Nadjena najbolje ocuvana mumija iz XXVI dinastije

Nadjena najbolje ocuvana mumija iz XXVI dinastije

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

Team Finds Best Preserved 26th Dynasty Egypt Mummy

Mon Feb 28,12:37 PM ET
Science - Reuters

CAIRO (Reuters) - Australian archaeologists have discovered one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian mummies dating from about 2,600 years ago, Zahi Hawass, the head of Egypt's Supreme Council for Antiquities said Monday.

The Australian team digging near the Saqqara pyramids, 15 miles south of Cairo, found three coffins last week dating from the 26th Dynasty (664-525 BC), Hawass told Reuters.

The 26th Dynasty ruled ancient Egypt immediately before Persians occupied the area for about 80 years.

"In one of them (coffins) there is one of the best preserved mummies ever found dating from the 26th Dynasty," Hawass said.


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