 1 - *Faster research
limit_up # - *Increases units to (replace # with a number)
moneyfornothing # - *Increases money to (replace # with a number)
byebye - *Lose scenario
Shower - *This will deliver a meteor shower to which ever sector you chose. Caution: don't use this on you own bases.
Tromaville - *This will damage all visible enemies.
gohome! - *This will destroy your selected building.
smash - *This will destroy selected enemy building.
judgementday - *This will destroy all enemies in view.
Sciencefornothing - *Research is free.
beautifulmoon 1 - *Show entire map
hotground - *This will place mines.
hereyouare - *This will show all enemies in view.
hide - *This will replace fog of war.
moonlight - *This removes the fog of war.
nobelprize - *You can research everything.
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